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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


  • Fundamentals of IPR
  • Patent Search
  • Evaluation of Intellectual Property
  • Patent Filling Process (National/International)
  • IPR Portfolio Management
  • Technology Transfer
  • Copyrights & Industrial Designs- Protection & Implication.
  • Writing Patent Disclosure
  • Upcoming Seminars/Conferences

Intellectual Property refers to the property created and owned by an individual through the virtue of human intellect

Based on economic development and growth, The process of intellectual property Rights creation is an integrated effort that starts from a well organized realization of the subject matter and resulted in a recorded delivery to the society and engineers all together.
Collaborative Research, Links between Universities (National & International) and the technology transfer need to be advocated and promoted constantly.

PIC, Intellectual Property Rights Cell: Bikramaditya Das
Phone (Office) : +91-0663-2430096
FAX : +91-0663-2430204
Email : ipr@vssut.ac.in, iprvssut@gmail.com

“Awareness Program on Creation and Management of Intellectual Property Rights -2013”
The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) cell of Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla organized a workshop on “Awareness Program on Creation and Management of Intellectual Property Rights” on the 1st of February, 2013. The event witnessed the creation of IPR CELL at VSSUT, Burla with a huge participation from students, faculty members, staff of its university and other universities.The first workshop of its kind was marked by presence of eminent personalities of India in the field of patency. This was followed by the key note address of Mr. Yashant Dev Panwar on “Overview of IPR and some case studies”. Intellectual Property refers to property created and owned by an individual through the virtue of human intellect. The recent changes in the international regimes and studies indicate that IP system is a major pillar of development process of a country. The lectures of Mr. Nirmalaya Sinha, Assistant controller of Patent, Patent office, Kolkata on “Patenting System of India”; Smt. S Mriganki, Patent Attorney, S Manjumdar& Co., Kolkata on “ Novelty and Inventiveness in Engineering Invention” and Mr. B. K. Sahu, Scientific officer(IPR), NRDC, New Delhi on “Patent Information and its use in innovation management in enginnering Institutions” were very much appreciated. It was followed by a panel discussion which witnessed active participation not only from the faculty members but students also. Through a comprehensive and inter disciplinary overview, the lecture series contributed towards creating necessary awareness among academics, researches, higher education managers and enterprises cooperating with HEIs on the tactical approach of IPR creation, and equipping them with the state of the art administrative knowledge of IPR management on research results in the field.

“Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in University-2015”
The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDTM), under Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt of India in association with National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), an Enterprise of Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi is organising a series of IPR awareness and capacity building activities in 25 Universities/Academia’s in 21 states of the country, and 27th Nov 2015 at VSSUT, Burla, Odisha. The programme “Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in University” is inaugurated by Prof E Saibaba Redyy, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of Veer Surendra sai University of Technology, Burla and chief patron of the IPR awareness programme, patron Prof P.K.Hota, Dean (CDCE) and  coordinated by Dr. Bikramaditya Das.
Mr. S K Samantray, Asst Controller Patent & Design, Patent Office Kolkata and Mr. Bijaya Kumar Sahu, Dy Manager (IPR) and Coordinator of the Pan India IPR Awareness Programme will be delivering in the technical session.
NRDC has been serving the nation for more than six decades in development, promotion and commercialisation of technologies emanating from R&D organization and academia. It has so far licensed technologies to more than 4800 entrepreneurs/ companies in the country in almost all sector of industry. Providing facilitation and techno-financial support for filing patent application in India is one of the important promotional activities of NRDC. Over the years NRDC has filed more than 1600 patents for innovations from different segment of society including SMEs/ researchers/ scientists/ students and individual inventors and it has sensitised approximately 50,000 SMEs/ researchers/ scientists/ students and individual inventors through conducting IPR workshops/ seminars etc.

The objective of this campaign is to create awareness about IP in the academia in fulfilling the Make in India campaign of Government of India. These one day programs will specifically target students, research scholars, lecturers and professors, scientists and designed in such a way that, the lectures on various topics is to provide an insight on different forms of IPRs, innovation ecosystem, procedural requirements for protection, maintenance, enforcement, commercialization, licensing and transfer of IPRs, challenges faced by the IP ecosystem and facilities available for protecting IPR. This campaign will be an opportunity for participants to learn about the mechanism of accessing and using IP information for further research and development in developing new products and processes and for their use.

List of Patents (Filed/ Published/Granted)

Sl NO. Application Number Applicant Name Publication Date Title of Invention
01 856/KOL/2014
  1. Prof. Sanjaya Kumar Patro
20.08.2014 A Composition for Partial Replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement (Granted)
02 201631021775
  1. Prof. S. K. Swain
24.12.2017 Design of Thermally Responsive Reversible Hydrophobic Gels
03 201831037935
  1. Prof. Debadutta Mishra
08.10.2018 A New Manufacturing Process for four Dimensional (4D) Printed Parts
04 201921005026
  1. Dr. Bikramaditya Das
  2. Dr. Madhusmita Panda
  3. Prof. BibhutiBhusanPati
08.02.2019 Se –wheelchair: smart electric wheelchair
05 201921005025
  1. Dr. Bikramaditya Das
  2. Prof. BibhutiBhusanPati
19.07.2019 M-charger: mobile charger using the energy of our steps
06 202031044353
  1. Dr. Sudhansu Ranjan Das
04.12.2020 A Novel Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite Produced by Powder Metallurgy Method
07 201931014953
  1. Dr. Satyabrata Das
13.04.2020 Intelligent Monitoring and Management of Irrigation in Agricultural fields.
08 202031014831
  1. Dr. Satyabrata Das
03.04.2020 Energy Efficient Monitoring of Mentally Challenged People Using Wireless Sensor Networks
9 202041030393
  1. Dr. Satyabrata Das
16.07.2020 Wireless Sensor Networks Based Smart Eye Glasses for assisting visually Impaired People
10 335992 -001
  1. Dr. DebabrataDhupal
  Abrasive jet machine
11 202031031392
  1. Dr. DebabrataDhupal
Applied, Published (U/S 11A), FAR received Flexible Electrode Holder for Machining of Micro Drill Using EDM Machine
12 202031053304
  1. Dr. DebabrataDhupal
Applied Published (U/S 11A) Fluidized hot chamber for Abrasive Jet Machining
13 426/KOL/2020
  1. Dr. Gyana Ranjan Biswal
13/3/2020 (Field) Smart Plug for Device-level Monitoring and Control
14 2021100341        1. Dr. Santosh Kumar  Majhi 19.01.2021 Health Related Crisis ready plan through wireless sensor network and cloud computing at populated spots
15 2021100648 1.Dr. Santosh Kumar  Majhi
2.Dr.Rosy Pradhan
2/2/2021 A system and Method for Scheduling Task in IOT –FOG-CLOUD Continuum