ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Sl No. Date Title Download
651 11/02/2016 Corrigendum Adv. No. VSSUT/CSP/4805, Dtd.,30.12.2015
652 03/02/2016 QCN of Environmental Engg Laboratory
653 21/01/2016 Quotation for supply of chemicals, glass wares and instruments for the Department of chemistry
654 11/01/2016 Quotation Call notice for rewinding of Ceiling Fan
655 09/01/2016 Quotation Call notice for new Ceiling Fan
656 08/01/2016 Invitation quotation for supply of Isolation Transformer.
657 08/01/2016 Invitation Quotation for supply of Image Runner and Laptop.
658 30/12/2015 Call for Quotaions for Office Furnitures
659 16/12/2015 Quotation Call Notice for I-Card
660 13/12/2015 Expression of interest for supply manpower for Security Guards.
661 09/12/2015 Quotation for supply and installation of LCD Projector
662 04/11/2015 Quotation Call Notice For Supply Of Degree Certificate Folder & Heat Lamination
663 03/11/2015 Invitation for quotation for supply of Laptop
664 03/11/2015 Quotation Call notice for making & supply of Gold & Silver Medals
665 02/11/2015 Revised Quotation Call Notice for printing of Degree Certificate
666 30/10/2015 Quotation Call for supply of printed materials for Examination Section
667 17/10/2015 Quotation Call Notice for Electrical Maintenance
668 14/10/2015 Quotation Call Notice for purchase of various items for Mechanical Engineering Department
669 07/10/2015 Quotation for Stationary items for Central Store & Purchase
670 03/10/2015 Quotation Call notice for Architect Department
671 28/09/2015 Quotation Call Notice of Raw Materials for MME Department
672 07/09/2015 Quotation Call Notice & Quotation Call Doc. for LAN extn to Arundhati Hostel,VSSUT
673 01/09/2015 Extension of date of submission of quotation for battery
674 25/08/2015 Quotation invited for supply of Isolation Transformer
675 25/08/2015 Quotation Call Notice - Central Stores & Purchase
676 19/08/2015 Quotation Call Notice for Purchase of UPS Battery
677 14/08/2015 2nd Notice for Price bid Opening for CCTV
678 12/08/2015 Quotation document for supply, installation and commissioning of desktop computers and Online & Offline UPS
679 11/08/2015 Quotation call notice for supply of Surveying Instruments
680 06/08/2015 Quotation Call Notice - Physic Dept.- Lab. Equipments-2
681 06/08/2015 Quotation Call Notice - Physic Dept.- Lab. Equipments-1
682 27/07/2015 Hosting of Notice for opening of Price bid for CCTV
683 20/07/2015 Quotation call Notice for Suppy & Installation of 4PCs, 4 UPSs, 1Printer & 1 Photocopier cum printer
684 16/07/2015 Quotation for supply of good quality of coal for Central Workshop
685 16/07/2015 Quotation for supply of Laptop at VSSUT, Burla
686 14/07/2015 Quotation for Table Drawing Board
687 14/07/2015 Extension of date for Equipments Environmental Engineering Laboratory
688 14/07/2015 Quotation for supply of Table to VSSUT, Burla
689 09/07/2015 Re-quotation Call Notice for supply of Water Purifier-cum-Cooler
690 30/06/2015 Quotation Call Notice for Central Workshop
691 29/06/2015 Quotation Call Notice of Materials/Article/Chemicals of Dept. of MME
692 29/06/2015 Quotation Call Notice of Materials/Article/Chemicals of Dept. of MME
693 29/06/2015 Quotation Call Notice of Materials/Article/Chemicals of Dept. of MME
694 23/06/2015 Extension of Quotation Call for printing of syllabus books
695 16/06/2015 Invitation for quotation for installation of printer at TEQIP Cell VSSUT, Burla
696 10/06/2015 Inviting quotation for Supply, Installation, Training and Maintenance of Digital CCTV Surveillance System
697 03/06/2015 Quotation Call notice for Table top Drawing Board
698 22/05/2015 Quotation Call notice for Civil works
699 19/05/2015 Quotation Call Notice For Printing And Supply Of Syllabus Books
700 14/05/2015 Quotation Call notice for Annual University Magazine
Showing Record 651 - 700 out of 828