ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Sl No. Date Title Download
151 23/05/2022 Tender for Supply of Equipment's for research propose of Mechanical Department of VSSUT, Burla
152 23/05/2022 Tender for Supply of 30MHz, 2 channel Analog Oscilloscope
153 21/05/2022 Tender for Supply of Duster Cloth and Steel glass for all University employees
154 20/05/2022 Supply of following article/materials for attachment of fluidized bed hot Abrasive JET Machine
155 18/05/2022 Discussion on negotiation flood modeling sambalpur
156 13/05/2022 Tender for the work "House keeping & Sanitation contract" for Academic & Administrative areas of VSSUT,Burla
157 13/05/2022 Tender call notice for chemicals and glassware's for laboratory propose of Department of Chemistry
158 13/05/2022 Notice for opening of price bid
159 05/05/2022 Corrigendum to the Tender Call Notice No. VSSUT/Registrar/211/2022 dated, 08/04/2022 for providing Security Services at VSSUT, Burla
160 02/05/2022 Extension of Last Date of Receipt of Tenders vide Letter No. VSSUT/CIVIL/712 dated 21.04.2022
161 02/05/2022 Tender for House Keeping & Sanitation Contract for Academic & Administrative Areas of VSSUT
162 23/04/2022 Tender for geospatial database generation and field based surveys
163 21/04/2022 Tender Notice for geospatial database generation and field based surveys
164 08/04/2022 Tender Call Notice for Providing Security Services at VSSUT, BURLA
165 30/03/2022 Publication of short tender call notice & specification for printing of galaxy-2022.
166 29/03/2022 Tender Call Notice for purchase of Mechanical Stirrer and Hot Air Vacuum Oven for OURIIP SEED FUND 2020
167 28/03/2022 Corrigendum to the tender for Providing Manpower of Different Categories in VSSUT
168 24/03/2022 Tender Notice for OURIIP seed fund 2020
169 15/03/2022 Corrigendum to the Tender for Providing Manpower of Different Categories
170 05/03/2022 Quotation Call Notice for Dj & Singers
171 05/03/2022 Quotation Call Notice for Light and Sound for Open Air Theater & Stage
172 26/02/2022 Quotation Call Notice for supply of identity cards of students - 2021
173 25/02/2022 Tender call notice for providing manpower of different categories to this University
174 21/01/2022 Tender call notice for Supply, Installation, Training and Maintenance of Equipment/Chemical for UGC start-up grant project of the Department of Chemistry.
175 20/01/2022 Quotation Call Notice for Geotechnical exploration and collection of Soil samples at bridge site in Basundhara area of MCL
176 18/01/2022 Extension of Last Date for submission of tender for supply of Anechoic Cahmber at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
177 10/01/2022 Extension of Last Date for submission of tender for Printing & supply of Information Brochure 2021-22 & Annual Report-2020-21
178 29/12/2021 Tender Call Notice for Anechoic Cahmber at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
179 15/12/2021 Expression of Interest
180 08/12/2021 Tender Call Notice for printing & supply of Information Brochure 2021-22 and Annual Report 2020-21
181 24/11/2021 Quotation call notice for supply of Dustor Cloth for all University Employees
182 18/11/2021 Quotation call notice Shredding and buying the old papers
183 13/11/2021 Tender Call Notice for Supply of Gold Medals - 2021
184 13/11/2021 Tender Call Notice for Supply of Degree Certificate Folder - 2021
185 03/11/2021 Quotation Call Notice for Supply of Cold Liveries.
186 03/11/2021 Quotation Call Notice for Supply of Hot Liveries.
187 09/10/2021 Tender for purchase of Cot
188 09/10/2021 Tender Call Notice for Supply of furniture, VSSUT, Burla
189 08/10/2021 Tender notice for WIFI in EEE & Pulaha Hall of residence
190 23/07/2021 Extension of Last Date for submission of Tender Document of AICTE project of Computer Sc. & Engg. Deptt
191 02/07/2021 Tender call notice for supply of equipments of AICTE Project
192 03/06/2021 Tender Notice and Document for Catering and Housekeeping Services at VSSUT Hall of Residences
193 26/05/2021 Corrigendum-2 to our earlier NIT asked vide VSSUT/EXAM/737/2021 dated 23/04/2021 regarding Conduct of Remote Proctored (AI and Human proctoring) online Examinations
194 12/05/2021 Bid Security Declaration form for NIT asked vide VSSUT/EXAM/737/2021 dated 23/04/2021 regarding Conduct of Remote Proctored (AI and Human proctoring) online Examinations
195 10/05/2021 Corrigendum to our earlier NIT asked vide VSSUT/EXAM/737/2021 dated 23/04/2021 regarding Conduct of Remote Proctored (AI and Human proctoring) online Examinations
196 24/04/2021 Notice and Tender document for Conduct of Remote Proctored (AI and Human proctoring) online Examinations
197 08/04/2021 Tender Call Notice for supply of FB-HAJM
198 08/04/2021 Quotation for Supply of laptop for Department of Production Engineering
199 04/03/2021 Quotation Call Notice for Numerical Computational Lab of Mathematics Department
200 26/02/2021 Quotation call Notice for Electrical Installation Work at CRF Lab, P.G. chemistry lab & Instrument
Showing Record 151 - 200 out of 828