Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology Odisha, Burla has been established by converting the University College of Engineering Burla, vide Govt. of Odisha Act-9 of 2009 “THE VEER SURENDRA SAI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2008”.
The University College of EngineeringBurla has Golden legacy of excellent teaching and research in technological area since its establishment in 1956. The various funding agencies such as AICTE, CSIR, DRDO, DST, UGC etc and
other Government as well as Private organisations offer grant under various schemes to the University for R&D activities. The University is also executing collaborative projects with International and National Universities/Industries/Research
Organisations. The University is also one of premier academic organization to provide industrial consultancy at the regional and national level. Upon attaining the University status, the Institution has experienced a ramp growth
of research projects and industrial consultancy, but still,there are more milestone to achieve on research and development track.