Notice Board

S.N. Title Date View
2491 Notice for Sitting arrangement of repeat mid-sem 2019. 17-03-2019 download
2492 Notice for partial modification to the earlier notice for Repeat Midsem March 2019. 16-03-2019 download
2493 Allow of Repeat mid Sem Exam 2nd Notice 16-03-2019 download
2494 Regarding the Notification of Mr. Subhakanta Nayak PhD scholars 15-03-2019 download
2495 TEQIP-III Sponsored Workshop on ATCOMS-2019 on 2nd-6th April, 2019 organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering 14-03-2019 download
2496 Time Table for Repeat Mid Semester Examinations of May-2019 13-03-2019 download
2497 Regarding notification of Ph.D regulation Mr. Gyanaranjan Sahoo 13-03-2019 download
2498 Regarding the notification award of Mr. Bidu bhusan jena PhD Scholars 13-03-2019 download
2499 Notice for Admission into M.Tech,M.Sc.,Integrated M.Sc.,M.Phil & Ph.D. Programme 2019-20 13-03-2019 download
2500 Repeat mid sem examination even sem 2019 12-03-2019 download
2501 TEQIP-III sponsored Workshop on Application of Optimization Technique on Advanced Manufacturing Processes 25th – 30th March,2019 organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering 11-03-2019 download
2502 EMD return for tender No. VSSUT/CSP/4004/2019 for supply of ceramic combo board 07-03-2019 download
2503 Award notification of Ms. Fanismita Mohanty 06-03-2019 download
2504 Regarding open viva voce of Mr. Sanjib Kumar Mohanty 06-03-2019 download
2505 Five days TEQIP - III Sponsored Workshop on WATER URBANISM (WU-2019) during 12th-16th March 2019, organised by Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture 01-03-2019 download
2506 Notice regarding Internal Complaint Committee 01-03-2019 download
2507 Notice for Even semester 28-02-2019 download
2508 Notice for Even Semester 2019 28-02-2019 download
2509 Regarding notice of Mr. Bidu Bhusan Jena PhD scholar 28-02-2019 download
2510 Regarding notice of open viva of Ms. Fanismita Mohanty 28-02-2019 download
2511 Regarding the notification award of Mr. Karri Chiranjeevi PhD Scholars 21-02-2019 download
2512 Seating arrangement of mid-sem exam 21-02-2019 download
2513 Notice regarding the 607 form 20-02-2019 download
2514 Regarding Year Back of MTech & MSc. 20-02-2019 download
2515 Notice for Re-admission 19-02-2019 download
2516 Regarding Year Back of B.Tech & B.Arch Students 19-02-2019 download
2517 Regarding the Notification of Mr. Subigyan Gadtia 19-02-2019 download
2518 Regarding the Fee Notice 19-02-2019 download
2519 Regarding the Notification of open viva voce of Kerri Chiranjeevi 16-02-2019 download
2520 Leaflet on UGC-UKIERI Sponsored One Day Workshop on Recent Advances in Strengthening of Concrete Structures (RASCS-2019) 16-02-2019 download