Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Dr. Santi Behera (HOP Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

Associate Professor

0663-2430024, 8763353194 hod_eee@vssut.ac.in

Qualification : B.Tech(ElectricalEngineering),C.E.T,O.U.A.T,Bhubaneswar. 1995 M.E (Power System Engineering) Sambalpur Universuty. 1999 Ph.D(NIT, Rkl).
Specialization : Power system stability, optimization techniques.PSAT
About the Department:

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The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) is made functional with an aim to produce qualified engineers with sound knowledge in electrical engineering and a strong background in electronics. At present, it offers one undergraduate degree, B.Tech. in EEE. Initially, the department was established in year 2010, combined with existing Electrical Engineering department. It becomes operational as an independent department in year 2020.The department is offering an excellent academia environment to pursue B.Tech. in EEE, M.Tech. in EEE (S&CPS), and Ph.D. in experts available with department in specialized domain of research. This department also aims to establish itself as a forefront in R&Ds in the areas of Smart Grid, Power System Optimization, Power System Instrumentation, Industrial Automation, Smart Sensors, Robust Control, Image Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Industrial Communication, Biomedical Instrumentation, Internet of Things (IoT) & Cyber Physical System.The department owns the credit of three completed projects and five ongoing research/ sponsored projects of worth more than ₹ 68 lakhs, funded by Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bangalore, Ministry of Power (MoP), Govt. of India, and under TEQIP grant by NPIU-MHRD, New Delhi.These projects are sponsored in the areas of IoT and Cyber Physical System, Image Processing, and Communication System engineering.

Presently, the department has well-equipped state-of-the-art facility to test and calibrate the gas density sensor for SF6-GIS environment, supported under RSoP scheme by CPRI, Bangalore, Govt. of India. In this regard, a MoU has been signed between VSSUT and CPRI for the design and development of couple of state of art sensors for GIS application. Further, another research project funded under Seed Money Grant of Ministry of Higher Education, Govt. of Odisha and couples of consultancy and testing works funded by CPWD, Bhubaneswar and MCL, Burla are also ongoing at the department. In this way, the department has shown its deep involvement in industry-academia tie-up to solve some of real life for our society related to specialized domain of EEE in India. Department is in process of establishing different laboratories to augment the course works and enhance the experimental tests, validation, and research potentials such as CAD Electrical Apparatus Lab, SignalsLab, Embedded System Lab, Measurements and Instrumentation Lab, Circuits and Communication Lab, Automation & Sensors Lab, Real Time Digital Simulation Lab, BTech Project Lab, M.Tech. Project Lab, and PhD Research Lab.

Our more than 80% final year students have already been successfully offered for job by various companies, viz., L&T, Bhusan, Adani, Jindal, TCS, Infosys, Tech Mahindra etc. EEE students put their footprint at national and international level competitions from IITs, ISRO, BARC, HAL and Russian Federation. This glorious journey is kept on continuing by the students to achieve new heights. This department offers outcome-based education system where, our undergraduates have opportunities to join and take the exposure of two specialized research groups, namely, “Smart Power and Energy Systems” and “Instrumentation and Signal Processing”. Many of our students are readily involved with Innovation and Incubation Centre of the university where, they not only get opportunity to get exposed to design and prototyping of their concepts but also learn skills to be established themselves as an entrepreneur in future. Further, three of our faculties have been awarded Fellow position by the Institution of Engineers (India), Life Member by ISTE, India, and Senior Member by IEEE, USA. The department holds one Patent in its credit; adapted one international edition book for Indian subcontinent, published one book, and also have credit of publishing numerous high standard journal papers by different publishing houses of national and international repute. Our faculties are actively involved in different working groups of international committees for the implementation of Standards and Protocols.

Smart Power and Energy System Research Group Instrumentation and Signal Processing Research Group
Dr. R. K. Sahu Dr. Gyan Ranjan Biswal
Dr. Gyan Ranjan Biswal Dr. Lingraj Dora
Dr. Santi Behera Mrs. SarmilaGarnaik (PhD pursuing)
Dr. Sasmita Behera Dr. Bibhuti Prasad Sahoo
Dr. Bibhuti Prasad Sahoo Mr. Prasant Kumar Parida (PhD pursuing)
Vision of the B.Tech:

The graduates in Electrical & Electronics Engineering program of VSSUT Burla strives to be recognized globally for imparting outstanding technical education and research leading to well qualified truly world class leaders and to unleash technological innovations to serve the global society with an ultimate aim to improve the quality of life.

