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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Placement Cell

About Training & Placement Cell

The Placement Cell is headed by Prof. (Dr.) P.Nanda, supported by a 6 member Training & Placement Council. Each department has a faculty advisor to coordinate between the department and the Training & Placement Cell. There is a student committee represented by the students from each of the departments to coordinate various activities undertaken by the Training & Placement Cell. Student coordinators get ample opportunities for active participation in all the works related to Training & Placement.

Training and Placement Council (2021-2022)

Sl.No. Name Designation Branch
1 Prof. (Dr.) P.Nanda Professor Training and Placement
2 Dr. Anil Kumar Kar Associate Professor Civil Engineering
3 Dr. Papia Ray Associate Professor Electrical Engineering
4 Dr. Debabrata Giri Associate Professor Civil Engineering
5 Dr. Ashish Kumar Sharma Assistant Professor Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
6 Dr. Debasmita Mishra Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering
7 Mr. Bibhuti Prasad Sahoo Assistant Professor Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Student Coordinators (2021-2022)

Sl. No. Name of the student Regd. No. Branch
1 Pradeep Panigrahi 1802020043 ChE
2 Swati Baisnabi 1802030048 Civil
3 Saurav Kumar Naik 1802030077 Civil
4 Subham Panigrahi 1802040018 CSE
5 Aitik Dandapat 1802041034 CSE
6 Debashis Gadnayak 1802060008 EEE
7 Ritika Kar 1802030060 EE
8 Dibyajyoti Swain 1802050081 EE
9 Rudra Narayan Kansari 1802020009 EE
10 Shivangee Soni 1802070044 ETC
11 T. Anurodh 1802070084 ETC
12 Amreeta Priyadarshini 1802070109 ETC
13 Vanshika Agarwalla 1802081012 IT
14 Prateek Tripathy 1802081041 IT
15 Jennifer Akhtar 1802090093 ME
16 Soumyaranjan Rout 1802090012 ME
17 Shibasish Panda 1802100036 MME
18 Prakruti Kanungo 1802110025 PE
19 Sradhan 1906141014 MCA