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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

QIP Centre

Coordinator QIP Centre
Name : Prof. Ganeswar Nath
Designation : Professor
Phone No. : 9437108671

Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) centre of the University deals with the following activities under QIP scheme.

The following are the main activities of the QIP Centre of the University;

  1. Providing opportunities to teachers of the degree-level engineering institutions across the country in different engineering branches to improve their qualifications by offering admission to Ph.D. Programmes under QIP scheme.
  2. Organising Short-term courses at QIP Centre for updating/upgrading the knowledge of faculty members.
  3. Curriculum Development Cell activities(Curriculum/Syllabus Revision, Teaching/Learning Resources Materials, Preparation of Course Materials, E-content Development, Workshop/Seminars) which help to improve the class room teaching and learning.

The programme launched by the Government of India is being implemented and monitored by the National QIP Coordination Committee (NQCC), funded through AICTE GOVT. of India.

The QIP Centre of the University was started from the year 2011-12 with a total sanctioned intake of 10 Ph.D seats (2 in each discipline as per the table given below) vide AICTEF.No.RIFD/QIP/Govt./2011 dtd. 11.08.2011.


Department Sanctioned intake Fields of specialization Minimum Qualification
Civil Engineering 02 Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Water Resources Engineering,Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering M.E./M.Tech with minimum of 6.75 CGPA in 10 point scale (or 60% or more in aggregate) in Master’s level and minimum of 6.75 CGPA (or 60% mark in aggregate) at the Bachelor’s level.
Electrical Engineering 02 Power System Engineering, Power Electronis & Drives, Control System Engineering, Renewable Energy Resources M.E./M.Tech with minimum of 6.75 CGPA in 10 point scale (or 60% or more in aggregate) in Master’s level and minimum of 6.75 CGPA (or 60% mark in aggregate) at the Bachelor’s level.
Electronics & Communication Engineering 02 Signal Processing, Image Processing, Electromagnetics & Microstrip Antenna, Computational Intelligence, VLSI, Wireless Communication M.E./M.Tech with minimum of 6.75 CGPA in 10 point scale (or 60% or more in aggregate) in Master’s level and minimum of 6.75 CGPA (or 60% mark in aggregate) at the Bachelor’s level.
Mechanical Engineering 02 Machine Design & Analysis, Production Engineering, Thermal Engineering. M.E./M.Tech with minimum of 6.75 CGPA in 10 point scale (or 60% or more in aggregate) in Master’s level and minimum of 6.75 CGPA (or 60% mark in aggregate) at the Bachelor’s level.
Production Engineering 02 Robotics, Non-Traditional Machining, Manufacturing Systems, Advance Casting,Advance Welding, FMS, CIM, CAD/CAM,RP OperationManagement M.E./M.Tech with minimum of 6.75 CGPA in 10 point scale (or 60% or more in aggregate) in Master’s level and minimum of 6.75 CGPA (or 60% mark in aggregate) at the Bachelor’s level.