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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Sl No. Date Title Download
701 12/05/2015 Quotation Call Notice for Power Rack and Functional Training System
702 12/05/2015 Quotation Call Notice for Barbell Set and Dumbbells
703 09/05/2015 Quotation Documents for Air Conditioner
704 07/05/2015 Tender call notice for supply, Installation and maintenance of eqipment for Central Workshop.
705 01/05/2015 Expression of Interest for Supply of Computer Chairs in Central Library
706 30/04/2015 Quotation Call notice of hiring of Innova
707 29/04/2015 Quotation Call Notice for LAN extension to Reading Room of Central Library
708 29/04/2015 Expression of Interest for participating in Book Exhibition
709 28/04/2015 Expression of Interest for Online UPS for Central Library
710 25/04/2015 Quotation for printing and supply of Information brochure 2013-14 & 2014-15
711 15/04/2015 Quotation foe Instalation of Online UPS
712 10/04/2015 Quotation call for voltage stabilizer
713 08/04/2015 Quotation for supply of materials for mechaical Engineering Department
714 06/04/2015 Quotation call notice for purchase buying old answer sheets
715 24/03/2015 Quotation For Furniture
716 09/03/2015 Quotation invited for online UPS
717 09/03/2015 Quotation invited for Desktop computer
718 10/03/2015 Opening of Price bid for Biometric attendance System
719 07/03/2015 Advertisement for 2nd Quotation for ELTCE Dept
720 07/03/2015 2nd Quotation for ELTCE Dept
721 04/03/2015 Quotation for El&TCE Dept
722 28/02/2015 Extension of Last Date of submission of Quotation for Inverter
723 27/02/2015 Quotation call notice for supply of Compression Molding Machine & Impendence Analyser of Mech. Engg.(DRDO Project)VSSUT, Burla
724 27/02/2015 Quotation call notice of Mineral processing & Fuel testing Laboratory of Dept. of MME
725 25/02/2015 Quotation document for supply of Surveying instruments for Civil Engineering Department of the University
726 09/02/2015 Quotation Call Notice for Inverter & Exide Battery
727 09/02/2015 Tender Document for Cleaning & Upkeeping E tendering
728 03/02/2015 Quotation Doc for Biometric Attendance System
729 03/02/2015 Advertisement for Biometric Attendance System
730 02/02/2015 Quotation for installation Video Conference equipments
731 30/01/2015 Quotation Call Notice for Civil Engg. Softwares
732 20/01/2015 Quotation call notice for purchase buying old answer sheets
733 12/01/2015 Quotation for Training & Placement Drives
734 02/01/2015 Supply Of Aluminum Tiltable Tower Extensionladder At Electrical Maintenance Section, Vssut, Burla
735 23/12/2014 Quotation for Online UPS for Mechanical Engg. Deptt.
736 23/12/2014 Quotation for Only Installation of D.G. Set at central library of VSSUT
737 18/12/2014 Extension of Last Date for submission of Quotation for Laser Micromachining System
738 12/12/2014 Extension of Last Date for Quotation for I-Card
740 10/12/2014 Quotation document for supply of instruments for Environmental Engg. Laboratory of Civil Engineering Department of the University
741 01/12/2014 Quotation for EL & tce Dept
742 22/11/2014 ADDENDUM for preparation of Students'/Staff I.Card
743 15/11/2014 Sealed quotations are invited from registered firms/supplier to supply identify Cards (PVC Cards) to our University
744 14/11/2014 Currigendum for installation of CCTV
745 13/11/2014 Quotation call notice for reputed firms having up to date Income Tax clearance to supply of Indian and Foreign Journals to the Central Library
746 13/11/2014 Quotation for UV VIS Spectrophotometer
747 05/11/2014 Laser micromachining system ADV and specification
748 31/10/2014 Quotation Call Notice for DST Project of Department of Chemistry
749 27/10/2014 Quotation Call Notice for Installation of CCTV
750 22/10/2014 Quotation Call for Computer Table & Chair of Central Library
Showing Record 701 - 750 out of 828