ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Sl No. Date Title Download
401 31/10/2018 Tender document for providing facility management service to the central internet and central computing facility of the university
402 10/10/2018 Quotation for Electrical Engg. Deptt. for supply of High Voltage Equipment
403 28/09/2018 Tender Call Notice for Printing of Information Brochure 2018-19
404 26/09/2018 Tender call notice VSSUT/CIVIL/Equip/ 2771, dated 21/08/2018 for supply of Equipment for different laboratories of Civil Engineering Department is extended.
405 20/09/2018 Quotation for Electrical Engineering Department
406 19/09/2018 Quotation Call Notice for Hiring of Vehicle
407 07/09/2018 Quotation Call Notice for Supply of Specific Gravity Balance (Solid) for Physics Dept.
408 04/09/2018 Quotation call notice for supply and commissioning of racks and switches for local area network to central computing facility
409 21/08/2018 Tender call notice for supply of Equipment for different laboratories of Civil Engineering Department.
410 25/07/2018 Tender Call Notice for supply of a various machines with their technical specifications.
411 25/07/2018 Quotation for 4 nos LED TV for University Guest House
412 23/07/2018 Quotation for Specific Gravity Balance (Solid)
413 04/07/2018 Expression of Interest to Furnishing Works
414 20/06/2018 Expression of Interest to run its Canteen No.1 on Annual Contract Basis.
415 19/05/2018 Quotation for Supply of Photocopier Paper
416 09/05/2018 Quotation Call Notice for Duster Cloth
417 24/04/2018 Quotation Call Notice for Rewinding of Ceiling Fan
418 05/04/2018 Quotation Call Notice For Hiring of Vehicle
419 22/03/2018 Tender Call Notice for Supply , Installation and Maintenance of equipment for Mechanical Engineering
420 22/03/2018 Tender Call Notice for Supply , Installation and Maintenance of equipment for Central Research Facility (CRF)
421 22/03/2018 Quotation for supply and installation of laptop and printer.
422 18/03/2018 Quotation call notice for Microwave Oven
423 13/03/2018 Tender call notice for supply Laboratory equipment/software for Production Engineering
424 08/03/2018 Quotation call notice for Table into box type using wooden ply of Physics Department
425 08/03/2018 Extension of Tender call notice for supply of 2 Ton Split ACs, 1.5 Ton Window AC with Stabilizer
426 06/03/2018 Quotation call notice for Display Board and Display Stand
427 28/02/2018 Tender Notice for Cleaning and Upkeeping of the University
428 24/02/2018 Quotation call notice for Shrub Cleaning
429 22/02/2018 Quotation call notice for supply of 2 Ton Split ACs, 1.5 Ton Window ACs with stabilizers and on-line UPS batteries including installation and necessary wiring for ETC department
430 22/02/2018 Extension of Time Period of Tender Call Notice for Sell of University Vehicles
431 20/02/2018 Tender Call Notice for supply of a various machines with their technical specifications.
432 19/02/2018 Quotation Call Notice for Supplying and installation of Modular Computer Workstation
433 15/02/2018 Quotation for Supply of Ultrasonic Vessel
434 13/02/2018 Quotation for 2 Ton Slip ACs with Stabilizers
435 13/02/2018 Quotation for Computer Table Laboratories and Audience Table for Seminar Hall
436 13/02/2018 Quotation for Partition/Ceiling Work
437 09/02/2018 Quotation for Office Furniture of Establishment Section.
438 08/02/2018 Quotation of Battery for On-Line UPS.
439 07/02/2018 Extension of quotation call notice submission date for Department of Architecture
440 01/02/2018 Extension of last date for submission of Tender call notice for supply of MS Round bar & Flat
441 31/01/2018 Tender call notice for sale of the vehicles of the VSSUT, Burla, Odisha
442 30/01/2018 Quotation call notice for hiring of Vehicle
443 20/01/2018 Quotation for printing of brochure of T&P
444 22/01/2018 Quotations for Electrical Engineering Department
445 22/01/2018 Quotations for Electrical Engineering Department
446 17/01/2018 Tender call notice for supply of Mild Steel Round Bar and Flat
447 12/01/2018 Tender Call Notice for supply of a various machines with their technical specifications.
448 10/01/2018 Quotation call notice for PA systems
449 28/12/2017 Tender call notice for Supply of equipments for different laboratories of Chemistry Department
450 23/12/2017 Tender call notice for Electrical Wiring of Controller of Examination Section
Showing Record 401 - 450 out of 828