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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Sl No. Date Title Download
101 22/03/2023 Quotation call Notice for Supply of laptop for Department of Civil
102 15/03/2023 Quotation call Notice for Supply of laptop for Department of Chemistry
103 14/03/2023 Tender call notice for Supply of chemical/glassware/equipment for chemistry Department of VSSUT,Burla
104 07/03/2023 Tender Call Notice for Supply and installation of `TOC analyzer' for Civil Engineering Department
105 03/03/2023 Tender call Notice for Printing of Galaxy 2023
106 01/03/2023 Quotation call notice for DST-Biotechnology Project, Govt of Odisha, Department of Chemistry, VSSUT Burla
107 28/02/2023 Tender Call Notice for Open Air Theatre, stage requirement along with DJ and singers
108 20/02/2023 Corrigendum notice for Tender Call Notice of Supply of Light and sound for Open Air Theatre, Stage requirement along with DJ and Singer
109 17/02/2023 Tender Call Notice for Supply of Light and sound for Open Air Theatre, Stage requirement along with DJ and Singer
110 17/02/2023 EOI for proposal of Group Health Insurance of Employees
111 17/02/2023 Extension date of quotation call notice to supply items for auditorium event
112 15/02/2023 Tender for Empanelment of Electrical Contractor
113 13/02/2023 Extension of last date and time of submission of tender for supply of new wireless phone with BSNL prepaid SIM services of VSSUT,Burla
114 07/02/2023 Quotation Call Notice for some items for 14th Convocation
115 07/02/2023 Quotation Call Notice for Supply of Digital Photocopier iR 2006 N
116 07/02/2023 Quotation call notice for still and video photography of 14th convocation in the university website
117 06/02/2023 Quotation Call Notice for Supply of Lunch during VSSUT 14th Convocation on February 28 2023
118 21/01/2023 Quotation Call Notice for Supply of steam Coal (Super Quality)
119 10/01/2023 Extension of quotation call notice for identity cards - 2022
120 09/01/2023 Tender Document for Supply of New Wireless Phone BSNL Prepaid Sim Services of VSSUT,Burla
121 29/12/2022 Corrigendum Notice for Hiring of Vehicle (INNOVA)
122 23/12/2022 Corrigendum No. VSSUT/CTF/3764 dated 23.12.2022
123 22/12/2022 Tender Call Notice for Hiring of Vehicle (INNOVA)
124 17/12/2022 Quotation Call Notice for Identity Cards 2023
125 16/12/2022 Tender Call Notice for Supply,Installation and Demonstration of the Hardware,Software required for Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , VSSUT
126 14/12/2022 Tender Call Notice for Disposal of Obsolete/Scrap Items
127 13/12/2022 Tender Call notice for chemicals at DST-Biotechnology project, Dept of Chemistry
128 01/12/2022 Experience of interest from printing firms for printing & supply of University diaries, table calendars, and pocket calendars for the University.
129 29/11/2022 Extension of Quotation Call Notice for purchasing of Multi functional Printer
130 22/11/2022 Tender Notice for Answer Book
131 19/11/2022 Quotation Call Notice for purchase of UPC & Printer
132 10/11/2022 Extension of Tender Call Notice No. VSSUT/CTF/OOR/516 dt 10.11.2022
133 09/11/2022 Tenders Call Notice for Supply of Equipment for Underwater exploration of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department of VSSUT,Burla
134 27/10/2022 Empanelment of Contractor for Civil Work
135 18/10/2022 Quotation Call Notice for Hiring of Vehicle
136 30/09/2022 Extension of Tender Call Notice for supply of Gold Medals
137 30/09/2022 Tender call notice for supply of Equipment for Underwater Exploration of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department of VSSUT, Burla
138 13/09/2022 Tenders Call Notice for supply of folders for Degree Certificate
139 13/09/2022 Extension of Tender call notice for supply of Equipment for Underwater Exploration of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department of VssUT, Burla under OURIIP- 2021 Seed Fund scheme, OSHEC.
140 08/09/2022 Tenders Call Notice for supply of Gold Medals
141 05/09/2022 Quotation Call Notice for Supply and Installation of online UPS Batteries
142 27/08/2022 Date extension quotation 5.9.22 OURIIP EEE
143 25/08/2022 Quotation Call Notice for Supply of some Materials for Electrical Engg. Department , VSSUT, Burla
144 16/08/2022 Quotation for Supply of some article/materials for the department of EEE, VSSUT
145 13/08/2022 Tender call notice for supply of Equipment for Underwater Exploration of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department of VssUT, Burla under OURIIP- 2021 Seed Fund scheme, OSHEC.
146 22/07/2022 Extension of Tender Cum Auction Notice For Disposal of Obsolete Scrap Items - 22.07.2022 - VSSUT, Burla
147 14/07/2022 Quotation Call Notice for Repair of Surtonic S-128 Ralysurf Taylor Hobson , UK
148 05/07/2022 Tender Cum Auction Notice For Disposal of Obsolete Scrap Items
149 22/06/2022 Regarding the extension of Tender call notice for OURIIP-20 Project.
150 24/05/2022 Tender call notice for the purchase of equipment of Communication system lab. of EEE Dept
Showing Record 101 - 150 out of 828