Sl No. |
Date |
Title |
Download |
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10/03/2025 |
"PINK SUNDAY ON CYCLES" as a part of International Women's Day-2025  |
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06/03/2025 |
Celebration of International Women's Day  |
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29/01/2025 |
VSSUT Student Participation in the National Entrepreneurship Summit and Startup Expo-2025 at NIT Rourkela |
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22/08/2024 |
ATAL FDP Brochure and NOC format |
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05/06/2024 |
Brochure for the One Week Training Program, ETCE Department is going to conduct from 26 th June to 1st July, |
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22/07/2023 |
Seminar on "Rocketry and Space Programme" |
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10/01/2023 |
National Conference on Chemical & Bio-Science on 25-26 March, 2023 organized by Chemical Engineering Department |
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14/12/2022 |
Students of VSSUT has won Dare to Dream 3.0 Innovation Contest organized by DRDO |
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14/12/2022 |
About Dare to Dream 3.0 Innovation Contest organized by DRDO |
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12/12/2022 |
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19/10/2022 |
26th Regional Conference of “Orissa Chemical Society†& 7th National Conference on “Recent Advancement in Material Sciences†|
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05/08/2022 |
NIRF Ranking - 2022 |
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13/07/2022 |
Notice for AAIE-2022Online Faculty Development Programme (Fdp) on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 8th-19th August, Organised by Electrical Engg. Dept. and E&Ict Academy, Nit Warangal |
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08/04/2022 |
One day Workshop on Modelling of Urban Flooding in Sambalpur Town & its Mitigation Measures |
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30/03/2022 |
Brochure of 2 days Workshop on Technical Report Writing and Presentation using LaTeX |
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04/02/2022 |
ONLINE FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (FDP)ON SUSTAINABLE COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS IN SMART CITIES - 7th February 2022 – 16th February 2022 - Conducted online by Department of CA, VSSUT and Department of CSE, NIT Warangal |
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24/12/2021 |
5 Days ATAL FDP of RAMP-2021" Dec, 27th - 31st , 2021 organised by Mechanical Engg. Deptt |
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06/12/2021 |
Mr. R.S. Krishna, Ph.D. Scholar of Prof.Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering has been selected to receive $500
(USD) grants for their project entitled “Prediction of Graphene Reinforced Geopolymer Composite
(GRGC) properties using Artificial Neural Network (ANN).†from ASTM International,USA |
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23/11/2021 |
ASSOCHAM GEM is organizing a hybrid seminar in collaboration with VSSUT, Burla, Odisha |
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28/10/2021 |
AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy sponsored 5 Days Online FDP Organized by Department of Production Engineering |
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12/10/2021 |
Online FDP on Sustainable Computing and Applications in Smart Cities Organized by Dept. of Computer Application, VSSUT Burla in Collaboration with Dep. of CSE, NIT, Warangal |
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15/09/2021 |
AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy sponsored 5 Days Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Novel Materials: Fabrication, Design & Optimization †during 20th – 24th September 2021 |
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09/08/2021 |
DST project |
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06/08/2021 |
Prof. Bansidhar Majhi has joined as Vice-Chancellor today i.e. 6th August, 2021 |
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13/01/2021 |
Sanitation of Rohini Hall of Residence |
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10/12/2020 |
TEQIP –III Sponsored Five Days Online Workshop On Cyber Security ( for Students) from 21st Dec - 25th Dec 2020, Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering |
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07/12/2020 |
AICTE Sponsored two weeks FDP Under(Online) on Robust and Nonlinear System Dynamics & Control(RNSDC) (12th – 23rd Dec 2020) Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering |
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01/12/2020 |
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26/11/2020 |
Constitution Day 2020 (26th November 2020) - Read the Preamble |
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13/11/2020 |
SERB, DST, Govt. of India sponsored (SRG/2019/001860) Online WorkShop/Training program on "Structural and Acoustic Analysis using Commercial Software" Organized by Department of Production Engineering |
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10/11/2020 |
AICTE Sponsored STTP Under AQIS Scheme (Online) on Engineering Ethics(EE-2020) (21 – 26 Nov 2020) Organized by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering |
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09/11/2020 |
Department of Production Engineering is organizing a AICTE-STTP on “Advance of Materials Design, Machining and Characterization (AMDMC-2020)†for the faculty members during November 21-26, 2020 |
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05/11/2020 |
AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy sponsored 5 Days Online FDP on 3D Design and Printing Organized by Department of Production Engineering during 18th – 22th January 2021 |
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04/11/2020 |
MOU signed between National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India and VSSUT for adoption of National Highway - 6 from Sambalpur to Binjabhal (152 Km) |
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02/11/2020 |
VSSUT Students Won IOCL Vigilance Awareness Week Debate Competition |
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28/10/2020 |
AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy sponsored 5 Days Online FDP Organized by Department of Production Engineering |
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15/09/2020 |
TEQIP III VSSUT Burla Sponsored National Webinar on Sustainable Chemistry: Challenges and Opportunities
(19th-20th September 2020) |
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14/09/2020 |
TEQIP-III Sponsored FDP on Recent Advancement of Materials and its Application(RAMA-2020) |
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14/09/2020 |
TEQIP-III Sponsored One week Online FDP on “Recent Developments in Environmental Engineering (RDEE-2020)†from 15th – 19th September, 2020 |
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12/09/2020 |
TEQIP-III Sponsored Online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Recent Advancement in Welding and Joining Technology (RAWJT-2020) 12th – 16th September, 2020 |
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10/09/2020 |
TEQIP-III sponsored National Level Online FDP on Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering (ETCE-2020)14th – 18th September 2020 |
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10/09/2020 |
TEQIP-III sponsored 5 days online FDP on Recent Advances in Nanotechnology,Catalysis and Biochemical Engineering (RANCBE- 2020)16th Sep. -20th Sep. 2020 |
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09/09/2020 |
TEQIP-III sponsored Online FDP on "IoT: Recent advancements and Applications" (IRAA-2020) during 15th – 19th September 2020 |
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05/09/2020 |
TEQIP-III sponsored Online Seminar on Sustainable and Digital Manufacturing towards Industry 4.0 (SDMI-2020) during 10th – 11th September 2020 |
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05/09/2020 |
TEQIP-III sponsored Online Workshop on Optimization Tools in Manufacturing Process (OTMP-2020) during 8th – 9th September 2020 |
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05/09/2020 |
TEQIP-III Sponsored FDP on Advances in Materials & Machining processes for Recent Industrial Applications (AMMPRIA-2020) 7th– 11th September 2020 |
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04/09/2020 |
TEQIP-III sponsored Online FDP on Current Scenario on Steel Research (CSSR - 2020) 7th-11th September 2020 |
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04/09/2020 |
TEQIP-III sponsored Online FDP on Research Challenges and Opportunities in Antenna Design (RCOAD-2020) 10.09.2020 to 14.09.2020 |
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04/09/2020 |
TEQIP III Sponsered FDP on Water, Enery and Environment(WEE-2020)5th September to 9th September 2020 Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering |
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03/09/2020 |
TEQIP III Sponsered FDP on Advanced Materials Processing, Characterization and Applications (AMPCA - 2020) 8th - 12th September - Organized by Dept. of MME |