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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Notice Board

Sl No. Date Title Download
201 02/11/2024 Schedule for End-semester examination for all odd semesters of B Tech./B Arch./MCA/M.Tech/Int M Sc & M Sc. & PhD course work 2024-25
202 01/11/2024 Notice regarding Compensatory Leave
203 31/10/2024 Ph.D Award Notification of Mr. Bivasa Ranjan Parida, Department of Computer Science & Engg.
204 31/10/2024 Notice for Ph.D Award Notification of Mr. Pankaj Kumar Dash, Department of Civil Engg.
205 30/10/2024 Notice for Diwali
206 30/10/2024 MMCPY Scholarship for ST/ST Students for AY 2024-25
207 30/10/2024 Opening of Post Matric Scholarship for The AY 2024-25
208 30/10/2024 Revised Holiday List
209 30/10/2024 Notice for student eligible of the Meritious certificate for 16th Convocation 2024
210 30/10/2024 Notice regarding award of the University Gold Medals & Donor's Gold Medals for 16th Convocation 2024
211 31/10/2024 Notice for Ph.D. degree recipients to be awarded in 16th Convocation-2024
212 26/10/2024 Notice of Ph.D. Open Defense Viva-Voce of Mr. Bivasa Ranjan Parida, Department of Computer Science & Engg
213 23/10/2024 Notice for e-medhabruti scholarship for the academic year 2024-25
214 22/10/2024 Notice regarding name verification of passed out students of UG and PG Programmes - 2024
215 22/10/2024 Advertisement for allotment of quarters
216 21/10/2024 Notice of Ph.D. Open Defense Viva-Voce of Mr. Pankaj Kumar Dash, Department of Civil Engg.
217 13/10/2024 Notice for Ph.D Award Notification of Ms. Rasmita Sahu, Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engg.
218 10/10/2024 Notice for Ph.D Award Notification of Mr. Ayashkanta Jena, Department of Production Engg.
219 10/10/2024 Notice for Ph.D Award Notification of Ms. Itishree Rout, Department of Production Engg.
220 10/10/2024 Notice for Ph.D Award Notification of Mr. Ajit Kumar Pattanaik, Department of Production Engg.
221 10/10/2024 Notice for extended physical spot admission 2024-25
222 05/10/2024 Notice for Candidates admitted into PhD Programmes-2024 (Autumn) under ADF Scheme
223 03/10/2024 Notice regarding issuance of registration cards for the 1st semester students of B.Tech, B.Arch, and MCA programme for the year 2024
224 03/10/2024 Notice regarding award of University gold medals for Best B.Tech Project - 2024
225 01/10/2024 Congratulations to IEEE VSSUT Student Branch on IEEE YESIST12 2024 Honorable Mention – Vibrant Pilot Award
226 01/10/2024 IEEE VSSUT Tech Summit 2024 on the occasion of IEEE Day Celebration on 02 and 03 Oct 2024 in E-Learning Centre
227 30/09/2024 Notice for Candidates admitted into PhD Programmes-2024 (Autumn) under ADF Scheme
228 30/09/2024 Notice of Ph.D. Open Defense Viva-Voce of Ms. Itishree Rout, Department of Production Engg.
229 28/09/2024 Sitting Plan of Odd Mid Semester 2024-25 for 30.09.24
230 28/09/2024 Notice for Ph.D Award Notification of Mr. Subrat Kumar Sethi, Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engineering
231 27/09/2024 Sitting Plan of Odd Mid Semester 2024-25 for 28.09.24
232 26/09/2024 Notice regarding E-Learning laboratory classes suspension on 27/09/2024 from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM
233 26/09/2024 Notice regarding E-Learning laboratory classes suspension on 28/09/2024 from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
234 26/09/2024 Sitting Plan of Odd Mid Semester 2024-25 for 27.09.24
235 25/09/2024 Sitting Plan of Odd Mid Semester 2024-25 for 26.09.24
236 24/09/2024 Sitting Plan of odd Mid Semester 2024-25 for 25.09.24
237 24/09/2024 Revised Notice of Ph.D. Open Defense Viva-Voce of Mr. Ayashkanta Jena, Department of Mechanical Engineering
238 24/09/2024 Notice of Ph.D. Open Defense Viva-Voce of Mr. Ajit Kumar Pattanaik, Department of Production Engineering
239 23/09/2024 Seating Plan of odd Mid Semester 2024-25 for 24.09.24
240 21/09/2024 Seating Plan of Odd Mid Semester 2024-25 for 23.09.24
241 21/09/2024 Notice for Ph.D Award Notification of Ms. Nisith Kumar Goswami, Department of Production Engineering
242 20/09/2024 Notice of Ph.D. Open Defense Viva-Voce of Mr. Ayashkanta Jena, Department of Mechanical Engineering
243 20/09/2024 Notice for Ph.D Award Notification of Ms. Binita Dash, Department of Production Engg.
244 19/09/2024 Notice for chai pe charcha episode-2
245 19/09/2024 Notice for spiritual seminar "Mind your mind"
246 19/09/2024 Notice for allowed day scholar odd semester -2024
247 18/09/2024 Notice of Ph.D. Open Defense Viva-Voce of Ms. Rasmita Sahu, Department of Electronics & TC Engg.
248 18/09/2024 Notice for coordinators & asst coordinator for session 24-25
249 17/09/2024 Revised odd semester [B.Tech./ B.Arch./ (3rd /5th/ 7th Sem), M.Tech (1st/3rd Sem), MCA(3rd Sem), M.Sc. (1st /3rd Sem), Int. M.Sc. (1st /3rd /5th/ 7th & 9th Sem) and Ph.D Course Work] Mid semester examination 2024-25
250 16/09/2024 Notice regarding online spot counselling admitted students for allotted sections and groups
Showing Record 201 - 250 out of 3880