Students Grievance Redressal
Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)
In pursuance to the AICTE letter with enclosure vide F.No.1-101/PGRC/AICTE/ Regulation/2020, dated 03.12.2020, New Delhi and the University Grants Commission, New Delhi (Redress of Grievances of Students) Regulations, 2019 Notification dated 06.05.2019 the 'Student Grievance Redressal Committee' (SGRC) is constituted with the following members for resolving grievance of the students of the University.
- Prof. R. R. Das, Dean Student Welfare - Chairman
- Dr. P. K. Sahu, Asso. Prof. IT - Member
- Dr. Suvasini Panigrahi, Asso. Prof, CSE - Member
- Dr. Hrudananda Pradhan, Asst. Prof, EL & TC - Member
- Dr. Bidyadhar Rout, Asst. Prof, EE - Member
- Sri Laxmi Prasad Dhal, 3rd Year IT Student - Special Invitee
The senior most among from the Deans shall be the Chairperson of the Committee for the period of his tenure as the Dean.
The above committee will only deal with student grievances that are not adhered in purview of Internal Complaints Committee, Anti-Ragging Committee, SC/ST Committee and Disciplinary committees.
In case, the issue of appropriate forum for handling a specific grievance arises, Dean (Student Welfare) can be consulted by the Committee. The Committee may at its own discretion, invite the aggrieved student for a personal hearing on the basis of a written request. The above Committee may hold its meetings from time to time as required. All the written grievances received from students by the end of each month shall be taken up in its forthcoming meetings.
The Committee can also address grievances from applicants to admission for various programs. The committee can address individual as well as collective grievances of the students of the University.
Students may approach different people for different types of grievances. Below are various level for addressing the issues. In case the issue remains unresolved at the first level or the issue is due to the person at the first level, student may go to the second level and further. If a student is still not satisfied, may contact the Vice-Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor will seek report for Grievance Redressal Committee.
List of various level for addressing the issues on grievances are as under:-
Particular Course Related | Concerned Heads | Dean Academic Affairs | Student Grievance Redressal Committee’ (SGRC) |
Academics Related | HoDs concerned/CoE | Dean Academic affairs | |
Halls of Residences / Facilities Related | Asst Warden/Warden | Dean Student Welfare | |
Mess affairs | Asst Warden/Warden | Dean Student Welfare | |
Ragging | Warden/Dean Student welfare | Anti Ragging Cell | |
Student Clubs/Societies | Faculty Advisor/Vice-President | Dean Student Welfare | |
SC/ST Complaint | SC-ST Cell | ||
Sexual Harassment | Internal Complaints Committee |
A dedicated online portal has been set up for students to log grievances and track them in following link.
Note: In of case of any emergency, the aggrieved is free to go to Vice-Chancellor directly.
Students can submit their grievances in UGC portal also
Ombudsperson for Student Grievances :
Dean, Students’ Welfare, VSSUT has been appointed as the ‘OMBUDSPERSON’ of the University. The ‘OMBUDSPERSON’ shall hear and decide the appeals of student(s) against the decision(s) of the ‘Student Grievance Redressal Committee’ (SGRC).