Mission of the B.Tech:

The graduates in Electrical & Electronics Engineering program of VSSUT Burla strives to create world class Electrical & Electronics Engineers by

  • M1. Imparting quality education to its students and enhancing their skills.
  • M2. Encouraging innovative research and consultancy by establishing the state-of-the-art research facilities through which the faculty members and engineers from the nearby industries can actively utilize the established the research laboratories.
  • M3. Expanding curricula as appropriate to include broader prospective.
  • M4. Establishing linkages with world class R&D organizations and leading educational institutions in Indian and abroad for excelling in teaching, research and consultancy.
  • M5. Developing simple and appropriate technologies for rural areas and eventually contributing to sustainable development of the society.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):
  • PEO1. To have sound knowledge of basic principles of electrical& electronics engineering, exposure to experimental setups including requisite knowledge in mathematics, sciences and basic engineering.
  • PEO2. To augment the workforce in areas of electrical power and electronics systems, electrical and electronic component manufacturing industries, related core engineering and software fields and be entrepreneurs eventually realizing the make in India dream.
  • PEO3. To have strong background to pursue higher studies, communicate effectively, become efficient team members and leaders.
  • PEO4. To inculcate strong ethical values and social responsibility.
  • PEO5. To lead in the conception, design and implementation of new products, processes, services and systems.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):
  • PSO1. Apply the skill to solve complex engineering problems Electric circuits, Analog and Digital electronics circuits, Control systems, Electrical machines and Power system.
  • PSO2. Develop suitable techniques and cutting-edge engineering hardware and software tools in electrical engineering to engage in life-long learning and to successfully adapt in multi-disciplinary environments.
  • PSO3. Aware of the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal, environmental context, professional ethics and be able to communicate effectively.
Program Outcomes (POs):
  • PO1. Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2. Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO3. Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO4. Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5. Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6. Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7. Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8. Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO9. Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10. Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12. Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Vision of the M.Tech:

The postgraduates in Electrical & Electronics Engineering program of VSSUT, Burla strives to be recognized globally for imparting outstanding technical education and research leading to well qualified truly world class leaders and to unleash technological innovations to serve the global society with an ultimate aim to improve the Quality-of-Life.

Mission of the M.Tech:
  • M1 : Establishing state of the art research facilities to provide enabling environment to create, analyze, apply and disseminate knowledge.
  • M2 : Fortifying collaboration with world class R&D organizations, educational institutions, industry and alumni for excellence in teaching, research and consultancy practices to fulfill“Make in India” policy of the Government.
  • M3 : Providing the students with academic environment of excellence, leadership, ethical guidelines and lifelong learning needed for a long productive career.

The educational objectives of PG program in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Sensors & Cyber Physical System) of VSSUT, Burla are:

  • PEO1 : To gain expertise in designing, modelling, and handling real-world challenges in order to meet industrial issues and conduct research in a broad area of electrical and electronics engineering.
  • PEO2 : To prepare students to succeed in their professional careers, entrepreneurial skills, research, and higher education, and to take the lead in the idea, design, and implementation of innovative products, processes, services, and systems those are appropriate for the current socio-economic context.
  • PEO3 : To give students as the specialist workforce in the fields of sensors and cyber physical system in domain industries, educational institutions and cutting-edge research labs, as well as the opportunity to work and communicate effectively as part of a team, and to participate in the life long learning process.

















  • PO1 : An ability to independently carry out research/investigation and development work to solve practical problems related to sensors and cyber physical system.
  • PO2 : An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
  • PO3 : An ability to demonstrate the knowledge and skills in the area of specialization, which is at a level higher than the requirements of the undergraduate program in Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
  • PO4 : An ability to create, learn and apply appropriate methodology and modern engineering tools for design and implementation of specific problem domain.
  • PO5 : An ability to meet international standards in the field specialization through their team playing and self-learning capabilities.
  • PO6 : Acquire integrity and ethics of research to execute projects efficiently and independently.
Words from H.O.D.

The confidence in managing new technology requires continuous learning through novel approaches supported with research and development work. Thus, the department vision and mission reflects this, and my department joins me in meeting this mission by producing knowledgeable and dedicated technologists to serve our country and humanity as a whole.

Through our practices we make every effort to make an impact on our students to inculcate these values and support the mission of VSSUT. I welcome wholeheartedly our alumni to join hands in supporting our endeavors by all means of interactions.

Our doors are always open to Universities, research organizations, industries and utility companies to team up with us in building valuable knowledge society foreseeing bright future.

Contact for Further Details

Head of the Department
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Odisha
P.O. Engg. College, BURLA, Dist: Sambalpur
Odisha, India, PIN: 768018
Phone:0663-2430211(O), 2430589(O),
Email :office_eee@vssut.ac.in
FAX: 0663-2430204