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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Notice Board

Sl No. Date Title Download
301 16/08/2024 Notification regarding Assumed Charge of the office of the Vice-Chancellor
302 12/08/2024 ATAL FDP Brochure and NOC format
303 12/08/2024 Notice for failed in Sessional Subjects and Laboratory of M.Tech/M.Sc & Int. Msc students for AY-2024
304 10/08/2024 Notice for 5th and 7th semester B.Tech re-admitted students for allotted Open Elective - I & III subject
305 07/08/2024 Notice for Distinguished Alumni Award 2024
306 07/08/2024 Advertisement of Guest faculty in Civil Engineering
307 07/08/2024 Notice for Admission into vacant SC/ST seats of 5 Yr Integrated M.Sc/2-Yr M.Sc/ All M.Tech Programmes: 2024
308 07/08/2024 Notice of Ph.D. Open Defense Viva-Voce of Mr. Dilip Kumar Sahu, Department of Production Engineering
309 07/08/2024 Readvertisement for Ph.D Program-2024 under ADF (AICTE)
310 06/08/2024 Notice for 3rd , 5th and 7th semester regarding semester registration 2024-25
311 06/08/2024 Notice for students of B.Tech & B.Arch programme regarding year back 2024-25
312 05/08/2024 Notice for readmission of B.Tech & B.Arch Programme regarding allotted section 2024-25
313 03/08/2024 Notice of Ph.D. Open Defense Viva-Voce of Mr. Gyanesh Das, Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engg.
314 03/08/2024 Notice for Re-admission and Fee Payment for B.Tech & B.Arch Programmes 2024-25
315 02/08/2024 Notice for opening of National Scholarship portal and student with disabilities scheme for the year 2024-25
316 02/08/2024 Notice for submission of attendance report for Nirman Shramik Kalyan Yojana Scholarship (NSKY) for the Academic Year 23-24
317 01/08/2024 Notice of Ph.D. Open Defense Viva-Voce of Ms. Sunita Patel, Department of Electrical Engg.
318 31/07/2024 Notice for Ph.D Award Notification of Mr. Madugula Murali Krishna, School of Computer Sciences
319 31/07/2024 Notice for Ph.D Award Notification of Mr. Biswaranjan Acharya, School of Computer Sciences
320 31/07/2024 Notice for Ph.D Award Notification of Ms. Sunita Patel, Department of Electrical Engg.
321 31/07/2024 Notice for list of the candidates Admitted into Ph.D. Programmes – Autumn 2024
322 30/07/2024 Notice for students admitted into B.Tech Lateral Entry Programme for the Academic Session 2024-25
323 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of B Tech 1st semester Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
324 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of B Tech 2nd semester Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
325 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of B Tech 3rd semester Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
326 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of B Tech 4th semester Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
327 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of B Tech 5th semester Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
328 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of B Tech 6th semester Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
329 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of B Tech 7th semester Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
330 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of B Tech 8th semester (Including dual degree) Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
331 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of B Arch All semester Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
332 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of Int. M Sc All semester Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
333 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of M Sc All semester Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
334 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of MCA 3rd semester Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
335 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of M Tech All semester Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
336 29/07/2024 Provisional Result of PhD Course work Backlog/supplementary examination of academic year 2023-24
337 24/07/2024 Notice for admission into B.Tech (Lateral Entry) Programme - 2024
338 23/07/2024 Notice for apply of JSP Foundation Scholarship application
339 23/07/2024 Notice for apply of JSP Foundation Scholarship application for AY 2024-25
340 23/07/2024 Notice for Ph.D Award Notification of Ms. Madhusmita Sahoo, Department of Electronics & Telecomm. Engg.
341 23/07/2024 Notice for final allotted subjects Open Elective - III (7th Semester B.Tech / B.Arch)
342 23/07/2024 Notice for final allotted subjects Open Elective - I (5th Semester - B.Tech)
343 23/07/2024 Notice for timetable of Research Methodology & IPR (Odd Semester 2024) for all M.Tech (1st Semester) and Ph.D students enrolled in Spring-2024 and Autumn-2024
344 22/07/2024 Advertisement Notice for Ph.D Program-2024 under ADF (AICTE)
345 22/07/2024 Notice for list of candidates Admitted into Ph.D (Autumn) Programmes: 2024
346 22/07/2024 Notice of Ph.D. Open Defense Viva-Voce of Mr. Madugula Murali Krishna, School of Computer Sciences
347 20/07/2024 Notice of Ph.D. Open Defense Viva-Voce of Mr. Biswaranjan Acharya, School of Computer Sciences
348 20/07/2024 Advertisement for Guest Faculty
349 18/07/2024 Advertisements for the position of JRF for sensor based health Monitoring of large dam in hydro power plant with AI integral approach
350 16/07/2024 Notice for Spot-Admission into 5 Yr Integrated M.Sc/2-Yr M.Sc/ M.Tech Programmes 2024
Showing Record 301 - 350 out of 3880