Sl No. |
Date |
Title |
Download |
251 |
26/02/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for Supply,Installation and Maintenance of Equipment for Department of Mechanical Engineering |
252 |
20/02/2020 |
Tender for Development and maintenance of University Automation System |
253 |
20/02/2020 |
CORRIGENDUM OF TENDER CALL NOTICE-VSSUT/LIB/506/2020 Dated 13.02.2020 for supply of Server and Storage(100 TB) |
254 |
20/02/2020 |
Tender call notice document for Wireless LAN setup in Ladies Hall of Residences |
255 |
20/02/2020 |
Corrigendum to Quotation Call Notice Number VSSUT/DSW/1395 &1396/2020 dated 18.02.2020 |
256 |
18/02/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for Stage, Light, Sound and Star on the Eve of Annual Cultural Festival (Vassaunt-2020) |
257 |
18/02/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for Requirement of Some Items on the Eve of Annual Cultural Festival (Vassaunt-2020) |
258 |
17/02/2020 |
The Expression of Interest (EOI) for Minor Civil Works in the University Website |
259 |
14/02/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for Supply of Server and Storage of(100TB) to Central Library, VSSUT, Burla |
260 |
14/02/2020 |
Quotation Call Notice for Supply of Analytical Grade Gallium Oxide (Ga2O3) to Department of Physics |
261 |
13/02/2020 |
Tender Document for Supply,Installation,Training and Maintenance of Equipment for SERB-DST Project of the Department of Production Engineering |
262 |
13/02/2020 |
News Paper Advertisement of Tender Call Notice for Supply,Installation,Training and Maintenance of Equipment for SERB-DST Project of the Department of Production Engineering |
263 |
08/02/2020 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for Supply of Wire Cut CNC Electro Discharge Machine in Department of M.M Engineering |
264 |
08/02/2020 |
Expression Of Interest (Eoi) For Supply Of Computerized Fatigue Testing Machine And Impact Testing Machine For Composite Material In The Department Of Mechanical Engineering |
265 |
08/02/2020 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of Supply of Equipments for Instrumentation lab in Department of ETC |
266 |
08/02/2020 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) based concrete scanner in Department of Civil Engg. |
267 |
08/02/2020 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for Supply of Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) in Department of Civil Engg. |
268 |
08/02/2020 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for Supply of Loading frame test facility Equipments in Department of Civil Engg. |
269 |
08/02/2020 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for Supply of Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer in Department of Chemistry |
270 |
08/02/2020 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for Supply of Thermograph Metric Analyser in Department of Chemical Engineering |
271 |
08/02/2020 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for Supply of Ultrasonic Water Flow Meter in Department of Civil Engineering |
272 |
07/02/2020 |
HAJM) with their Technical Specifications. |
273 |
07/02/2020 |
Quotation for Supply of equipment for Department of Production Engineering |
274 |
28/01/2020 |
Tender Cancellation Notice for Advt. No. VSSUT/REGISTRAR/7277, dated 25/11/2019 |
275 |
21/01/2020 |
Tender Notice for display of Dining Table |
276 |
22/01/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for different items of Electronics & Telecomm. Engg. Deptt. |
277 |
18/01/2020 |
Quotation For Supply Of Laboratory Furnitures |
278 |
09/01/2020 |
Corrigendum to Tender Call Notice vide No.VSSUT/Registrar/DSW/7392, dated 09.12.2019 |
279 |
04/01/2020 |
Quotation call notice for Preparation of CAD lab of Mechanical Engineering Department |
280 |
24/12/2019 |
Quotation call notice for the approval of the rate of hiring of 40-50 seater bus services for one year |
281 |
10/12/2019 |
Tender Call Notice for Supply and Furnishing of different Furniture for Halls of Residence of the University |
282 |
25/11/2019 |
Tender Call Notice for Catering and Housekeeping at VSSUT, Burla |
283 |
23/11/2019 |
Tender Call Notice for Supply of Materials for Laboratories of Electrical Engineering and EEE Department |
284 |
14/11/2019 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of Electric Resistance Furnace with stirring system in Workshop |
285 |
14/11/2019 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of Muffle Furnace in the Department of Mechanical Engineering |
286 |
14/11/2019 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of CNC Grinding Machine in the Department of Mechanical Engineering |
287 |
14/11/2019 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of Metal/Ceremic Powder Compaction Press 2)Density Measurement Instruments Kit with Analytical Weight Balance 3)Hydraulic KBR Press in Department of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering |
288 |
14/11/2019 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of Vector Network Analyser in Department of Electronics and Telecom Engineering |
289 |
14/11/2019 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of Electronic workbench in Department of ETC |
290 |
14/11/2019 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of UV VIS Spectrophotometer in Department of Chemical Engineering. |
291 |
14/11/2019 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of Gas Chromatography Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) in Department of Civil Engineering. |
292 |
14/11/2019 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of Electrical Machine Tutor in Department of EE |
293 |
14/11/2019 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of Thermograph Metric Analyser in Department of Chemical Engineering |
294 |
14/11/2019 |
Expression of Interest (EoI) for supply of Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) in Department of Civil Engineering. |
295 |
14/11/2019 |
Expression of Interest for Printing and Supply of University Diaries , Table Calendar, Paper Folder and Greeting Cards for the University |
296 |
08/11/2019 |
Tender Call Notice for Renovation & updating of University website |
297 |
06/11/2019 |
Tender Call Notice of Chemical Engineering Department |
298 |
04/11/2019 |
Tender Call Notice for Purchase of Equipment of Communication Lab. of El&TC Dept. |
299 |
31/10/2019 |
Tender Call Notice for Supply of different items for the Electronics & Telecommunication Department |
300 |
30/10/2019 |
Quotation Call Notice for Hiring Of Vehicle |