ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


VSSUT offers a wholesome academic environment which is incomparable to any other eminent institutes/Universities offering an undergraduate engineering as well as post graduate degree.

VIMSAR Medical College and Hospital (Odisha State Government-Established in 1959) is a reputed medical Institute and is at 1km distance from the University. However, the University has a dispensary of its own having the following facility.

One Doctor(M.B.B.S.) is posted by Govt. of Odisha on deputation basis in the University Dispensary. The Dispensary is situated in the Hall of residence campus for the benefit of the boarders.

One Pharmacist+ One attendant are appointed to look after the day to day work of the Dispensary.

Name of the Pharmacist with Qualification Sri Pranab Kumar Purohit, D.Pharm
Regular Employee
Mobile :- 8114658603
Name of the attendant Sri Ram Krishna Kaudi
Regular Employee

Dispensary Timing

The dispensary opens from 6.00 AM to 10.00 AM and 5.00 PM to 8.00 PM in all working days.

Facilities available in University Dispensary:

    • First aid and elementary medical facilities
    • The dispensary is equipped with over the counter medications, bed to rest in, medical equipments, physical screening tools, all emergency facilities like oxygen, Nebuliser along with arrangement for minor surgical equipments etc.
    • Free Medicine/treatment is available for all Students
    • Isolation ward
    • The Emergency services are available 24/7, 365 days a year. All kinds of medical emergencies are managed effectively with the infrastructure and facilities.
    • Pain management and Rehabilitation for sport injuries with corrective and conditioning exercises.
    • Follow up home exercise and Ergonomic Advice.
    • Dispensary is also equipped with the Pathological lab to carry out different investigations.
    • As far as the employees of the University are concerned they are having reimbursement facility for IPD treatment as per University norms.
    • In case of emergency, patient student is taken to the nearest medical VIMSAR hospitals at for which an ambulance van is available on 24x7 hrs. basis in the campus and the local guardian of the student is immediately informed.
    • The ambulance driver is provided with an official cell phone for direct contact in case of emergency.
    • Different updates are been circulated for prevention from the seasonal disease.
    • All the National Programmes such as Pulse polio, and Immunization programmes are organized with the help of Local health Authorities.

Name of Ambulance Driver:

Sri Sanjaya Pasayat
Mob:- 9439898981 / 7978675433 / 9668757696

    • The cell phone No. of the ambulance is displayed for call in case of an emergency.
    • Any student/resident requiring emergency medical management will be brought by the ambulance to the Hospital. Doctors/Pharmacist on duty will examine the patient in the casualty. Patient’s general condition and vitals will be monitored and necessary steps will be taken to stabilize the patient.
    • After stabilizing the patient, those requiring secondary and tertiary management will be referred to the nearby VIMSAR hospital at Burla.
    • Each student is included under the medical group insurance scheme VSSUT Students Group Personal Accident and group Mediclaim Insurance Policy since the time of enrollment as student of VSSUT. The student Registration/ID Number is availed as the Group Insurance Number of each student.