Sl No. |
Date |
Title |
Download |
201 |
22/02/2021 |
Quotation call Notice for CADS Laboratory, Repair and Up gradation, Production Engineering Department |
202 |
22/02/2021 |
Quotation call Notice for Up gradation of UPS of CAD Laboratory, Production Engineering Department |
203 |
22/02/2021 |
Quotation call Notice for Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory,Production Engineering Department |
204 |
01/02/2021 |
Quotation Call Notice for Repairing /Buy Back of 5kVA UPS for Central Research Facility, VSSUT, Burla |
205 |
01/02/2021 |
Quotation Call Notice for Supply of Items for Central Research Facility, VSSUT, Burla |
206 |
30/01/2021 |
Quotation Call Notice for equipment of Physics Deptt |
207 |
29/01/2021 |
Tender for University Guest House |
208 |
26/01/2021 |
Quotation Call notice for renovation of CAD lab of Mechanical Engineering Department |
209 |
22/01/2021 |
Quotation Call notice for gas pipe line in Chemistry Laboratory |
210 |
20/01/2021 |
Quotation Call Notice for Supplying and Commissioning of Racks/Switches for the LAN Extension to new building of Civil Engineering Department |
211 |
13/01/2021 |
Tender cancellation notice for catering and housekeeping |
212 |
24/12/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for Printing and Supply of Information Brochure 2020-21
213 |
24/12/2020 |
Quotation Call Notice for Hot Liveries for the University Employees |
214 |
27/11/2020 |
Corrigendum to Tender call notice for purchase of equipment of Measurement Lab at EEE department |
215 |
27/11/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for Supply, Installation and Demonstration of the Hardware and Software Requirement for Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, VSSUT,Burla |
216 |
24/11/2020 |
Expression of Interest for Printing and Supply of University Diaries and Table Calendar for the University |
217 |
09/11/2020 |
Quotation Call Notice for Laboratory Tables for Department of Chemistry |
218 |
20/10/2020 |
Quotation Call Notice for Identity Cards - 2020 |
219 |
09/10/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for supply of equipments for Research Purpose of Physics Department of VSSUT Burla |
220 |
08/10/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for supply of Degree Certificate Folder |
221 |
08/10/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for supply of Gold Medals |
222 |
01/10/2020 |
Tender Call notice for Supply of Equipment's for Research propose of Physics Department of VSSUT,Burla |
223 |
04/09/2020 |
Quotation Call Notice for Central Internet Facility |
224 |
28/08/2020 |
Quotation Call Notice for purchase of various items for Mechanical Engineering Department |
225 |
27/08/2020 |
Extension of Quotation for Examination Section |
226 |
14/08/2020 |
Quotation for Examination Section |
227 |
07/08/2020 |
Tender for University Canteen |
228 |
29/06/2020 |
Quotation call notice for repair/buyback of Delta make online UPS |
229 |
11/06/2020 |
Quotation Call Notice for Supply of Equipment for Communication Laboratories of ETC Dept. |
230 |
10/06/2020 |
Tender call notice for Supply of Tools and Equipment for Innovation cum Incubation Centre,VSSUT,Burla |
231 |
05/06/2020 |
Tender Notice for opening the Financial Bid on 06.06.2020 (Tender no 1256 dt.14.03.2020) |
232 |
01/06/2020 |
Tender Document for Supply of General Office Stationary Materials |
233 |
01/06/2020 |
Quotation Call Notice for Supply of General Office Stationary Materials |
234 |
30/05/2020 |
Retender call notice for Supply, Installation, Training and Maintenance of Equipment/Software for SERB-DST Project of the Department of Production Engineering |
235 |
28/05/2020 |
Corrigendum against retender call notice for FLUIDIZED BED HOT ABRASIVE JET MACHINE(FB-HAJM) |
236 |
23/05/2020 |
Date of opening of Technical Bid for Catering & Housekeeping at VSSUT Burla Halls of Residence |
237 |
20/05/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for supply of FLUIDIZED BED HOT ABRASIVE JET MACHINE |
238 |
12/05/2020 |
Notice: Revised date for submission of tender for Catering and Housekeeping at Hall of Residence, VSSUT, Burla |
239 |
10/04/2020 |
Notice for Extension of date for submission of tender for Catering and Housekeeping services at VSSUT Hall of Residences |
240 |
17/03/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for Supply of Fluidized Bed Hot Abrasive JET Machine |
241 |
14/03/2020 |
Tender for Catering and Housekeeping Services - VSSUT Hall of Residences |
242 |
12/03/2020 |
Tender notice for Galaxy-2020 |
243 |
11/03/2020 |
Corrigendum to Tender Call Notice No. VSSUT/DSW/1395 &1396/2020 dated 18.02.2020 |
244 |
04/03/2020 |
Tender for Supply of Equipment for Mechanical Engineering Department of VSSUT, Burla under TEQIP Collaborative Research Scheme (CRS) |
245 |
04/03/2020 |
Quotation for Supply of Materials for Mechanical Engineering Department of VSSUT, Burla under TEQIP Collaborative Research Scheme (CRS) |
246 |
27/02/2020 |
Quotation Call Notice for Construction of Planter Box for Beautification of Green Space in the Premises of VSSUT, Burla |
247 |
27/02/2020 |
248 |
27/02/2020 |
Tender call notice for Supply, Installation, Training and Maintenance of Equipment/Chemical for EMEQ-DST project of the Department of Chemistry. |
249 |
27/02/2020 |
News Paper Advertisement of ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROJECT ASSISTANT POSITION, EMEQ-DST project of the Department of Chemistry. |
250 |
27/02/2020 |
News Paper Advertisement of Tender call notice for Supply, Installation, Training and Maintenance of Equipment/Chemical for EMEQ-DST project of the Department of Chemistry. |