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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Idea & Innovation Cell

Name of the Vice President: Dr.Harish Kumar Sahu, Assoc. Professor, EL&TCE

Name of Faculty Advisor : Prasanta Kumar Parida Assistant Professor  EEE Department

Idea Innovation Cell is the official innovation club of the institute, established to enthuse students for innovation and research. The club provides adequate opportunities for budding technocrats to put forth extraordinary ideas and come up with innovative projects that can solve basic community problems of daily life. The club is equipped with various scientific tools and instruments  to intrigue innovative practice and is guided by some esteemed faculty members of the institute. Its mega project, VSSUT Satellite Launch Vehicle (VSLV) has been acclaimed widely for being India’s first and only indigenous sounding rocket to be built by a student body. Many other projects of IIC have also been felicitated on numerous acknowledged platforms. The Club also organises various events like webinars  and hackathons to engage the students in innovation and technology. It aims to create an environment conducive to innovation Links:
