All Publications
International Publications
- S S Sana, C J Raorane, R Venkatesan, S Roy, S. K. Swain, Seong-Cheol Kim, M Al-Tabakha, R R. Bhandare , V Raj, S Lee, “State-of-the-art progress on locust bean gum polysaccharide for sustainable food packaging and drug delivery applications: A review with prospectives” International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, (Elsevier), Available online 2 July 2024, 133619 (Impact Factor: 7.7), ISSN: 1879-0003.
- S. Patra, D. Sahoo and S. K. Swain* Carbon quantum dots in N, N?-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide assisted cellulose: A fluorescence sensitive approach for ex vivo glucose monitoring in human serum” International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, (Elsevier), 283(3), 137761 (2024). (Impact Factor: 7.7), ISSN: 1879-0003.
- K. M. Sahu, A. Biswal, U Manisha and S. K. Swain* “ Synthesis and drug release kinetics of ciprofloxacin from polyacrylamide/dextran/carbon quantum dots (PAM/Dex/CQD) hydrogels” . International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, (Elsevier), 269(2), 132132 (2024). (Impact Factor: 8.2) ISSN: 1879-0003. DOI: (Early view)
- Sk. Nazrul, A. Biswal, K M Sahu, S S Sana and S. K. Swain* " Nano Silver Imprinted Starch-co-Polymethylmethacrylate Sandwiched Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposite Films for Packaging Application" Starch Strake (Wiley), 00, 00-00 (2024). (Impact Factor: 2.741) ISSN: 1521-379X. DOI: 10.1002/star.202300106. (Early view)
- P. K Behera, D. Sahu, B R Jali, A, K. Barick, S K Swain, P Mohapatra “A Simple Method for Synthesizing Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots for Fluorescent “Turn off” Mercury (II) Ion Sensing” Journal of Fluorescence (Springer); 00-00, 00 (2024) (Impact Factor: 2.7) ISSN: 1053-0509
- J P Behera, S Patra, S K Najrul, S K surmma, D Kumar, M K Berma, A K Katare and S K Swain* “Nano Boron Nitride Laminated Poly(ethyl methacrylate)/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Composite Films Imprinted with Silver Nanoparticles as Gas Barrier and Bacteria Resistant Packaging Materials” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 00, 00, (Wiley), (2024). (Impact Factor: 3) ISSN: 1097-4628. DOI: 10.1002/app.20232930.
- S K Das, D Bharatiya, B Padhi. L Pradhan, B K Jena and S K Swain* “Effect of clay on Ti O 2 embedded PMMA nanocomposit e fo r high - performanc e energy storag e applicatio n” Journal of Energy Storage, 82, 110586 (Elsevier), (2024). (Impact Factor: 9.4) ISSN: 2352-1538. DOI: h t t p s : / / d o i . o r g / 1 0 . 1 0 1 6 /j . e s t . 2 0 2 4 . 1 1 0 5 8 6.
- Sk. Nazrul, A. Biswal, L. Behera, and S. K. Swain*"Synthesis of sandwiched chitosan-g-PMMA nanocomposite by layered double hydroxides for packaging applications" Polymer Bulletin (Springer), 81(1), 633-660 (2024). (Impact Factor: 3.2) ISSN: 1436-2449. DOI: 101007/s00289-023-04732-6.
- B. Patra, A Biswal, S. Swain, L. Behera and S. K Swain “Role of Nano SiC in Enhancement of Mechanical, Barrier and Flame-Retardant Properties of PANI-co-PAA Films” Polymer-Plastic Technology and Materials, xx, xx-xx (Tylor & Francis), (2024). (Impact Factor: 2.439) ISSN: 2574-089X DOI: .
- L. Mishra, T. R. Mahapatra, D. Mishra, S. R. Parimanik, (2024) Investigation of laser micro-drilling machinability and performance optimization of polymer nanocomposites reinforced with different carbon allotropes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 238, No. 3. 1354-1371, doi:10.1177/09544089231158898. (IF: 2.4, SCI)
- B Dash, TR Mahapatra, P Mishra, D Mishra (2024) Hygrothermal sound radiation analysis of layered composite plate using HFEM-IBEM micromechanical model and experimental validation, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 89, No. 3, 265-281,, (IF: 2.2, SCIE, SCOPUS)
- D K Sahu, P. P. Tripathy, T. R. Mahapatra, P. Mishra, and D. Mishra (2024) Design optimization of structural component (hitch bracket of tractor): A reverse engineering approach, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 89(5), 467-477,, (IF: 2.2, SCIE, SCOPUS)
- I Rout, TR Mahapatra, P Mishra, D Mishra (2024) Free Vibration and Acoustic Responses of Partially Biodegradable Hybrid Composites: Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation, Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies,, (IF: 2.7, SCIE, SCOPUS)
- L Mishra, TR Mahapatra, D Mishra, AK Rout (2024) Laser micro-drilling of CNT reinforced polymer nanocomposite: A parametric study using RSM and APSO, Advances in Materials Research 13 (1), 1-18, DOI:, (IF: 3.8, ESCI, SCOPUS)
- B. Dash, T. R. Mahapatra, D. Mishra, (2024) Vibroacoustic Characterization of Multi-layered Composite Structure Under Hygrothermal Load Using Higher-Order FEM-IBEM Micromechanical Model. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1725-1751, doi: 10.1007/s42417-023-00939-z. (IF: 2.7, SCIE, SCOPUS)
- L Mishra, TR Mahapatra, D Mishra, P Mishra, PC Padhi (2024) Study of Nd: YAG laser micro-drilling machinability and parametric optimization of graphite/Epoxy and carbon black/Epoxy nanocomposites, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems. 2024;0(0). doi:10.1177/23977914231217921, (IF: 4.1, ESCI, SCOPUS)
- J Das, AK Rout, SR Parimanik, I Rout, TR Mahapatra, D Mishra (2024) Dynamic Mechanical and Static Analysis of Kevlar Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites Incorporated with Egg Shell Particle, Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology. 31(1):010273(1-10), DOI: (IF: 0.214, Scopus)
- L Mishra, TR Mahapatra, D Mishra, SR Parimanik, AK Rout (2024) Parametric optimization of hole quality in Nd: YAG laser drilled carbon black/epoxy composite by grey based whale optimization technique, Materials Today: Proceedings, (IF: 2.59, SCOPUS)
- SR Parimanik, AK Mahapatra, TR Mahapatra, D Mishra (2024) Parametric analysis of Nd: YAG laser welding of NiTi SMA wires using Taguchi quality loss and grey relational method, Materials Today: Proceedings, (IF: 2.59, SCOPUS)
- Banerjee, B. , Pradhan, S. , Dhupal, D., Machining and Surface Characterization of Si3N4-Based Ceramic During Recently Developed USMM Using SiC Abrasives: An Experimental Investigation and Simulation Approach Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 49(11), pp. 15367–15395
- Banerjee, B., Pradhan, S., Das, S., & Dhupal, D. Surface topography characterization of USMM during machining of zirconia ceramic using silicon carbide abrasives: An experimental and simulation approach. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 51, 1-19.
- Parida, S. P., Mishra, D., Padhy, R. L., Jena, P. C., Das, S. R., Basem, A. A., ... & Elsheikh, A. Effect of Alkali Treatment on Mechanical and Buckling Behaviour of Natural Fiber Reinforced Composite Cylinder. ES Materials & Manufacturing, 24, 1161.
- Samantaray, S. R., Pradhan, S., Dhupal, D., Padhan, S., & Das, S. R. Comparative performance investigation and sustainability evaluation between hot-AJM and AJM during machining of zirconia ceramic using Al2O3 abrasives. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 46(5), 263.
- Banerjee, B., Pradhan, S., & Dhupal, D. Machining and Surface Characterization of Si3N4-Based Ceramic During Recently Developed USMM Using SiC Abrasives: An Experimental Investigation and Simulation Approach. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 1-29.
- Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Uttam Kumar Sahoo, Vivekanand Vivekanand, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Sanjukta Subudhi, Minaxi Sharma, Vijai Kumar Gupta. Unearthing the potential of organic biowastes via microbial fermentation for production of CH4 and H2/biohythane. Biomass and Bioenergy.190, (2024), 107427.
- Dhupal, D., Panigrahi, D., Rout, S., Bhuyan, R. K., Nayak, S., Jena, P. C., & Das, S. R. (2024). Generation of effusion holes on ultra-high temperature alloy by micro electro-discharge machining process. Surface Review and Letters, 31(02), 2450015.
- Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Vivekanand Vivekanand, Sanjukta Subudhi, Thangjam Anand Singh, Uttam Kumar Sahoo, Piotr Prus, Laura ?muleac, Raul Pa?calau, Florin Imbrea. Sustainable hydrogen through decomposition of ammonia and its derivatives by thermochemical processes: a review. International Agrophysics. 38,4 (2024), 325-344.
- Roy, S., Pradhan, A., Padhan, S., Das, A., Das, S. R., & Dhupal, D. Investigation on Surface Roughness and Power Consumption for Sustainability Assessment in Hard Turning of HSLA Steel With SPPP?AlTiSiN–Coated Carbide Tool Under Various Cooling?Lubrications. Lubrication Science.
- 10. Abu Taher Ali, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Deo Karan Ram, Vacuum pyrolysis of Tamanu seed (Calophyllum inophyllum): Fuel properties, distillation, and composition study of the pyrolytic oil. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 162, (2024), 105603.
- Antibacterial and Cytotoxicity Studies of Pyrrolo-based Organic Scaffolds and Their Binding Interaction with Bovine Serum Albumin, Rosalin Das, Pragyan P. Dash, Ajit K. Bishoyi, Patitapaban Mohanty, Lokanath Mishra, Laxmipriya Prusty, Chita R. Sahoo, Rabindra N. Padhy, Monalisa Mishra, Harekrushna Sahoo, Suban K. Sahoo, Santosh K. Sethi*, Bigyan R. Jali,* Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2024.
- Roy, S., Pradhan, A., Padhan, S., Das, A., Das, S. R., & Dhupal, D. Analysis on power consumption for life cycle sustainability assessment in hard turning of AISI 4140 steel using SPPP ALTISIN-coated carbide tool under various cutting environments. Surface Review and Letters, 31(06), 1-26
- Munmi Bhattacharyya, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Rishiraj Purkayastha, Pinakeswar Mahanta, Kaustubha Mohanty, Catalytic upgradation of pyrolytic products by catalytic pyrolysis of sawdust using a synthesized composite catalyst of NiO and Ni (II) aluminates. Renewable Energy 221, (2024) 119658.
- Advances on fluorescence chemosensors for selective detection of water, Pragyan Parimita Dash, Arup Kumar Ghosh, Patitapaban Mohanty, Rubi Behura, Sunita Behera, Suban K. Sahoo, Bigyan R. Jali*, Talanta, 2024, 275, 126089
- Rout, S., Patel, S.K., Dhupal, D., Panigrahi, D. “Experimental investigation during pulsed fiber laser micro-engraving act on high-performance ceramic: Statistical study followed by surface morphology”, Optics and Laser Technology,168, 109887
- Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Punyatoya Mishra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Krushna Prasad Shadangi. Study of frequency dependence properties of CCTO-BT/polymer composites. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 238(6): (2024) 2140-2149.
- Thiourea Functionalised Receptor for Selective Detection of Mercury Ions and its Application in Serum Sample, Patitapaban Mohanty, Pragyan Parimita Dash, Swagatika Mishra, Renjith Bhaskaran, Bigyan R. Jali* Journal of Fluorescence 2024.
- Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, Uttam Kumar Sahoo, Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Jigisha Parikh, Shama Bansod, Ganesh Parsai, Mohammad Luqman, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Deepti Diwan, Deborah Lanterbecq, Minaxi Sharma, Biotechnological innovations in nanocellulose production from waste biomass with a focus on pineapple waste. Chemosphere 349, (2024) 140833.
- Synergistic effect of gold nanoparticles decorated functionalized carbon nanotubes nanohybrids on the thermal, dielectric, and sensing properties of polyaniline ternary nanocomposites, Lipsa Shubhadarshinee, Pooja Mohapatra, Shreelata Behera, Bigyan R. Jali, Aruna Kumar Barick*, Priyaranjan Mohapatra* Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2024.
- Rudra Narayan Mohapatro, Ranjita Swain, Sunita Routray, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Satyabrata Mohanta, Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Anjani R.K. Gollakota, Recovery of Filler Material from Mining Waste: Techno-economic, and Kinetic Study. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2024, ISSN 0957-5820.
- Detecting Moisture in Building Materials and Commercial Food adducts by 2-Hydroxy-naphthaldehyde Derived Chromo-fluorogenic Chemosensor Pragyan Paramita Dash, Patitapaban Mohanty, Swagatika Mishra, Renjith Bhaskaran, Suban Kumar Sahoo, Priyaranjan Mohapatra, Aruna Kumar Barick, Bigyan Ranjan Jali*, Journal of Fluorescence 2024
- Amit Kumar Behera, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Efficient removal of Rhodamine B dye using biochar as an adsorbent: Study the performance, kinetics, thermodynamics, adsorption isotherms and its reusability. Chemosphere, (2024) 354, 141702. ISSN 0045-6535.
- Pyrene excimer-based fluorescent chemosensor for cascade detection of Zn(II) and phosphate ions and its applications, Kanishk Bhardwaj, Ritambhara Jangir, Bigyan Ranjan Jali, Suban K. Sahoo, Inorganica Chimica Acta 2024
- Latika Bhatia, Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Rajesh K Srivastava, Uttam Kumar Sahoo, Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Eldon R Rene, Bikash Kumar. A Systematic Review on Photocatalytic Biohydrogen Production from Waste Biomass. BioEnergy Research (2024);17(2),932-955.
- Sahoo, D. R., & Biswal, T*. (2024) Synthesis and characterization of poly (Acrylamide-co-acrylic acid)/chitosan (derived from (fish scales) for controlled release of Amoxicillin drug, Polymer Engineering and Science. DOI:10.1002/pen.26653. (Scopus, SCI, IF: 2.573)
- “Unveiling the Antibacterial and antifungal potential of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles from Chromolaena odorata leaves”, Ajit Kumar Bishoyi, Chita Ranjan Sahoo, Priyanka Samal, Nilima Priyadarsini Mishra, Bigyan Ranjan Jali*, Mohd Shahnawaz Khan*, Rabindra Nath Padhy*. Scientific Reports, 2024
- Munmi Bhattacharyya, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Rishiraj Purkayastha, Pinakeswar Mahanta, Kaustubha Mohanty. Co-pyrolysis of Coal and Biomass Blends: Impact of Pyrolysis Temperature and Biomass Blending on Thermal Stability of Coal, and Composition of Pyrolysis Products. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. (2024)187, 1010-1021.
- Sahoo, D. R., & Biswal, T*. (2024). Study of antibacterial and mechanical properties of poly (methyl methacrylate?co?acrylic acid)/hydroxyapatite biocomposite by using artificial neural network approach. SPE Polymers. 1?13.doi:10.1002/pls2.10117. (Scopus)
- Fluorescent ovalbumin-functionalized gold nanocluster as a highly sensitive and selective sensor for relay detection of salicylaldehyde, Hg(II) and folic acid Rajanee Nakum, Arup K. Ghosh, Bigyan Ranjan Jali, Suban K. Sahoo Spectrochimica Acta Part A 2024
- Protein Interaction and Molecular Docking Analysis by Schiff base Derived from 2,4-dinitro phenyl hydrazine Tapan K. Rana, Patitapaban Mohanty, Pragyan P. Dash, Priyaranjan Mohapatra, Aruna K. Barick, Pradip K. Jena,Lingaraj Behera, Bigyan R. Jalib, J. of Molecular and Engineering Materials 2024.
- A Simple Method for Synthesizing Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots for Fluorescent "Turn off" Mercury (II) Ion Sensing Prafulla Kumar Behera, Deepak Sahu, Bigyan Ranjan Jali, Aruna Kumar Barick, Sarat Kumar Swain, Priyaranjan Mohapatra, Journal of Fluorescence 2024
- Folic acid detection using ?-cyclodextrin functionalized coper nanoclusters and vitamin B6 cofactor pyridoxal. Yagnik Vegad, Seshu Vardha, Arup Ghosh, Bigyan R. Jali, Suban K. Sahoo, ACS Applied Nano Materials 2024
- Review on synthesis and characterization of metal nanoparticles doped carbon nanofillers based nanohybrids reinforced polyaniline nanocomposites, Lipsa Shubhadarshinee, Pooja Mohapatra, Shreelata Behera, Bigyan Ranjan Jali, Priyaranjan Mohapatra and Aruna Kumar Barick, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials 2024
- A Short Review on Schiff bases and Their Derivatives as a Versatile Molecular Probe. Soumya Ranjan Kar, Sankalpa Narayana Panda, Patitapaban Mohanty, Pragyan Parimita Dash, Aruna Kumar Barick, Priyaranjan Mohapatra, Debasis Mohanty, and Bigyan Ranjan Jali*, Letters in Applied NanoBioScience, 2024
- Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Chandrakanta Mishra, Investigation of Mechanical Attributes and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Hybrid Polyester Composites for Automotive Applications, Fibers and Polymers, Pages 1-19
- Cation, Anion and Protein Interaction of Schiff bases and Their Derivatives: A Mini Review. Rubi Behura, Patitapaban Mohanty, Pragyan Parimita Dash, Swagatika Mishra, Sunita Behera, Pooja Mohapatra, Aruna Kumar Barick, Priyaranjan Mohapatra, Bigyan R. Jali*, Letters in Applied NanoBioScience, 2024.
- Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Padmanav Dash, Effect of pistachio shell particles on mechanical and erosion wear performance of hybrid kenaf/glass polyester composites, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 13506501231224686
- Lipsamayee Mishra, Trupti Ranjan Mahapatra, Debadutta Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Pratap Chandra Padhi, Study of Nd: YAG laser micro-drilling machinability and parametric optimization of graphite/Epoxy and carbon black/Epoxy nanocomposites, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 23977914231217921
- Dilip K. Sahu, Priyam P. Tripathy, Trupti R. Mahapatra, Punyapriya Mishra, Debadutta Mishra, Design optimization of structural component (hitch bracket of tractor): A reverse engineering approach, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 89(5)
- Binita Dash, Trupti R. Mahapatra, Punyapriya Mishra, Debadutta Mishra, Hygrothermal sound radiation analysis of layered composite plate using HFEM-IBEM micromechanical model and experimental validation, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 89(3), 265-281
- Itishree Rout, Trupti Ranjan Mahapatra, Punyapriya Mishra, Debadutta Mishra, Free Vibration and Acoustic Responses of Partially Biodegradable Hybrid Composites: Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 1-20
- Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Padmanav Dash, Influence of pistachio shell filler addition and interply hybridization on mechanical and thermal performances of polyester composites, Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, 56(2), 169-193
- J Alam, S Panda Exploring Tribological Behaviors of Profile-Shifted Spur Gears: An Experimental Investigation,2024,
- Chetana Tripathy, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Padmanav Dash, Punyapriya Mishra, Experimental and numerical evaluation of mechanical performances of hybrid Palmyra-Palm-Leaf-Stalk/Glass fiber reinforced polyester composites, Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, 56(2), 141-168
- Alam J, Panda S*. Exploring Tribological Behaviors of Profile-Shifted Spur Gears: An Experimental Investigation, Tribology Transactions, 2024,
- Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Chandrakanta Mishra, Influence of Load and Sliding Velocity on Abrasive Wear of Polyester Composites Reinforced with Bio-Particulates as Filler Material, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, 1, 1-10
- Alam J, Panda S*. A Comprehensive Approach for Analysing Optimized Profile-Shifted Gears with a Focus on Tribological Parameters., Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering., 2024 DOI : 10.1007/s40997-024-00794-7
- Ajit Kumar Behera, Punyapriya Mishra, Punyatoya Mishra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Debasish Rout, Effect of impact velocity and impingement angle on the Erosive wear behaviour of ceramic reinforced polymer composites, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, 77(2), 371-378
- "Chaudhary, Bhawesh K; Agrawal, Sanjay; Mishro, Pranaba K; Dora, Lingraj; Mahapatra, Sakambhari; Panda, Rutuparna; ",A novel brightness preserving gradient based joint histogram equalization technique for mammogram image contrast enhancement, International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Preprint,1-16, 2024,IOS Press
- Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Punyatoya Mishra, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Study of frequency dependence properties of CCTO-BT/epoxy composites, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 238 (6), 2140-2149
- S. Sahoo, P. Patro and H. Barik, Thermal and hydrodynamic analysis of nanofluid flow in a circular pipe using euler-granular mixture model, Multiphase Science and Technology 36 (3), 79-99, (2024).
- "Mishro, Pranaba K; Agrawal, Sanjay; Panda, Rutuparna; Dora, Lingraj; Abraham, Ajith; "Intensity inhomogeneity correction in brain MRI: a systematic review of techniques, current trends and future challenges", Neural Computing and Applications,1-18, 2024, Springer
- Chetana Tripathy, Deepak Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Erosive wear study of PPLSF/Glass fiber reinforced hybrid laminates, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)
- D. K. Sethy and P. Patro, Parametric study and development of a correlation for Nusselt number in Nanofluid jet impingement, Multiphase Science and Technology, 36(3), 1-18 (2024).
- Chandrakanta Mishra, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Kiran Kumar Ekka, Erosion wear behaviour of kenaf/glass hybrid polymer composites. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 31 (1), 78-89
- Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Punyatoya Mishra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Evaluation of dielectric properties of CCTO-BT/epoxy composites for electronic applications. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 31(1), 69-77
- Swadhin Kumar Mishra, Aruananshu Mahapatro and Prabina Pattanayak. Meta-heuristic optimization techniques for scheduling in multiple-input multiple-output multiple-access channel system. Int J Commun Syst. 2024; 37(13):e5821. doi:10.1002/dac.5821
- Radhasyam Patro and Arunanshu Mahapatro. Transmission Diversity by Alamouti-Coding, Propagation Control by IRS in CDMA-FBMC-OQAM System. IETE Journal of Research, 1–19.
- Sangeeta Sa and Arunanshu Mahapatro. A composite channel hopping algorithm for blind rendezvous in heterogeneous cognitive radio networks. Telecommun Syst (2024).
- Radhasyam Patro and Arunanshu Mahapatro. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-based Propagation Control in FBMC/OQAM Systems. Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 83–90, 2024.
- Gorle, Venkata Lakshmi Narayana, and S. Panigrahi. "A semi-supervised Anti-Fraud model based on integrated XGBoost and BiGRU with self-attention network: an application to internet loan fraud detection." Multimedia Tools and Applications 83, no. 19 (2024): 56939-56964.
- V CH Sekhar Rao Rayavarapu and Arunanshu Mahapatro. MOANS DV-Hop: An anchor node subset based localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks. Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier, Vol. 152, 2024.
- P. K. Ray, H. K. Sahoo, A. Mohanty, J. K. Bhutto, A. B. Barnawi and A. A. Alshaya, "Robust H-Infinity Filter and PSO-SVM Based Monitoring of Power Quality Disturbances System," in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 39041-39057, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3367727
- Sahoo, S., Sahoo, H.K., Nanda, S. et al. Extreme learning machine and correntropy criterion-based hybrid precoder for 5G wireless communication systems. SIViP 18 (Suppl 1), 935–944 (2024).
- Ghadei, L., Sahoo, H.K. Spatial modulation and recurrent neural network based equalizer for MIMO communication systems. Int. j. inf. tecnol. 16, 4573–4587 (2024).
- Rampreet Manjhi, Deepak Kumar Lal, Sandeep Biswal, and Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, "Technical Indices Evaluation of Radial Distribution Network with Optimally Allocated DGs and Capacitors using Golden Jackal Optimization Algorithm", ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications (ECTI-EEC) (ISSN: 1685-9545), Volume 22 (2), pp. 1-13, 2024.
- Bhawana Deshmukh, Deepak Kumar Lal, Sandeep Biswal, and Surender Reddy Salkuti “A differential amplitude variation based pilot relaying scheme for microgrid integrated distribution system”, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems (DE GRUYTER Publications), 2024.
- Behera, S, Numerical treatment of the KP-MEW equation and the Konno-Oono equation using the first-integral method, Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics (2024): 100846.
- Behera S, Virdi JPS, Analytical solutions fractional order partial differential equations arising in fluid dynamics, Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities,2024 . (SCIE , I/F-1.2 )
- Chitosan-sunflower meal biochar hydrogel incorporated with green synthesised NiO nanoparticles for enhanced catalytic reduction of anthropogenic water pollutants, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2024),
- Biswaranjan Achrya, Sucheta Panda and Niranjan K Ray, “Multiprocessor Task Scheduling Optimization for Cyber-Physical System using an Improved Salp Swarm Optimization Algorithm”, SN Computer Science, Springer, Scopus, Impact Factor- 3.78, SN Computer Science (2024) 5:184
- Behera, S, Mohanty , S, Rezazadeh, H, Akinyemi, L. Dynamical Properties and Novel Wave Solutions of Ion Sound Langmuir Wave Equation in Fluid Dynamics, Nonlinear Opt Quantum Opt (2024). (ESCI , Scopus, I/F-0.26 )
- Weld Morphology and Corrosion Characteristics of Flux-Assisted Gas Tungsten Arc-Welded Super Duplex Stainless steel, Jr. of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2024)
- Dakhya Prasad Pati and Sucheta Panda, “Performance Evaluation of Modified Gaussian Mixture Model Algorithm for Image Segmentation of Mammogram”,International Journal of Embedded Systems, InderScience Publishers, Impact Factor – 0.5, Scopus, pp. 312-322, June 2024.
- Behera, S. Optical solitons for the Hirota-Ramnai eqution via improved (G’/G2)-expansion method, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, ,2450403 (2024). (SCI, I/F-1.8, Cite Score-3.7)
- Soumya Ranjan Sahu and Sucheta Panda, “A Novel Depth-wise Separable Convolutional Model for Remote Sensing Scene Classification” Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing(ISRS),, 2024,Impact Factor – 2.2,Springer, SCIE,Scopus.
- Behera, S. Multiple soliton solutions of some conformable fractional nonlinear models using Sine–Cosine method. Opt Quant Electron 56, 1235 (2024). (SCI, I/F-3.3)
- Anchal Kumawat, Sucheta Panda, Vassilis C. Gerogiannis, Andreas Kanavos, Biswaranjan Acharya , Stella Manika , “A Hybrid Approach for Image Acquisition Methods based on Feature Based Image Registration”, Journal of Imaging(Section: Image and Video Processing), Received :6 June 2024,Revised:6 September 2024,Accepted : 11 September 2024, Published : 14 September 2024, 10(9), 228. jimaging10090228, Impact Factor – 2.7,MDPI, Scopus.
- Behera, S., Aljahdaly, N.H. Soliton Solutions of Nonlinear Geophysical Kdv Equation Via Two Analytical Methods. Int J Theor Phys 63, 107 (2024). (SCIE, I/F-1.3)
- Udayasri, A.; Ramakrishna, D. S.; Behera, P.; Lakshmi Praveen, P.; Brahmeswararao, M. V. N. Synthesis of Ribociclib Using Phase Transfer Catalysis and Ecofriendly Reducing Agent: Potential Method for Industrial Practice. Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials, 2024. (SCI & SCOPUS)
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- A. Biswal, S. Purohit, J. Pratapsingh, L. Mishra, M. Monalisa, S. B. Biswal, S. K Swain*,"Synergistic Effect of f-MWCNT and Nano Titania on Wound Healing Efficacy of Chitosan Films in Drosophila and Rat Models" ACS Applied Nano Material s(ACS), 6, 24, 23064–23077 (2023) (Impact Factor: 5.9) ISSN: 2574-0970 DOI:
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- S. Patra, K. M Sahu, J. Mahanty, and S. K. Swain* “Ex Vivo Glucose Detection in Human Blood Serums with Carbon Quantum Dot-Doped Oleic Acid-Treated Chitosan Nanocomposites” ACS Appl. Bio Mater.(ACS) XXX, XXX?XXX(2023) (Impact Factor: 4.7) ISSN: 2576-6422
- P K Behera, D Sahu, S. K. Swain, P. Mohapatra “Capsule shaped nano silver embedded reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for sensing of mercury ions” Applied Nanoscience(Springer), 00-00 (2023) (Impact Factor: 3.869) ISSN: 2190-5517
- S. Patra, S. Mishra, B. Parhi, H. Mishra, S. K. Swain* “Role of transition metal nanocomposites in organic reactions: A state of art as an alternative to conventional catalysts” Results in Chemistry (Elsevier), 6 (2023) 101172. (Impact Factor: 2.3) ISSN: 2211-7156
- S. K. Swain*, Sk. Nazrul, S. K Das, A. Biswal and L. Behera, “Layered Double Hydroxides bundled Agar-g-PAN/Ag Nanocomposite Films: A Strategy to Improve Thermal, Barrier and Antibacterial Properties” Materials Today Communication, (Elsevier), 37, 107073 (2023). (Impact Factor: 3.8) ISSN: 2352-4928. DOI:
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- S. R. Parimanik, T. R. Mahapatra, D. Mishra and A. K. Rout, (2023) Dissimilar Laser Welding of NiTi Alloy with Ferrous and Non-ferrous Material: Optimization of Process Parameters, E3S Web of Conferences, 391, 01167, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202339101167. (IF: 0.38, SCOPUS)
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- L. Mishra, T. R. Mahapatra, S. R. Parimanik, S. Dash, D. Mishra, (2023) Parametric Optimization in Nd:YAG Laser Micro-drilling of Carbon Black/Epoxy Composite Utilizing GRA and Response Surface Methodology. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 917–927 Springer, Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-2921-4_82. (IF: 0.19, SCOPUS)
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- Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Sashi Sonkar, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, Vijai Kumar Gupta, Jigisha Parikh, Uttam Kumar Sahoo, Muthusamy Govarthanan. Biorefinery solutions for food processing wastes: A sustainable bioeconomic perspective. Industrial Crops and Products 205, (2023) 117488.
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- Anjani RK Gollakota, Chi-Min Shu, Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Sudip Rakshit, John F Kennedy, Vijai Kumar Gupta, Minaxi Sharma. Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of bio-oil and model compounds-Choice of catalysts, and mechanisms. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 187, (2023) 113700.
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- Arjun Agrawal, Jayaprakash Panda & Krushna Prasad Shadangi. Study the Soret effects on Bioconvective induced magneto-hydrodynamics flow in presence of multiple slip and thermal radiation. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals (2023).
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- Rajesh K. Srivastava, Sruthy Vineed Nedungadi, Nasim Akhtar, Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Sanjukta Subudhi, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Muthusamy Govarthanan. Effective hydrolysis for waste plant biomass impacts sustainable fuel and reduced air pollution generation: A comprehensive review. Science of the Total Environment 859 (2023) 160260.
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- Anjani RK. Gollakota, Venkata Subbaiah Munagapati, Sheng-Wei Liao, Chi-Min Shu, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Prakash K. Sarangi, Jet-Chau Wen. Ionic liquid [bmim] [TFSI] templated Na-X zeolite for the adsorption of (Cd2+, Zn2+), and dyes (AR, R6). Environmental Research 216, (2023) 114525.
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- Rajesh K. Srivastavaa, Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Soumya Sasmal, Vijai Kumar Gupta, Muthusamy Govarthanan, Uttam Kumar Sahoo, Sanjukta Subudhi. Biorefineries development from agricultural byproducts: Value addition and circular bioeconomy. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 32 (2023) 100970.
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- Monika Kumari, Fernanodo Vega, Luz M Gallego Fernández, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Naveen Kumar. Liquid Amine functional, aqueous blends and the CO2 absorption capacity: molecular structure, size, interaction parameter and mechanistic aspects. Journal of Molecular Liquids 384, (2023) 122288.
- A Formyl Chromone based Schiff base Derivative: An Efficient Colorimetric and Fluorescence Chemosensor for the Selective Detection of Hg2+ ions. Soumya R. Kar, Pragyan P. Dash, Sankalpa N. Panda, Patitapaban Mohanty, Debasis Mohanty, Aruna K. Barick, Suban K. Sahoo, Priyaranjan Mohapatra, Bigyan R. Jali*, Journal of Fluorescence, 2023.
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- Arati Ray, Manish Kumar, Adnan Asad Karim, Kushalindu Biswas, Sibadutta Mohanty, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Sunil Kumar, Binoy Sarkar. Potassium phosphorus sulfur Augmented biochar production from potentially toxic elements abated gypsum pond wastewater of phosphate fertilizer industry. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 11, (2023) 110404.
- Pyrene-based fluorescent chemosensor for rapid detection of water and its applications Pragyan P. Dash, P. Mohanty, S. Behera, R. Behura, Bibhuti B. Palai, Bhaskar Nath ,Suban K. Sahoo, Bigyan R. Jali*, Methods 219 (2023) 127-138.
- Biswal, T., Shadangi, K. P., & Sarangi, P. K. (2023). Application of nanotechnology in the production of biohydrogen: a review. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 46(2), 218-233. (Scopus, SCI, IF: 2.215)
- Shivi Garg, Anand Nayyar, Abdulrajak Buradi, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Prabhakar Sharma, Bhaskor Jyoti Bora , Akshay Jain & Mohd Asif Shah. A novel investigation using thermal modeling and optimization of waste pyrolysis reactor using finite element analysis and response surface methodology. Scientific Reports (Nature publication) 13, (2023) 10931.
- Investigation of in vitro antimicrobial, antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of Nostoc calcicola biosynthesized gold nanoparticles. Chinmayee Priyadarsani Mandhata, Ajit Kumar Bishoyi, Chita Ranjan Sahoo, Surendra Swain, Shuvasree Bej, Bigyan R. Jali, Rajesh Kumar Meher, Debasmita Dubey, Rabindra Nath Padhy. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2023
- Munmi Bhattacharyya, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Pinakeswar Mahanta, Kaustubha Mohanty, Thermo?catalytic pyrolysis of sawdust by a synthesized NiO/Al2O3 composite catalyst: investigation on its reaction mechanism, kinetics, and thermodynamics. Chemical Papers 77, (2023) 4877–4903.
- Rapid colorimetric and fluorometric discrimination of maleic acid vs. fumaric acid and detection of maleic acid in food additives. Pragyan P. Dash, P. Mohanty, R. Behura, S. Behera, S. Naik, M. Mishra H. Sahoo, Aruna K. Barick, P. Mohapatra, Suban K. Sahoo, Bigyan R. Jali*. Journal of Fluorescence, 2023, 1-10.
- Sarthak Saxena, Shweta Rawat, Soumya Sasmal, Krushna Prasad Shadangi. A mini review on microwave and contemporary based biohydrogen production technologies: a comparison. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30, (2023) 124735–124747.
- A Highly Selective Schiff base Fluorescent Sensor for Zn2+, Cd2+ and Hg2+ based on 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine Derivative. R. Behura, P. Mohanty, G. Sahu, P.P. Dash, S. Behera, R. Dinda, P.R. Hota, H. Sahoo, R. Bhaskaran, A.K. Barick, P. Mohapatra, B. R. Jali*. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2023, 110959.
- Advances on chromo-fluorogenic sensing of copper (II) with Schiff bases. Pragyan Parimita Dash, Dhvani A. Patel, Patitapaban Mohanty, Rubi Behura, S. Behera, Suban K. Sahoo, B. R. Jali*. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 2023, 121635.
- J Alam, S Panda A comprehensive study on multi-objective design optimization of spur gear,Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 51 (9), 5272-5298
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- Detection of moisture in DMSO and raw food products by using an anthracene-based fluorescence OFF-ON chemosensor. P. P. Dash, P. Mohanty, R. Behura, S. Behera, P. Singla, S. C. Sahoo, S.K. Sahoo, B. R. Jali*. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 440 (2023) 114650.
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- A thiourea-based fluorescent turn-on chemosensor for detecting Hg2+, Ag+ and Au3+ in aqueous medium. P. Mohanty, P. P. Dash, S. Naik, R. Behura, M. Mishra, H. Sahoo , S. K. Sahoo, A.K. Barick, B. R. Jali*, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 437 (2023), 114491.
- Water-induced fluorescence turn-on imidazole derivative and its interaction with bovine serum albumin. S. Behera, P. P. Dash, P. Mohanty, R. Behura , S. K. Sahoo, B.R. Jali*, Journal of Molecular Structure. 1282 (2023), 135158.
- Selective Binding of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA): A Comprehensive Review. S. Behera, P. Mohanty, P. P. Dash, P. Mohapatra, L. Shubhadarshinee, R. Behura, A. K. Barick, P. Mohapatra, B. R. Jali*, Biointreface Research in Applied Chemistry. 13 (2023), 555.
- S. Sahoo, H. Barik and P. Patro, Heat Transfer Study of Water and Air Based Nanofluids with Al2O3 Nanoparticle in a Circular Pipe Using Multiphase Approach, Particulate Science and Technology, 42(3), 393-407 (2023).
- Green Synthesis, Characterization, and Acoustical Analysis of Copper Quantum Dots (Cu QDs) Using Leaf Extract of Mangifera indica Plant. S. Behera, L. Shubhadarshinee, P. Mohapatra, B. R. Jali, P. Mohapatra, A. K. Barick. Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials. 2023.
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- Quinoline a Versatile Molecular Probe for Zinc Sensor: A Mini Review, P. Mohanty, P. P. Dash, R. Behura, S. Behera, A. K. Barick, and B.R. Jali*, Letter in Applied Nano-BioScience, 12 (2023) 123.
- Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Punyatoya Mishra, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Study of Mechanical and Morphological properties of CCTO-BT/epoxy composite, Composite Theory and Practices, 23(3), 123-128
- A Versatile Molecular Probe of Napthalimide-derivative for Zn (II) Sensor: A Mini-Review. P. P. Das, P. Mohanty, A. K. Barick, P. Mohapatra and B. R. Jali*, TRENDS IN SCIENCES 20 (2023) 1.
- Sabindra Kachhap, Pabitra Kumar Sahu, Punyapriya Mishra, Investigation and optimization of wire EDM process parameters for Al 5454 alloy machining, Materials today proceeding
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- Subrat Kumar Sethi and Arunanshu Mahapatro. A Deep Learning-Based Discrete-Time Markov Chain Analysis of Cognitive Radio Network for Sustainable Internet of Things in 5G-Enabled Smart City. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, Springer, Accepted, 2023.
- G. Biswal, N. Behera, R.N. Mohapatra and S.K. Padhan, A pair of Mond–Weir type third order symmetric duality, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 69 (2023) 3391-3402.
- Radhashyam Patra, Arunanshu Mahapatro and Kwonhue Choi. Orthogonal affine precoding and decoding based channel estimation and data detection in frequency reversed Alamouti coded FBMCOQAM system. International Journal of Information Technology, Springer, Accepted, 2023.
- Subrat Kumar Sethi and Arunanshu Mahapatro. Interference aware intelligent routing in cognitive radio based Vehicular Adhoc networks for smart city applications. International Journal of Information Technology, Springer, Accepted, 2023.
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- Dash, P. K., Pathi, S. K., Patro, S. K. and Panigrahi, R.,2023, Influence of chemical constituents of binder and activator in predicting compressive strength of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete using firefly-optimized hybrid ensemble machine learning model, Materials Today Communications SCIE, vol 37, 107485
- V CH Sekhar Rao Rayavarapu and Arunanshu Mahapatro. Design and Development of Mobile Anchor Assisted Node Localization Strategy using a Hybrid Electric-Coyote Optimization. Evolutionary Intelligence, Springer, Accepted, 2023.
- Dash, P. K., Pathi, S. K., Patro, S. K. and Panigrahi, R.,2023, Efficient machine learning algorithm with enhanced cast swarm optimization for prediction of compressive strength of GGBS-based geopolymer concrete at elevated temperature, Construction and Building materials,, SCIE, vol 400, October,
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- Anchal Kumawat and Sucheta Panda, “An Integrated Double Hybrid Fusion Approach for Image Smoothing", International Journal of Image and Graphics, World Scientific Publishing Company, Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023) 2350003 (23 pages)DOI :, Scopus, Impact Factor – 1.6, Unpaid, ISSN: 1793-6756(e_ISSN), 0219-4678(p_ISSN).
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- Biswaranjan Achrya, Ahona Ghosh,Sucheta Panda and Yu-Chen Hu, “ Automated Plant Recognition System with Geographical Position Selection for Medicinal Plants ”, Hindawi , Scopus, Advances in Multimedia, Impact Factor – 1.07,Volume 2023, Article ID 3974346, 11 pages
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- Behera S. Analytical Solutions In terms of Solitonic Wave Profiles of Phi-four Equation. Nonlinear Opt Quantum Opt 59, no. 3-4 (2023): 253-261. (ESCI , Scopus, I/F-0.26 )
- Veligeti, R.; Anireddy, J. S.; Madhu, R. B.; Bendi, A.; Praveen, P. L.; Ramakrishna, D. S. Solvent-Free Synthesis of Acridone Based Dihydropyrazine Derivatives Using CuFe2O4 Nanoparticles as Heterogeneous Catalyst: Molecular Docking and In-Vitro Studies as Anticancer Agents. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2023, 33, 4039–4051. (SCI & SCOPUS)
- Behera, S, Mohanty , S, and Virdi, J, S. Analytical solutions and mathematical simulation of traveling wave solutions to fractional order nonlinear equations. Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics 8 (2023): 100535. (Scopus, Cite score-3.4 )
- Behera, P.; Ramakrishna, D. S.; Chandrasekhar, M. M.; Kothakapu, S. R. A Concise Review on Recent Advances in Catalytic Asymmetric Hydrogenation. Chirality, 2023, 35, 477–497. (SCIE & SCOPUS)
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- Shial, Gyanaranjan, Sabita Saho, and Sibarama Panigrahi. "A Nature Inspired Hybrid Partitional Clustering Method Based on Grey Wolf Optimization and JAYA Algorithm." Computer Science 24 (2023).
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- Sk. Nazrul, L. Behera, R. K. Singh, A. Biswal, S. K. Swain* “Combined Effect of Layered Double Hydroxides and Nano silver on Bacterial Inhibition and Gas Barrier Properties of Chitosan Grafted Polyacrylonitrile Nanocomposites†Polymer-Plastic Technology and Materials, 1-11, (Tylor & Francis), (2022). (Impact Factor: 2.439) ISSN: 2574-089X DOI: 10.1080/25740881.2022.2086814.
- P. K. Sethy, A. Biswal, P. Mohapatra, and S K Swain* “Nano BN reinforced cellulose-based tripolymeric hybrid nanocomposites as packaging materials†Polymer-Plastic Technology and Materials, 1-11, (Tylor & Francis), (2022). (Impact Factor: 2.439) ISSN: 2574-089X. DOI: 10.1080/25740881.2022.2044048.
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- Amit Kumar Behera, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Prakash Kumar Sarangi. Synthesis of dye-sensitized TiO2/Ag doped nano-composites using UV photoreduction process for phenol degradation: A comparative study. Environmental Pollution 312, (2022) 120019.
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- Nivedita Patel, Krushna Prasad Shadangi & Praveen Kumar Kar, Pyrolytic oil blended gasoline as future fuel: pyrolysis mechanism, fuel properties, and composition analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29, (2022) 86400–86417.
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- Gyanesh Das, Rutuparna Panda, Leena Samantaray, Sanjay Agrawal “A Novel Non-Entropic Objective Function for Multilevel Optimal Threshold Selection Using Adaptive Equilibrium Optimizerâ€, “Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering†(page nos – 2230, year 2022).
- Nivedita Patel & Krushna Prasad Shadangi. Study the fuel characteristics of ethanol and waste engine oil pyrolytic oil blends. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29, (2022) 50928–50936.
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- Lingraj Dora, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “An efficient multiclass classifier for classification of Alzheimer's disease/mild cognitive impairment/Normal subjectsâ€, “International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. no. – 32(2)†(page nos – 629-641, year 2022).
- Latika Bhatia, Prakash Kumar Sarangi, Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Anand Prakash, Krushna Prasad Shadangi. Lignocellulosic waste biomass for biohydrogen production: future challenges and bio?economic perspectives. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 16 (3), (2022) 838-858.
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- Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Pratikshya Choudhury, Ajith Abraham “Dominant color component and adaptive whale optimization algorithm for multilevel thresholding of color imagesâ€, “Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. no. - 240†(page nos– 108172, year 2022).
- Shakambari Mahapatra, Sanjay Agrawal “An optimal statistical featureâ€based transformation function for enhancement of retinal images using adaptive enhanced leader particle swarm optimizationâ€, “International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. no. – 32(6)†(page nos – 2163-2183, year 2022).
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- Recent advancement on chromo-fluorogenic sensing of aluminum(III) with Schiff bases. P. Mohanty, R. Behura, V. Bhardwaj, P. P. Dash, S. K. Sahoo and B. R. Jali*, Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 34 (2022), e00166.
- Deepak K Mohapatra, Chitta R Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Kiran K Ekka, Chandrakanta Mishra, “Mechanical characterization of kenaf/glass fibre hybrid composite laminates: An experimental and numerical approach”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 09544089221136813
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- Protein interactions, molecular docking, antimicrobial and antifungal studies of terpyridine ligands. S. Behera, P. P. Dash, A. K. Boshoyi, K. Dash, P. Mohanty, C. R. Sahoo, R. N. Padhy, M. Mishra, B. N. Ghosh, H. Sahoo, B. R. Jali*, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2022.
- Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, “Investigation of glass fiber influence on mechanical characteristics of natural fiber reinforced polyester composites: an experimental and numerical approach”, Composites theory and practice, 22: 3, 123-129
- Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, “ Synthesis and characterization of CCTO0.5 BT0.5/epoxy hybrid ceramic polymer composite for electronic applications” Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 67, Part 2, Pages 372-376
- Bikash Meher, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Lingraj Dora, Ajith Abraham “Visible and infrared image fusion using an efficient adaptive transition region extraction techniqueâ€, “Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, vol. no. - 29†(page nos – 101037, year 2022).
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- Shakambari Mahapatra, Sanjay Agrawal, Pranaba K. Mishro, Ram Bilas Pachori “A novel framework for retinal vessel segmentation using optimal improved frangi filter and adaptive weighted spatial FCMâ€, “Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. no. - 147†(page nos – 105770, year 2022).
- A Schiff base luminescent chemosensor for selective detection of Zn2+ in aqueous medium. R. Behura, P. P. Dash, P. Mohanty, S. Behera, M. Mohanty, R. Dinda, S. K. Behera, A. K. Barick and B. R. Jali*, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1264, (2022), 133310.
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- A Brief Review: Antibacterial Activity of Quinone Derivatives. P. Mohanty, S. Sahoo, S. Behera, R. Behura, A. Acharya, D. Biswal, S. K. Suna, R. Sahoo, R. C. Soren and B. R. Jali*, Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 12 (2022), 3247
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- Veligeti, R.; Ramakrishna, D. S.; Madhu, R. B.; Anireddy, J. S. Synthesis of Fluoro and Trifluoromethyl Substituents Containing Novel Tetracyclic N-Benzylated Benzopiperazine Fused Acridone Regioisomers Using a Greener Solvent 2-MeTHF and Their DFT Studies. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2022, 257–258, 109989. (SCI & SCOPUS)
- Veligeti, R.; Anireddy, J. S.; Madhu, R. B.; Ramakrishna, D. S. One Pot, Three Component Synthesis of Fluoro and Trifluoromethyl Substituted Unsymmetrical Dihydropyrazine Fused Acridine-3-Carboxamide Using Renewable 2-MeTHF Solvent and Their DFT Studies. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2022, 261–262, 110019. (SCI & SCOPUS)
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- Anchal Kumawat and Sucheta Panda, "Noisy Iris Smoothing And Segmentation Scheme Based On Improved Wildes Method", Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, Springer, SCIE, SCI, Scopus, Impact Factor – 2.5,Unpaid,Accepted on September 04, 2022, published online on 28 September 2022, vol : 34, Pages:47-79, DOI :, ISSN: 1573-0824(e_ISSN) 0923-6082(p_ISSN).
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- Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra, Layatitdev Das, “Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for predicting dielectric characteristics of CNT/PMMA nanocomposites.” Materials Today: Proceedings, 33, 5200-5205
- Jali, B. R.; Thakur, S. R.; Behura, R.; Behera, S.; Sayala, R. B.; Barick, A. K.; Ramakrishna D.S. Selective Detection of Fluoride and Hydrogen Sulfate Anions by Pyrimidine-Based Fluorescence Chemosensor. Indian Journal of Chemistry -Section A, 2020, 59. (SCI & SCOPUS)
- N. Patel &K. P. Shadangi,Characterization of waste engine oil (WEO) pyrolytic oil and diesel blended oil: Fuel properties and compositional analysis, Materials Today: Proceedings 33 (2020) 4933-4936.
- Patnaik, P. K., Mishra, S. K., Swain, P. T. R., & Panda, D., “Effect of Groundnut Shell Particulate Content on Physical and Mechanical Behavior of Jute–Epoxy Hybrid Compositeâ€, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E, pp. 1-8, 2020, doi: 10.1007/s40034-020-00185-y
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- Bikash Meher, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Lingraj Dora, Ajith Abraham “A novel regionâ€based multimodal image fusion technique using improved dictionary learningâ€, “International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. no. – 30(3)†(page nos – 558-576, year 2020).
- Padhi, P. K. “Life Skills Through English†in UGC CARE Listed Journal Our Heritage, Volume-68, Issue-30, February 2020, ISSN: o474-9030, Page no.- 6838.
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- Patnaik, P. K., Mishra, S. K., & Swain, P. T. R., “Erosion wear behavior of needle-punched nonwoven fabric (NPNF) reinforced epoxy composites–An evaluation using Taguchi’s designâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 33, pp. 5683-5686, 2020, doi:
- A. Das, Sanjay Agrawal, Leena Samantaray, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “State-of-the Art Optimal Multilevel Thresholding Methods for Brain MR Image Analysisâ€, “Rev. d'Intelligence Artif., vol. no. – 34(3)†(page nos – 243-256, year 2020).
- Padhi, P. K. “An Empirical Study of Robert Frost’s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†in UGC CARE Listed Journal Our Heritage, Volume-68, Issue-1, January 2020, ISSN: o474-9030, Page no. 10575.
- S. Gadtia, S.K. Padhan and B. Bhoi, Square root formulae in the ?ulbas?tras and Bakhshãl? manuscript, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 20 , (2020) 1-10.
- Padhi, P. K., Avisek Pattnaik. “A Journey of Africa through the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad as an Outsider and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe as an Insider†in Journal of Critical Reviews, Volume-7, Issue-2, 2020, ISSN: 2394-5125, (SCOPUS indexed), Page no. 167.
- Patnaik, P. K., Swain, P. T. R., Mishra, S. K., Purohit, A., & Biswas, S., “Composite material selection for structural applications based on AHP-MOORA approachâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 33, pp. 5659-5663, 2020, doi:
- Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Leena Samantaray, Ajith Abraham “A novel automated absolute intensity difference based technique for optimal MR brain image thresholdingâ€, “Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, vol. no. – 32(9)†(page nos – 1045-1054, year 2020).
- Pattnaik, Pooja, et al. "Application of statistical parameters for flow analysis of Hirakud reservoir Odisha India." Authorea Preprints (2020).
- Purohit, A., Satapathy, A., Swain, P. T. R., & Patnaik, P. K., “Analysis of sliding wear behavior of LD sludge filled epoxy composites using response surface methodologyâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 33, pp. 5066-5069, 2020, doi:
- Pranaba K. Mishro, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “Novel fuzzy clusteringâ€based bias field correction technique for brain magnetic resonance imagesâ€, “IET Image Processing, vol. no. – 14(9)†(page nos – 1929-1936, year 2020).
- Rath, Ashutosh, and Prakash Chandra Swain. "Evaluation of performance of irrigation canals using benchmarking techniques–a case study of Hirakud dam canal system, Odisha, India." ISH journal of hydraulic engineering 26.1 (2020): 51-58.
- Pranaba K. Mishro, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “A novel type-2 fuzzy C-means clustering for brain MR image segmentationâ€, “IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. no. - 51(8)†(page nos – 3901-3912, year 2020).
- Purohit, A., Swain, P. T. R., & Patnaik, P. K., “Mechanical and sliding wear characterization of LD sludge filled hybrid compositesâ€, Materials today: proceedings, vol. 26, pp. 1654-1659, 2020, doi:
- Upadhyaya, S., Nanda, B. and Panigrahi, R., 2020, Effect of granite dust as partial replacement to natural sand on strength and ductility of reinforced concrete beams, Journal of Institute of Engineers (India): Series A, Springer, Scopus
- Laser micro drilling of 316L stainless steel orthopedic implant: A study
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- Spectroscopic, cytotoxicity and molecular docking studies on the interaction between 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine derived Schiff bases with bovine serum albumin. S. Behera, R. Behura, M. Mohanty, R. Dinda, P. Mohanty, Anil K. Verma, Suban K. Sahoo and B.R. Jali*, Sensors International 1 (2020) 100048.
- Modeling and optimization of rolling process: A multi-objective approach
- Swain, P. T. R., Das, S. N., Patnaik, P. K., & Purohit, A., “The influence of moisture absorption on the mechanical and thermal properties of chemically treated DPL reinforced hybrid compositeâ€, Materials Science Forum, vol. 978, pp. 316-322, 2020, doi:
- Patnaik, P. K., Swain, P. T. R., Mishra, S. K., Purohit, A., & Biswas, S., “Recent developments on characterization of needle-punched nonwoven fabric reinforced polymer composites–A reviewâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 26, pp. 466-470, 2020, doi:
- WEDM microdrilling of 316 L stainless steel orthopedic implant
- Reviewer acknowledgments and awards: Recognition awards for distinction of reviewing in 2019
- An approach for design optimization of 3R manipulator using Adaptive Cuckoo Search algorithm
- M. Swain, S.Kisan, “Hybridized Machine Learning based Fractal Analysis Techniques for Breast Cancer Classification”. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2020, ISSN: 2156-5570. DOI : 10.14569/issn.2156-5570 , Vol. 11, No. 10,pp-179-184
- Particle Swarm Optimization and Machinability Aspects during Turning of Hardened D3 Steel
- S. Kisan, B. Sahu, A. Jena, S. N. Mohanty, “Detection of Violence in Videos using Hybrid Machine Learning Techniques”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), 29(3), 5386- 5392, 2020
- S. Kisan, S. Nayak, A. Chawda, S.N. Mishra. “Face Shape Classification based on Modified Relative Improved Differential Box Count Method”. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, (IJAST), 2020, Volume 29, Issue 3, ISSN: 2005-4238, ISSN: 2207-6360 (Online),Page:3878-3889
- K. K. Sahu, S. C. Nayak, and H. S. Behera, “Forecasting Currency Exchange Rate Time Series With Fireworks Algorithm-Based Higher Order Neural Network, With Special Attention To Training Data Enrichment,†Computer Science, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 463–489, 2020, doi: 10.7494/csci.2020.21.4.3474
- R. L. Sahu, R. R. Dash, and P. K. Pradhan, ‘Use of soil conservation service curve number and filtration coefficient approach for simulating Escherichia coli removal during river bank filtration’, J. Water, vol. 37, p. 101432, Oct. 2020.
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- Design and analysis of the 2DOF-PIDN-FOID controller for frequency regulation of the electric power systems
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- D. Sahu, G Sahoo, P Mohapatra and S K Swain* “Nano Gold Hybrid Polyvinyl Alcohol Films for Sensing of Cu2+ ions†Chemistry Select, (Wiley-VCH) 4, 001 –011 (2019). (Impact Factor: 1.716) DOI:
- P. K Sethi, K. Prusty, P Mohapatra and S K Swain* “Nano CaCO3 embodied poly acrylic acid/dextran nanocomposites for packaging applications†Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Wiley), 136, 48298 (2019). DOI: 10.1002/app.48298 (Impact Factor: 1.991).
- B B Singh, F Mohanty, S S Das*, and S K Swain “Graphene sandwiched crumb rubber dispersed hot mix asphalt†Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, (Elsevier), (2019) Doi. org/10.1016/j.jtte.2019.02.003. (Impact Factor:1.48)
- K Prusty and S K Swain* “Release of ciprofloxacin drugs by nano gold embedded cellulose grafted polyacrylamide hybrid nanocomposite hydrogels†International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (Elsevier), 126(1), 665-675 (2019) 0141-8130. (Impact Factor: 4.784).
- P K Sethy, K Prusty, P Mohapatra and S K Swain* “Nanoclay Decorated Polyacrylic acid-starch Hybrid Nanocomposite Thin Films as Packaging Materials†Polymer Composites (Wiley), 40:229–239, (2019). DOI: 10.1002/pc.24326 (Impact Factor: 2.262).
- D. Sahu, G Sahoo, P Mohapatra and S K Swain* “Dual Activities of Nano Silver Embedded Reduced Graphene Oxide Using Clove Leaf Extracts: Hg2+ Sensing and Catalytic degradation†Chemistry Select, (Wiley-VCH) 4, 2593–2602 (2019). (Impact Factor: 1.716) DOI: 10.1002/slct.201803725.
- G Sahoo, N Sarkar and S K Swain* “Effect of layered graphene oxide on the structure and properties of bovine serum albumin grafted polyacrylonitrile hybrid bionanocomposites†Polymer Composites (Wiley), (2019). DOI:10.1002/pc.25260 (Impact Factor: 2.262).
- F. Mohanty and S K Swain* "Silver Nanoparticles Decorated Polyethylmethacrylate/Graphene Oxide Composite: As Packaging Material" Polymer Composites (Wiley), 40: E1199– E1207, 2019. (Impact Factor: 2.262) DOI:10.1002/pc.24944.
- F Mohanty and S K Swain* “Nano silver embedded starch hybrid graphene oxide sandwiched poly(ethylmethacrylate) for packaging application†Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects (Elsevier), 18: 100300 (2019). (Impact Factor: 0.772) Accepted.
- K Prusty and S K Swain* “Nanostructured gold dispersed polyethylmethaacrylate/dextran hybrid composites for packaging applications†Polymer-Plastic Technology and Engineering, (Tylor & Francis), (2019) (Impact Factor: 1.705). DOI: 10.1080/25740881.2019.1602140.
- D. Sahu, N Sarkar, G. Sahoo, P Mohapatra and S K Swain* “Nano silver imprinted graphene oxide as catalyst in reduction of 4-nitrophenol†Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry (Wiley), (Impact Factor: 1.53) DOI:10.1002/poc.3971 (2019).
- K Prusty, A Biswal, S B Biswal and S K Swain*, “Synthesis of soy protein/polyacrylamide nanocomposite hydrogels for delivery of ciprofloxacin drug†Materials Chemistry and Physics (Elsevier), 234, 378-289(2019). (Impact Factor: 2.781)
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2019) Hygrothermal effect on vibroacoustic behaviour of higher-order sandwich panel structure with laminated composite face sheets, Engineering Structures, Vol. 197, pp. 109355, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.109355. (IF: 5.58, SCI)
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2019) Vibroacoustic analysis of thermo-elastic laminated composite sandwich curved panel: A higher-order FEM-BEM approach, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design Vol. 15(2), pp. 271-289, DOI: 10.1007/s10999-018-9426-5, (IF: 3.561, SCI)
- Mehar, K., Panda, S. K., Mahapatra, T. R., (2019), Large-deformation bending responses of nanotube-reinforced polymer composite panel structure- numerical and experimental analysis, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 233 (5), pp. 1695-1704, DOI: 10.1177/0954410018761192, (IF: 0.809) SCI
- Sahoo, S. S., Panda, S. K., Mahapatra, T. R., and Hirwani, C. K., (2019), Numerical analysis of transient responses of delaminated layered structure using different mid-plane theories and experimental validation, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 43 (1), pp. 41-56, DOI: 10.1007/s40997-017-0111-3 (IF: 0.595) SCI
- Singh, V. K., Hirwani, C. K., Panda, S. K., Mahapatra, T. R. and Mehar, K., (2019) Numerical and Experimental Nonlinear Dynamic Response Reduction of Smart Composite Curved Structure using Collocation and Non-collocation Configuration, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 233 (5), pp. 1601-1619, DOI: 10.1177/0954406218774362, (IF: 1.015) SCI
- Dash, S., Mehar, K., Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K. (2019) Finite element solution of stress and flexural strength of functionally graded doubly curved sandwich shell panel, Earthquake and Structures, Vol. 16 (1), pp. 55-67, DOI: 10.12989/eas.2019.16.1.055, SCIE (IF: 1.309)
- S Jaypuria, TR Mahapatra, O Jaypuria, (2019) Metaheuristic tuned ANFIS model for input-output modeling of friction stir welding, Materials Today: Proceedings, 18(7), 3922-3930. doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2019.07.332. (IF: 2.59, SCOPUS)
- M Das, D Mishra, TR Mahapatra, (2019) Machinability of Metal Matrix Composites: A Review, Materials Today: Proceedings, 18(7), 5373-5381. doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2019.07.564. (IF: 2.59, SCOPUS)
- S Jaypuria, S Khandai, TR Mahapatra, A Singh, (2019) Development of activated flux for deep penetration in GTAW, Materials Today: Proceedings, 18(7), 4703-4710. doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2019.07.456. (IF: 2.59, SCOPUS)
- B Dash, M Das, M Das, TR Mahapatra, D Mishra, (2019) A concise review on machinability of NiTi shape memory alloys, Materials Today: Proceedings, 18(7), 5141-5150. doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2019.07.511. (IF: 2.59, SCOPUS)
- Ranjan, S., Khan, R., Dash, S., Mahapatra, T.R., Panda, S.K. (2019) Thermo-elastic free vibration analysis of functionally graded flat panel with temperature gradient along thickness, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 577(1), 012123 (IF: 0.39) (SCOPUS)
- Biswal, T*., Priyadarsini, M., & Dash, S. (2019). Sustainable biocomposite manufacturing processes and applications. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 62(4), 751-766 (Scopus, ESCI).
- Priyadarshini, S.; Guru, P. S.; Ramakrishna, D. S.; Dash, S. Cr(VI) Oxidation of Cholesterol—A Kinetic Study Using N-Cetylpicolinium Dichromates, A Class of Novel Phase Transfer Oxidants. Kinetics and Catalysis, 2019, 60, 147–154. (SCI & SCOPUS)
- Rath D, Panda S. Pal, K Particle Swarm Optimization and Machinability Aspects during Turning of Hardened D3 Steel, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 2019, (In Press)
- Biswal, T*., Barik P. (2019) Assessment, characterization and Eco-Utilization study of solid waste generated from Steel Industries, India- An Overview, International Journal of green and herbal Chemistry, 8(1) ,1-15,
- Acharya N., Nanda P. and Panda S. A comparative study of stability characteristics of mahua and jatropha biodiesel and their blends, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences, 2019 31(2), 184-190
- Debasmita Pani, Punyapriya Mishra, Study of mechanical properties of natural fiber reinforced hybrid polymer composites, International journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, 9(1), 1-6
- Swain, P. K., Biswal, T*., & Panda, R. B. (2019) Solid Waste Generation in The Rourkela Steel Plant, Its Recycling and Eco-Utilization, Pollution Research. 38 (2), 182-191 (Scopus).
- Punyapriya Mishra, Narasingh Deep, Sagarika Pradhan, Vikram G Kamble “Effect of functionalized MWCNT on the mechanical and dielectric properties of PMMA nano composites”, International Journal of Nano Science, 18 (6), 1850035-304
- Rath D, Panda S*. Pal, K Dry turning of AISI D3 steel using a mixed ceramic insert: A study, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C, 2019 233(19-20),6698-6712.
- Swain, P. K., Biswal, T*., & Panda, R. B. (2019) Physico-Chemical and Mineralogical Properties of Fly Ash Of Rourkela Steel Plant, Odisha And Its Eco-utilization, Pollution Research, 38 (2), 144-152 (Scopus).
- Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B An approach for design optimization of 3R manipulator using adaptive cuckoo search algorithm, Mechanics based design of Structures and machines, 2019,
- Biswal, T., Sahoo, A., Panda, P. K, & Panda, R.B. (2019) Water Quality Assessment Of River Brahmani Near By Talcher-Angul Industrial Complex, Odisha, India, Pollution Research, 38(2), 137-143 (Scopus).
- Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., Workspace optimization of 3R manipulator-a multi-objective approach, Int. J. Intelligent Machine and Robotics, 2019 1(3),210-236.
- Workspace optimisation of 3R manipulator-a multi-objective approach
- Padhi, P. K. “A Critical Interpretation of Black Humour in Charles Wright’s The Messenger and The Wig†in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Volume-8, Issue-4, November 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878. (SCOPUS indexed), P- 7328
- A comparative study of stability characteristics of mahua and jatropha biodiesel and their blends
- Dry turning of AISI D3 steel using a mixed ceramic insert: A study
- Deepak Kumar Lal, and Ajit Kumar Barisal, "Combined load frequency and terminal voltage control of power systems using moth flame optimization algorithm", Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology (Springer Publications), Volume 6 (8), pp. 1-24, 2019. https://doi:10.1186/s43067-019-0010-3
- Rath, Ashutosh, SandeepSamantaray, and Prakash Chandra Swain. "Flow Measurement in Huma Tail distributary of Hirakud Command Area, India using Chiu's Equation." Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology 27.1 (2019).
- Soudamini Behera, Ajit Kumar Barisal, Nirmalya Dhal, and Deepak Kumar Lal, "Mitigation of power oscillations using hybrid DE-PSO optimization-based SSSC damping controller", Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology (Springer Publications), Volume 6 (5), pp. 1-17, 2019. https://doi:10.1186/s43067-019-0007-y
- Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Swati Kumari, Lingraj Dora, Ajith Abraham “A New Hybrid Multifocus Image Fusion Model Using Single Optimum Gabor Filterâ€, “Rev. d'Intelligence Artif., vol. no. – 33(2)†(page nos - 111-118, year 2019).
- Deepak Kumar Lal, A. K. Barisal, and M. Tripathy, “Differential evolution algorithm optimized dual mode load frequency controller for isolated wind-diesel power system with SMES & fuel cellâ€, Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Bentham Science Publications), Volume 12, Issue 1, pp.50-60, 2019.
- 1Jena, S. and Panigrahi, R., 2019, Performance assessment of geopolymer concrete with partial replacement of ferrochrome slag as coarse aggregate, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, Vol 220, 525-537. SCIE
- Rath, Ashutosh, SandeepSamantaray, and Prakash Chandra Swain. "Discharge measurement in part of Hirakud Canal System, Odisha, India, using Chiu’s equation." Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A 100 (2019): 479-486.
- Bikash Meher, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “A survey on region based image fusion methods, vol. no.-48â€, “Information Fusion†(page nos – 119-132, year 2019).
- Jena, S., Panigrahi, R. and Sahu, P., 2019, Mechanical and Durability Properties of Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete with Silica Fume, Journal of Institute of Engineers (India): Series A, Springer, Vol 100, 697–705.Scopus
- Rath, Ashutosh, SandeepSamantaray, and Prakash Chandra Swain. "Optimization of the cropping pattern using cuckoo search technique." Smart Techniques for a Smarter Planet: Towards Smarter Algorithms (2019): 19-35.
- Deepak Kumar Lal, and Ajit Kumar Barisal, "Grasshopper algorithm optimized fractional order fuzzy PID frequency controller for hybrid power systems", Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Bentham Science Publications), Volume 12, Issue 6, pp.517 - 529, 2019.
- Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Pranaba K. Mishro, Ajith Abraham “A novel joint histogram equalization based image contrast enhancementâ€, “Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences†(page nos – 1172-1182, year 2019).
- B. Senapati, S.Kisan, “Fractal Image Compression using Region of Interest (ROI)”, Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSIT), p-ISSN: 2393-9907; e-ISSN: 2393-9915; Volume 6, Issue 1; January-March, 2019, pp. 39-43.
- Patnaik, P. K., Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “Investigation of mechanical and abrasive wear behavior of blast furnace slagâ€filled needleâ€punched nonwoven viscose fabric epoxy hybrid compositesâ€, Polymer Composites, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 2335-2345, 2019, doi:
- Jena, S. and Panigrahi, R., 2019, Parametric study on sustainable geopolymer concrete, International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems, Vol 3, Issue 3-4, 218-234.
- Patnaik, P. K., Swain, P. T. R., & Purohit, A., “Selection of composite materials for structural applications through MCDM approachâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 18, pp. 3454-3461, 2019, doi:
- Purohit, A., Satapathy, A., Swain, P. T. R., & Patnaik, P. K., “A study on erosion wear behavior of ld sludge reinforced polypropylene compositeâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 18, pp. 4299-4304, 2019, doi:
- Jatin K. Pradhan, Arun Ghosh and C.N. Bhende, Two-degree-of-freedom multi-input multi-output proportional integral derivative control design: Application to quadruple-tank system, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, vol. 233, pp. 303-319, 2019.
- Numerical study of MHD flow and heat transfer of an unsteady third grade fluid with viscous dissipation (I Nayak) J.-IAENG Int. j. of applied mathematics, Vol.-49(2), pg.-245-252, ISSN No.-1992-9986(2019).
- L. Mohanty, P. Istalkar and B. Biswal (2023) Dynamic aspects of suspended-sediment-concentration recession curves, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 617, Part C, 2023, 129107, ISSN 0022-1694,
- R. L. Sahu, R. R. Dash, P. K. Pradhan, and P. Das, ‘Effect of hydrogeological factors on removal of turbidity during river bank filtration: Laboratory and field studies’, Groundw. Sustain. Dev., vol. 9, p. 100229, Oct. 2019.
- Mishra, A. (2019). Resource Allocation by Multi-Coloring Using Different Graph Traversal Methods. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews
- K Prusty, P K Sethy and S K Swain* “Sandwich structured starch grafted polyethylhexylacrylate/polyvinylalcohol thin films†Advances in Polymer Technology (Wiley), 37, 37739-37791 (2018), DOI: 10.1002/adv.22161 (Impact Factor: 2.663).
- K. Prusty and S K Swain* “Nano Silver Decorated Polyacrylamide/Dextran Nanohydrogels hybrid composites for Drug Delivery Applications†Materials Science & Engineering: C (Elsevier) 85, 130-141 (2018) (Impact Factor: 4.959). DOI:
- K Prusty and S K Swain* “Nanostructured Chitosan Composites for Cancer Therapy: A Review†International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials (Tylor & Francis), (Impact Factor: 2.263) 67(15),879-888 (2018) DOI. 10.1080/00914037.2017.1393678.
- S. K. Swain*, S. Barik, G C Pradhan and L. Behera “Delamination of Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxide on Starch: Change in Structural and Thermal Properties†Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering (Tylor & Francis), (Impact Factor: 1.655) 57(15), 1585-1591 (2018) Doi: 10.1080/03602559.2017.1410844.
- N. Sarkar, G Sahoo, R Das and S K Swain* “Three-Dimensional Rice Straw Structured Magnetic Nanoclay Decorated Tri-polymeric Nanohydrogels as Superabsorbent of Dye Pollutants†ACS Applied Nano Materials (American Chemical Society) 1, 1183-1203 (2018). DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.7b00358
- S Gantayat, N. Sarkar, G Prusty, D. Rout and S K Swain* “Designing of epoxy matrix by chemically modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes†Advances in Polymer Technology (Wiley), 37, 21654-21662 (2018), DOI: 10.1002/adv. 21654 (Impact Factor: 2.663)
- S K Swain* and K Prusty†Biomedical applications of acrylic based nanohydrogels: A review†Journal of Materials Science (Springer) 53, 2303-2325 (2018) (Impact Factor: 3.442) DOI: 10.1007/s10853-017-1726-x.
- S Gantayat, D Rout, SK Swain* “Carbon Nanomaterials Reinforced Epoxy Composites: A Review†Polymer-Plastic Technology and Engineering, (Tylor & Francis), 57(1), 1-16 (2018) (Impact Factor: 1.655)
- G Sahoo, N Sarkar and S K Swain* “The effect of reduced graphene oxide intercalated hybrid nanoclay on the dielectric properties of polyvinylidene fluoride nanocomposite films†Applied Clay Science (Elsevier) 162 69-82 (2018) (Impact Factor: 3.890).
- K. Prusty and S K Swain* "h-BN huddled starch reinforced PolyethylhexylacrylatePolyvinyl alcohol thin films for packaging applications" Polymer Composites (Wiley), (2018). (Impact Factor: 2.262) Accepted.
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K. (2018), Numerical analysis of acoustic radiation properties of laminated composite flat panel in thermal environment: A higher-order finite-boundary element approach. IMechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 232 (18), pp. 3235-3249, DOI: 10.1177/0954406217735866 (IF: 1.015) SCI
- Dash, S., Mehar, K., Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K. (2018) Modal analysis of FG sandwich doubly curved shell structure, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 68 (6), pp. 721-733, DOI: 10.12989/sem.2018.68.6.721, (IF: 2.91) SCI
- Mehar, K., Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K., Katariya, P. V., and Tompe, U. K (2018) Finite-Element Solution to Nonlocal Elasticity and Scale Effect on Frequency Behavior of Shear Deformable Nanoplate Structure, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 144(9), pp. 04018094, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001519 (IF: 1.80) SCI
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Numerical analysis of acoustic radiation responses of shear deformable laminated composite shell panel in hygrothermal environment, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 431, pp. 346-366, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2018.06.007, (IF: 3.20) SCI.
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K., Hirwani, C. K. (2018), Acoustic radiation and frequency response of higher-order shear deformable multilayered composite doubly curved shell panel – An experimental validation, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 133, pp. 38-51, DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2017.12.013, (IF: 1.921). SCIE
- Mehar, K., Panda, S. K., Mahapatra, T. R., (2018), Nonlinear Frequency Responses Of Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Sandwich Curved Panel Under Uniform Temperature Field, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 10 (3), pp. 1850028, DOI: 10.1142/S175882511850028X (IF: 1.954). SCIE
- Hirwani, C. K., Panda, S. K. and Mahapatra, T. R. (2018), Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Transient Behavior of Delaminated Composite Plate, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 140 (2), pp. 021001, DOI: 10.1115/1.4037848, (IF: 1.692) SCIE.
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K., Hirwani, C. K. (2018), Thermoacoustic Behavior of Laminated Composite Curved Panels Using Higher-Order Finite-Boundary Element Model, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 10 (2), pp. 1850017, DOI: 10.1142/S1758825118500175 (IF: 1.954). SCIE
- Hirwani, C. K., Panda, S. K., Mahapatra, T. R. (2018), Thermomechanical Deflection and Stress Responses of Delaminated Shallow Shell Structure using Higher-Order Theories, Composite Structures, Vol. 184, pp. 135-145, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.09.071 (IF: 6.3). SCI
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Evaluation of vibroacoustic responses of laminated composite sandwich structure using higher-order finite-boundary element model, Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 28 (5), pp. 629-639 (IF: 4.6) SCI.
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K. (2018), Vibro-acoustic analysis of laminated composite plate structure using structure-dependent radiation modes: An experimental validation, Scientia Iranica, Vol. 25 (5B), pp. 2706-2721, DOI: 10.24200/sci.2018.20420 (IF: 1.025) SCIE
- Mehar, K., Panda, S. K. and Mahapatra, T. R. (2018), Thermoelastic Deflection Responses of CNT Reinforced Sandwich Shell Structure using Finite Element Method, Scientia Iranica, Vol. 25 (5B), pp. 2722-2737, DOI: 10.24200/SCI.2017.4525 (IF: 1.025) SCIE
- Hirwani, C. K., Panda, S. K., Mahapatra, T. R., Mandal, S. K., Mahapatra, S. S. and De, A. K. (2018), Delamination effect on flexural responses of layered curved shallow shell panel-Experimental and numerical analysis, International Journal of Computational Methods, Vol. 15 (4), pp. 1850027, DOI: 10.1142/S0219876218500275 (IF: 1.053). SCIE
- Katariya, P. V., Panda, S. K. and Mahapatra, T. R. (2018) Bending and vibration analysis of skew sandwich plate, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 90 (6), pp.885-895, DOI: 10.1108/AEAT-05-2016-0087, (IF: 0.519) SCI
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra T. R., Panda, S. K., Sahu, P., (2018) Characterization of the Acoustic Radiation Properties of Laminated and Sandwich Composite Panels in Thermal Environment, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 338(1), 012031, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/338/1/012031. (IF: 0.39, SCOPUS)
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Analysis of vibro-acoustic response of un-baffled laminated composite conical shell panel with varying thickness, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 377, 012139, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/377/1/012139, (IF: 0.39) (SCOPUS)
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., Mazumdar, A. (2018) Acoustic radiation characteristics of un-baffled laminated composite conical shell panels, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 5 (11), pp. 24387-24396, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2018.10.234, (IF: 2.59) (SCOPUS)
- Dash, S, Sharma, N, Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K. and Sahu, P (2018) Free vibration analysis of functionally graded sandwich flat panel, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 377 (1) 012140, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/377/1/012140, (IF: 0.39) (SCOPUS)
- Sahoo, S., Mahapatra, T. R. (2018) ANN Modeling to study strength loss of Fly Ash Concrete against Long term Sulphate Attack, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 5 (11), pp. 24595-24604, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2018.10.257, (IF: 0.94) (SCOPUS)
- Behera, A., Behera, R. K., Sahu, P., Swain, R. R., Mahapatra, T.R. (2018) Tensile and Failure Behavior of Kevlar Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Matrix Composite Exposed to Different Environmental Conditions, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 5 (9), pp. 20250-20256, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2018.06.396, (IF: 0.94) (SCOPUS)
- Sourav Kumar Sahu , Sumanta Panda and Ajit Kumar Pattanaik An Algorithm for Online Path Planning of Mobile-Robot based on Displacement Vector Method, International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering. Volume 8, Number 1 (2018), pp. 275-284
- Sahu, S.; Sahoo, A. P.; Shubhadarshinee, L.; S, R. D.; Barick, A. K. Effect of Polyaniline?coated Carbon Nanotube and Nanosilver Hybrid Nanoparticles on the Dielectric Properties of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Nanocomposites. Polymer Composites, 2018, 39. (SCI & SCOPUS)
- P. Patro, Pneumatic conveying in horizontal pipes: Eulerian modeling and pressure drop characteristics, American Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, 3 (1), 10-16 (2018),
- S Panda, SN Panda A multi objective optimum design approach for rolling element bearing International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 12 (3) 1095–1108 (2018)
- Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra “Fabrication and characterization of thermally conductive PMMA/MWCNT nanocomposites”, Materials Today Proceedings, 5(14), 28328-28336
- Biodiesel from Non-Edible Vegetable Oils: A Review on Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics
- Swain, P. K., Biswal, T., Kar, P. K., & Panda, R. B. (2018) Recycling and utilization of solid waste generated in the Rourkela steel plant, Odisha, Journal of Industrial Pollution Control 34(2):2080-2087.
- Debasmita Pani, Punyapriya Mishra, Tribological behavior of sponge gourd based hybrid reinforced polymer composite, International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, 8(1), Special edition, 89-96
- Process parameter optimization of hydrostatic extrusion using metaheuristic
- S N Panda, S.Panda, D.S.Khamari, P.Mishra, “Re-examination for effect of ball race conformity on life of Rolling Element bearing using Metaheuristic, International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, 8 (1) 285-294
- N. Acharya, Nanda P.& Panda S. Biodiesel from Non-Edible Vegetable Oils: A Review on Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics, Nature Environment and Pollution Technology,2018, (in Press).
- GauravChatterjee, K.P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, Fuel properties and composition study of Cassia Siamea seed crude pyrolytic oil and char. Fuel 234 (2018) 609–615.
- Laser beam micro drilling–a review
- Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra, “Evaluation of mechanical properties of functionalized carbon nano tube reinforced PMMA polymer nanocomposite”, Karbala International Journal of Modern Science, 4(2), 207-215
- Tanushree Bera, S.K.Acharya, Punyapriya Mishra “Synthesis, mechanical, thermal Properties of carbon black/epoxy composites”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 10 (4), 12-20
- Panda, G., Biswal, T*., Panda R B. (2018). Assessment of Ambient Air Quality Status of Industrial Complex, Balasore City, Orissa. International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources, 10(3), 110-116.
- Panda S* and Mishra D. Process Parameter Optimization of hydrostatic extrusion using Metaheuristic, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems,2018 17(4): 487-504.
- S. S. Mohapatra,K. P. Shadangi and R. K. Singh, Fuel Properties and Composition Analysis of Sugarcane Bagasse Thermal Pyrolytic liquid. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 5 (7) (2018).
- Biswal, T*., Mahapatra, A. K., Kar, P. K., & Panda, R. B. (2018). Water Quality Analysis of the Steel City, Rourkela (Odisha), American Journal of Water Resources, 6(2), 65-70.
- Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., Optimum design of 3R manipulator using hybrid PSOGSA Algorithm, Int. J. Mechanisms and Robotic Systems, 2018 DOI: 10.1504/IJMRS.2021.115135
- G. Ganeshan, K.P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, Degradation kinetic study of pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis of biomass with polyethylene terephthalate (PET) using Coats–Redfern method. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 131 (2) (2018)1803-1816.
- Pattanaik S., Panda, S*. Laser Beam Micro Drilling – a Review Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing,2018, 5, 366–394
- Panda, R. B., & Biswal, T* (2018). Impact of fly ash on soil properties and productivity. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology, 11(2), 275-283.
- Nivedita Patel and K.P. Shadangi, Removal of Sludge from Waste Engine oil using 1-Butanol: Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology, Universal Review 7, XI (2018).
- Padhi, P. K. “The Relevance of Reading Literature in the 21st Century†in International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering (IJMTE) Volume-8, Issue-IX, September 2018, ISSN:2249-7455, P-2089
- Panda S*. and Panda, S. N. A multi objective optimum design approach for rolling element bearing, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2018 12,1095-1108.
- Biswal, T*., Mahapatra, A. K., Kar, P. K., & Panda, R. B. (2018). Water Quality Analysis of the Steel City, Rourkela (Odisha). American Journal of Water Resources, 6(2), 65-70.
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- Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “A novel diagonal class entropy-based multilevel image thresholding using coral reef optimizationâ€, “IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. no. – 50(11)†(page nos- 4688-96, year 2018).
- R Pradhan, SK Majhi, Jatin K Pradhan, BB Pati, Antlion optimizer tuned PID controller based on Bode ideal transfer function for automobile cruise control system, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, vol. 9, pp. 45-52
- Lingraj Dora, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “Nested cross-validation based adaptive sparse representation algorithm and its application to pathological brain classificationâ€, “Expert Systems with Applications, vol. no. - 114†(page nos – 313-321, year 2018).
- Ajit Kumar Barisal, and Deepak Kumar Lal, "Application of Moth Flame Optimization Algorithm for AGC of Multi-Area Interconnected Power Systems", International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IGI Global Publication), Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 22-49, 2018.https://doi: 10.4018/IJEOE.2018010102
- Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “A comparative analysis of physicoâ€mechanical, water absorption, and morphological behaviour of surface modified woven jute fiber compositesâ€, Polymer Composites, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 2952-2960, 2018, doi:
- Swain, P. T. R., Das, S. N., & Jena, S. P., (2018). “Manufacturing and Study of Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Surface Modified Date Palm Leaf/Glass Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composite†Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 18332-18341, 2018, doi:
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- Unsteady MHD flow and heat transfer of third grade fluid with variable viscocity between two porous plates (I nayak A.K.Nayak S Padhy)J- Int. J. of mathematics treands and technology, Vol. 54(2)pg.-146-155, ISSN No.-2231-5373(2018)
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- Mishra, Anjana, Bighnaraj Naik, and Suresh Kumar Srichandan. "Missing value imputation using ANN optimized by genetic algorithm." International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering (IJAIE) 5.2 (2018): 41-57.
- N. Sarkar, G. Sahoo, R Das, G. Prusty and S K Swain* “Carbon quantum dot tailored calcium alginate hydrogel for pH responsive controlled delivery of vancomycin†European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Elsevier), 109, 359-371 (2017) (Impact Factor: 3.532).
- S K Swain*, G C Pradhan, S. Dash, F Mohanty and L Behera “Preparation and characterization of bionanocomposites based on soluble starch/nano CaCO3†Polymer Composites (Wiley), (2017). DOI: 10.1002/pc.24326 (Impact Factor: 2.262) In Press.
- Gyanaranjan Sahoo, N. Sarkar, D. Sahu and S K Swain* “Nano Gold Decorated Reduced Graphene Oxide Wrapped Polymethylmethacrylate for Supercapacitor Applications†RSC Advances (RSC), 7, 2137-2150 (2017). (Impact Factor: 3.049) DOI: 10.1039/c6ra26930c.
- S Gantayat, N Sarkar, D Rout, SK Swain* “Design of carbon nanofiber embedded conducting epoxy resin†Materials Chemistry and Physics (Elsevier) 186, 29-35 (2017) (Impact Factor: 2.781)
- D. Sahoo, N. Sarkar G. Sahoo, P. Mohapatra, and S K Swain* “Nano Silver imprinted polyvinyl alcohol nanocomposites thin films for Hg2+ sensor†Sensor Actuators: B Chemical, (Elsevier) 246, 96-107 (2017) (Impact Factor: 6.393).Doi: 10.1016/jsnb2..
- Fanismita Mohanty, S K Swain* “Carbon Nanotube Embedded Polymer Composite: Properties and Applications†Current Organic Synthesis (Bentham Science Publishers.), 14 (2), 249-262 (2017) (Impact Factor: 1.690). DOI: 10.2174/1570179413666160831124314. (Invited article)
- G Sahoo, N Sarkar and S K Swain*, “Antimicrobial properties of nano gold imprinted starch bionanocomposites†Polymer-Plastic Technology and Engineering, (Tylor & Francis), 56(3), 334–345 (2017) (Impact Factor: 1.655) Doi: 10.1080/03602559.2016.1185629.
- N. Sarkar, G Sahoo, P. Priyadashini, S Khuntia, J R Mohanty and S K Swain* “Fabrication of acrylic modified coconut fiber reinforced polypropylene biocomposites: Study of mechanical, thermal and erosion properties†Polymer Composites (Wiley), 38 (12) 2852-28-62 (2017). DOI: 10.1002/pc.23887 (Impact Factor: 2.262)
- Thumu Ravinder*; Shiva Shanker Kaki*; Prabhakar, I N S S*; Rao, B V S K *; S K Swain** and Prasad, R B N* “Enzymatic Synthesis of Structured Lipid Based On Silkworm Oil and Palm Olein†Journal of Oil Palm Research Vol. 29 (1) 81 – 87 (2017) (Impact Factor: 0.427).
- N Sarkar, G Sahoo and S K Swain* “Nano silicon carbide embodied soy protein bionanocomposites†Polymer Composites (Wiley), 38 (S1) E57-E65 (2017). DOI: 10.1002/pc.23896 (Impact Factor: 2.262)
- Katariya, P. V., Panda, S. K. and Mahapatra, T. R., (2017) Nonlinear thermal buckling behaviour of laminated composite panel structure including the stretching effect and higher-order finite element, Advances in Materials Research, Vol. 6 (4), pp. 349-361, DOI:, (IF: 0.933) SCIE, SCOPUS
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K. (2017), Vibro-acoustic behaviour of shear deformable laminated composite flat panel using BEM and the higher order shear deformation theory, Composite Structures, Vol. 180 (15), pp. 116-129, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.08.012 (IF: 6.3). SCI
- Mehar, K., Panda, S. K., and Mahapatra, T. R. (2017) Theoretical and experimental investigation of vibration characteristic of carbon nanotube reinforced polymer composite structure, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 133, pp. 319-329, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2017.08.057 (IF: 2.481) SCI, SCIE and SCOPUS
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2017) Vibro-acoustic analysis of un-baffled curved composite panels with experimental validation, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 64 (1), pp. 93-107, DOI: 10.12989/sem.2017.64.1.093 (IF: 1.114) SCI
- Mahapatra, T. R., Kar, V. R., and Panda, S. K., (2017), Nonlinear thermoelastic deflection of temperature-dependent FGM curved shallow shell under nonlinear thermal loading, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Vol. 40 (9), pp. 1184-1199, DOI:10.1080/01495739.2017.1302788, (IF: 1.364). SCI
- Hirwani, C. K., Panda, S. K., Mahapatra, T. R. and Mahapatra, S. S. (2017) Numerical Study and Experimental Validation of Dynamic Characteristics of Delaminated Composite Flat and Curved Shallow Shell Structure, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 30 (5), pp. 04017045 (1-16) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000756, (IF: 0.76), SCI.
- Mehar, K., Panda, S. K. and Mahapatra, T. R. (2017) Thermoelastic Nonlinear Frequency Analysis of CNT Reinforced Functionally Graded Sandwich Structure, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, Vol. 65, pp. 384-396, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2017.05.005, (IF: 2.453) SCI
- Mehar, K., Panda, S. K., Bui, T. Q. and Mahapatra, T. R. (2017) Nonlinear thermoelastic frequency analysis of functionally graded CNT-reinforced single/doubly curved shallow shell panels by FEM, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Vol. 40 (7), pp. 899-916, DOI: 10.1080/01495739.2017.1318689 (IF: 1.364), SCI.
- Hirwani, C. K., Mahapatra, T. R.,Panda, S. K., Sahoo, S. S., Singh, V. K. and Patle, B. K. (2017) Nonlinear Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Carbon/Epoxy Curved Panels: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation, Defence Science Journal, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 207-218, DOI:10.14429/dsj.67.10072, (IF: 0.428), SCIE, SCOPUS.
- Sahoo, S. S., Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K., and Singh, V. K. (2017), Numerical investigation on the nonlinear flexural behaviour of wrapped glass/epoxy laminated composite panel and experimental validation, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 87 (2), pp. 315-333, DOI: 10.1007/s00419-016-1195-8, (IF: 1.103) SCI
- Kar, V. R., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2017), Effect of different temperature load on thermal postbuckling behaviour of functionally graded shallow curved shell panels, Composite Structures, Vol. 160 (15), pp. 1236-1247, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.10.125, (IF: 6.3) SCI
- Dutta, G., Panda, S. K., Mahapatra, T. R., and Singh, V. K. (2017), Electro-Magneto-Elastic Response of Laminated Composite Plate: A Finite Element Approach, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol. 3 (3), pp. 2573–2592, DOI: 10.1007/s40819-016-0256-6, (IF: 0.653) SCIE
- Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K. (2017), Numerical Study of Vibro-Acoustic Responses of Un-Baffled Multi-Layered Composite Structure under Various End Conditions and Experimental Validation, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 14 (8), pp. 1547-1568, DOI: 10.1590/1679-78253830, (IF: 1.481, SCIE, SCOPUS).
- Hirwani, C. K., Panda, S. K., Mahapatra, T. R. and Mahapatra, S. S. (2017), Nonlinear transient finite-element analysis of delaminated composite shallow shell panels, AIAA Journal, Vol. 55 (5), pp. 1734-1748, DOI: 10.2514/1.J055624, (IF: 1.207) SCI.
- Katariya, P. V., Panda, S. K. and Mahapatra, T. R. (2017) Prediction of nonlinear eigenfrequency of laminated curved sandwich structure using higher-order equivalent single-layer theory, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 21(8), 2846-2869. DOI: 10.1177/1099636215577363 (IF: 2.852). SCI
- P. L. Praveen, Ramakrishna. D. S., D. P. Ojha, UV spectral characterization of a smectic-C liquid crystal: Theoretical support to the experiment, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 643 (2017) 76–82.
- Kataria, P. V., Panda, S. K. and Mahapatra, T. R. (2017) Effect of Skew Angle on Free Vibration Responses of Sandwich Composite Plate, International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 21-24
- Mahapatra, T. R., Mehar, K., Panda, S. K., Dewangan, S. and Dash, S., (2017) Flexural Strength of Functionally Graded Nanotube Reinforced Sandwich Spherical Panel, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 178, (012031) DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/178/1/012031, (IF: 0.39) (SCOPUS)
- S Panda, BB Biswal, SD Jena, D Mishra An approach to weight optimization of a spur gear Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 232(2) 189-202
- Panda, S. K., Mahapatra, T. R. and Kar, V. R. (2017) Nonlinear Finite Element Solution of Post-buckling Responses of FGM Panel Structure under Elevated Thermal Load and TD and TID Properties, MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 109, 05005, DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201710905005, (SCOPUS)
- N Acharya, P Nanda, S Panda, S Acharya Analysis of properties and estimation of optimum blending ratio of blended mahua biodiesel Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2), 511-517
- Mahapatra, T. R., Dewangan, S., Dash, S. and Panda S. K. (2017), Flexural Behavior of Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates, International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 25-29.
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- Priyadarsini, M., Biswal, T*., Sahoo, P.K (2017). Advances in zein- based hybrid bio-nanocomposite A short review, International Journal of Development Research, 7 (9), 14929-14941
- Jatin K Pradhan, A Ghosh, CN Bhende, Small-signal modeling and multivariable PI control design of VSC-HVDC transmission link, Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 144, pp. 115-126
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- Deepak Kumar Lal, and A. K. Barisal, "Load Frequency Control of AC Microgrid Interconnected Thermal Power System", IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 225, 2017.https://doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012090
- Rutuparna Panda, Sanjay Agrawal, Leena Samantaray, Ajith Abraham “An evolutionary gray gradient algorithm for multilevel thresholding of brain MR images using soft computing techniquesâ€, “Applied Soft Computing, vol. no. - 50†(page nos – 94-108, year 2017).
- Bimalesh Chandra Rout, Deepak Kumar Lal, and A. K. Barisal, "Control of period doubling bifurcation in an SMIB power system using adaptive controller based on LaSalle's invariant principle", Cogent Engineering (Taylor & Francis Publication), Volume 4, 2017.https://doi: 10.1080/23311916.2017.1362804
- Rutuparna Panda, Sanjay Agrawal, Madhusmita Sahoo, R. Nayak “A novel evolutionary rigid body docking algorithm for medical image registrationâ€, “Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol. no. - 33†(page nos – 108-118, year 2017).
- Lingraj Dora, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “State-of-the-art methods for brain tissue segmentation: A reviewâ€, “IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, vol. no. - 10†(page nos – 235-249, year 2017).
- Deepak Kumar Lal, and A. K. Barisal, "Comparative performances evaluation of FACTS devices on AGC with diverse sources of energy generation and SMES", Cogent Engineering (Taylor & Francis Publication), Volume 4, 2017.https://doi: 10.1080/23311916.2017.1318466
- Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “Influence of fiber surface treatments on physico-mechanical behaviour of jute/epoxy composites impregnated with aluminium oxide fillerâ€, Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 51, no. 28, pp. 3909-3922, 2017, doi:
- Lingraj Dora, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “Optimal breast cancer classification using Gauss–Newton representation based algorithmâ€, “Expert Systems with Applications, vol. no. - 85†(page nos – 134- 145, year 2017).
- S. Kisan, S. N. Mishra, S. B. Rout. “Fractal Dimension in Medical Imaging: A Review”. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET),Vol. 4 Issue: 05 e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 p-ISSN: 2395-0072, , May -2017
- Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “Abrasive wear behaviour of surface modified jute fiber reinforced epoxy compositesâ€, Materials Research, vol. 20, pp. 661-674, 2017, doi:
- Lingraj Dora, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “An evolutionary single Gabor kernel based filter approach to face recognitionâ€, “Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. no. - 62†(page nos – 286-301, year 2017).
- POPULAR SCIENTIFIC REPORTS S K Swain, G Sahoo, N Sarkar, and F Mohanty, “Novel bionanocomposite systems for packaging applications†SPE, Plastics Research Online, 1-4 (2017), DOI:10.2417/spepro.006917
- S. Kisan, S. N. Mishra, D. Mishra. “Analysis of Tumor using Fractal Dimension”. International Journal of Advance Computing Technique and Applications (IJACTA), ISSN : 2321-4546, Vol 5, Issue 1, January- June 2017
- Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “Effect of moisture absorption on the mechanical properties of ceramic filled jute/epoxy hybrid compositesâ€, IOP conference series: materials science and engineering vol. 178, no. 1, pp. 1-9, 2017 doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/178/1/012010
- S K Swain, N Sarkar, and G Sahoo “Coconut shell powder improves the mechanical performance of polypropylene biocomposites†SPE, Plastics Research Online, 1-3, (2017) DOI:10.2417/spepro.006914.
- F. Mohanty and S K Swain* “Effect of graphene platelets on the thermal and conducting properties of Poly (ethyl methacrylate)†Advances in Polymer Technology (Wiley Periodicals, Inc.), 37, 1316-1322 (2018) DOI 10.1002/ADV21790. (Impact Factor: 2.663)
- S K Basiruddin and S K Swain* “Phenylboronic acid functionalized reduced graphene oxide based fluorescence nano sensor for glucose sensing†Materials Science & Engineering: C (Elsevier), 58, 103-109 (2016). DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2015.07.068 (Impact Factor: 4.959)
- K Prusty and S K Swain* “Nano CaCO3 imprinted starch hybrid Polyethylhexylacrylate polyvinylalcohol nanocomposite thin films†Carbohydrate Polymers (Elsevier), 139, 90-98 (2016). DOI:10.1016/J.CARBPOL.2015.12.009 (Impact Factor: 6.044)
- Fanismita Mohanty, G Prusty, P Mohapatra and S K Swain* “Aqueous Compatibility of Starch with Albumin Bovine: An Ultrasonic Study†J Bionanoscience (American Scientific Publishers) 10 (5), 348-355 (2016) DOI:10.1166/jbns.2016.1397.
- N Sarkar, G Sahoo, R Das, G Prusty, D Sahu, and S K Swain* “Anti-corrosion Performance of Three Dimensional Hierarchical PANI@BN Nano hybrids. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (American Chemical Society), 55(5), 2931-2940 (2016). DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.5b04887 (Impact Factor: 3.375)
- G C Pradhan and S K Swain* “Graphite reinforced oxygen barrier conducting starch nanocomposites†Polymer composites (Willey), 37(7) 2083-2091 (2016). DOI; 10.1002/pc.23386 (Impact Factor: 2.262)
- P. Patro, Effect of numerical parameters on pressure drop prediction in pneumatic conveying, Multiphase Science and Technology, 28 (3), (2016) 1–11.
- Singh, V. K., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K (2016), Nonlinear transient analysis of smart laminated composite plate integrated with PVDF sensor and AFC actuator, Composite Structures, Vol. 157, pp. 121–130, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.08. 020 (IF: 6.3) SCI
- P. Patro, A. K. Barik, and B. Patro, Computational study of a turbulent gas-solid confined jet flow, Powder Technology, 297 (2016), 229-238.
- Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K. and Kar, V. R., (2016), Nonlinear hygro-thermo-elastic vibration analysis of doubly curved composite shell panel using finite element micromechanical model, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 23 (11), pp. 1343-1359, DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2015.1085606, (IF: 2.8). SCI
- P. Patro, Computation of wall to suspension heat transfer in vertical pipes, Drying Technology, 34 (6) (2016), 703-712.
- Singh, V. K., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K (2016), Nonlinear flexural analysis of single/doubly curved smart composite shell panels integrated with PFRC actuator, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, Vol. 60, pp. 300–314, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2016.08.006 (IF: 4.1) SCI
- Mahapatra, T. R., Kar, V. R., and Panda, S. K., (2016), Large Amplitude Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Spherical Panel under Hygrothermal Environment, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 16 (3), pp. 1450105 (22 pages) DOI: 10.1142/S0219455414501053, (IF: 1.617). SCIE
- Mahapatra, T. R., and Panda, S. K. (2016), Nonlinear free vibration analysis of laminated composite spherical shell panel under elevated hygrothermal environment: A micromechanical approach, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 49, pp. 276–288 DOI: (IF: 5.6). SCI
- Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra & Swadhin Kumar Patel, Abrasive wear behavior of graphite reinforced PMMA matrix composites, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) special issue, 329-334
- Mahapatra, T. R., Kar, V. R., and Panda, S. K. (2016), Large amplitude bending behaviour of laminated composite curved panels, International Journal for Computer-Aided Engineering and Software, Engineering Computations, Vol. 33 (1), pp. 116-138, DOI: (IF: 1.67) SCIE
- Mahapatra, T. R., Kar, V. R., and Panda, S. K. (2016), Nonlinear flexural analysis of laminated composite spherical shells under hygro-thermo-mechanical loading-a micromechanical approach, International Journal of Computational Method, Vol. 13 (3), pp. 1650015 DOI: 10.1142/S0219876216500158 (IF: 1.7) SCI.
- Kar, V. R., Mahapatra, T. R., and Panda, S. K. (2016) Thermal buckling behaviour of shear deformable functionally graded single/doubly curved shell panel with TD and TID properties, Advances in Materials Research, An international journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 205-221, (IF: 3.8), SCI.
- G. Ganeshan, K.P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, Thermo-chemical conversion of mango seed kernel and shell to value added products. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 121 (2016) 403–408.
- Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K. and Kar, V. R., (2016), Geometrically nonlinear flexural analysis of hygro-thermo-elastic laminated composite doubly curved shell panel, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, Vol. 12 (2), pp. 153–171, DOI: 10.1007/s10999-015-9299-9, (IF: 3.7). SCI
- Acharya N., Nanda P. and Panda S. Analysis of properties and estimation of optimum blending ratio of blended mahua biodiesel, Engineering Science and Technology,2016 20(2) 511-517.
- M. Koul, K. P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, Effect of catalytic vapour cracking on fuel properties and composition of castor seed pyrolytic oil. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 120 (2016) 103–109.
- Panda S*. Biswal, B. B., Jena S. D. and Mishra, D., An Approach to weight optimization of a spur gear, Engineering Tribology, 2016 231(2),189-202.
- K. P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, Stability Analysis of Mahua Seed and Waste Polystyrene Co-pyrolytic Oil. International Journal of Renewable Energy and Its Commercialization 2 (2016) 1–7.
- Padhi, P. K. “The rising importance of Cross cultural communication in global business scenario†in Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science (Quest Journals), Volume-4, Issue-1, 2016, ISSN: 2321-9467, Page no-20-26.
- Sahoo, S. S., Panda, S. K. and Mahapatra, T. R. (2016), Static, free vibration and transient response of laminated composite curved shallow panel - An experimental approach, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, Vol. 59, pp. 95-113, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2016.03.0140997-7538 (IF: 4.1) SCI
- Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2016), Hygrothermal effects on the flexural strength of laminated composite cylindrical panels, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 115 pp. 012040 (1-10), DOI: doi:10.1088/1757-899X/115/1/012040 (IF: 0.32) (SCOPUS)
- Biswal, T*., Priyadarsini, M., & Sahoo P.K. (2016) A short review on fire retardant polymeric materials, European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3 (8), 108-116
- Kaur, N., Bhalla, S., Shankar, R. and Panigrahi, R , 2016, Experimental Evaluation of Miniature Impedance Chip for Structural Health Monitoring of Prototype Steel/ RC structures, Experimental Techniques, Vol 40, 981-992 SCIE
- Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K. and Dash, S., (2016) Effect of hygrothermal environment on the nonlinear free vibration responses of laminated composite plates: A nonlinear finite element micromechanical approach, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 149, 012151 DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012151, (IF: 0.39) (SCOPUS)
- Biswal, T., Barik, B., & Sahoo, P. K*. (2016). Synthesis and characterization of magnetite-pectin-alginate hybrid bionanocomposite, Journal of Materials Science &Nanotechnology ,4 (2), 1-9 (UGC Approved Journal No: 63975)
- Dewangan, S., Mahapatra, T. R. and Sharma, N., (2016) Flexural analysis of laminated composite flat panel, International Conference on “Recent Trends in Mechanical, Material Science, Manufacturing, Automobile, Aerospace Engineering and Applied Physics” (AMAEAP-2016), JNU, New Delhi, 30th April, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 3 (3) pp. 219-223. (IF:0.8)
- Sarkar, L., Biswal, S.K., Panigrahi, R. and Sarkar, B., 2016, ‘A Comparative Study to Assess the Removal Efficiency of Iron from Drinking Water Using Various Activated Charcoals’, Environment and Ecology, Vol 34 (3A), 1178-1183
- Mahapatra, T. R., Kar, V. R., and Panda, S. K., (2015), Nonlinear free vibration analysis of laminated composite doubly curved shell panel in hygrothermal environment, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, Vol. 17 (5), pp. 511-545 DOI: 10.1177/1099636215577363 (IF: 3.9). SCI
- Swain, P., et al. "Agriculture: The Cutting Edge of Innovations and Developments." (2016).
- Implicit finite difference solution for the magnetohydrodynamics unsteady free convective flow and heat transfer of a third grade fluid past porous vertical plates (I nayak A.K.Nayak S Padhy)J- Int. J. mathematical modelling and numerical optimization (Inder science),Vol.7(1),pg.-4-18, ISSN No.-2040-3615(2016)
- Mahapatra, T. R.and Panda, S. K., (2015), Thermoelastic vibration analysis of laminated doubly curved shallow panels using non-linear FEM, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Vol. 38 (1), pp. 39-68, DOI: 10.1080/01495739.2014.976125, (IF: 2.8). SCI
- Kar, V. R., Mahapatra, T. R., and Panda, S. K (2015), Nonlinear flexural analysis of laminated composite flat panel under hygro-thermo-mechanical loading, Steel and Composite Structures An International Journal, Vol. 19 (4), pp. 1011-1033, DOI: (IF: 4.6) SCI
- H. S. Behera, S. C. Nayak, S. R. Sahu, and K. K. Sahu, “Forecasting foreign exchange rates using CRO based different variants of FLANN and performance analysis,†International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering, vol. 2, no. 4, p. 190, 2016, doi: 10.1504/ijcsyse.2016.10002375
- Deepak Kumar Lal, A. K. Barisal and M. Tripathy, "Grey wolf optimizer algorithm based Fuzzy PID controller for AGC of multi-area power system with TCPS", Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier Publication) , Volume 92, 2016, pp. 99-105.https://doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2016.07.329
- K. K. Sahu, S. R. Sahu, G. R. Biswal, P. K. Sahu, and H. S. Behera, “Chemical reaction optimisation: a hybrid technique applied to functional link artificial neural networks with least mean square learning for foreign exchange rates forecasting,†International Journal of Swarm Intelligence, vol. 2, no. 2/3/4, p. 254, 2016, doi: 10.1504/ijsi.2016.081154.
- Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2015), Effects of hygrothermal conditions on free vibration behaviour of laminated composite structures, NCPCM 2014 December 5th-6th, National Institute of Technology Rourkeal, Published in: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 75 pp. 012016 (1-10) DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/75/1/012017, (IF: 0.39) (SCOPUS)
- Panda, S. K., and Mahapatra, T. R. (2014), Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Laminated Composite Spherical Shell Vibration under Uniform Thermal Loading, Meccanica, Vol. 49 (1), pp. 191-213, DOI: 10.1007/s11012-013-9785-9 (IF: 2.7) SCI
- Mahapatra, T. R., Panda S. K., and Kar, C. (2014), Vibration behaviour of laminated composite flat panel under hygrothermal environment, Innovative Trends in Mechanical, Material, Manufacturing, Automotive, Automobile and Aeronautical Engineering” (ITMMMAAAE-2014) published in International Review of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 4 (5), pp. 455-464
- Mahapatra, T. R., Panda S. K., and Kar, C. (2014), Nonlinear bending analysis of shear deformable laminated composite flat panel, International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, Pune, India, 1st-3rd September published in International Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7 (2), pp. 71-76.
- Sucheta Panda “Unsupervised Color Image Segmentation using MRF Models to Preserve Weak Edges”, IJCMS (ISSN:2347-8527), June, 2016.
- G C Pradhan, S Dash and S K Swain*, “Barrier properties of nano silicon carbide designed chitosan nanocomposites†Carbohydrate polymer (Elsevier), 134, 60-65 (2015) DOI;10.1016/j. carbpol.2015.06.081 (Impact Factor: 6.044)
- S Gantayat, G Prusty, D R Rout and S K Swain* “Effect of graphite platelets on thermal and mechanical properties of epoxy resin†New Carbon Material (Elsevier), 30(5), 432-437 (2015). DOI: 10.1016/S187-5805(15)6020-1 (Impact Factor: 1.171)
- S Barik, S K Kisku, L Behera and S K Swain* “Enhancement of thermal properties of polyacrylonitrile by reinforcement of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide†Polymer Composites (Wiley), 36(11), 2140-2144 (2015). DOI: 10.1002/pc.23130 (Impact Factor: 2.262)
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- S Panda, D Mishra, BB Biswal, P Nanda Optimization of multiple response characteristics of EDM process using taguchi-based grey relational analysis and modified PSO Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems 14 (03), 123-148
- S Panda, SN Panda, P Nanda, D Mishra Comparative study on optimum design of rolling element bearing Tribology International 92, 595-604
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- A. K. Barik, A. Mukherjee and P. Patro, Heat transfer enhancement from a mini rectangular channel with different surface protrusions by a turbulent cross flow jet, International Journal of Thermal Science, 98 (2015), 32-41.
- Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra, Fabrication, Modeling and Analysis of The Erosive Wear Properties of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced PMMA Composite Using Taguchi Approach, Int. J. Recent Sci. Res, 6, 10, 6802-6806
- Jatin K. Pradhan and Arun Ghosh, Multiâ€input and multiâ€output proportionalâ€integralâ€derivative controller design via linear quadratic regulatorâ€linear matrix inequality approach, IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 9, no. 14, pp. 2140-2145
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- Padhi, P. K. “The Growing Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace†in Sahitya Anand: An Inter-Disciplinary Referred International Research Journal, Vol – I, Issue – 12, ISSN: 2320-5075.
- Prasanna Kumar Biswal, and Deepak Kumar Lal and Bidyadhar Rout, "Distributed Generation: Benefits, Issues and Challenges", Grenze Inernational Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 30-36.
- S. G. K. Patro, P. P. Sahoo, I. Panda, and K. K. Sahu, “Technical Analysis on Financial Forecasting,†2015, [Online]. Available:
- Sucheta Panda “Edge Detection of Images:An Improved Approach”, International Journal of Research in Computer Science (ISSN:2349-3828), Vol.2, Issue.4, pp: 8-11, 2015.
- G Shial, SK Majhi, D.B. Phatak, A Comparison Study for File Synchronisation, Procedia Computer Science 48, page 133-141, 2015.
- Deepak Kumar Lal, and Prasanna Kumar Biswal, "Distributed Generation Allocation and Sizing in Radial Distribution System using Firefly Optimization Algorithm", International Journal of Engineering Research (IJER), Volume 4, Special Issue 1, 2015, pp. 19-24.
- S. G. K. Patro and K. K. sahu, “Normalization: A Preprocessing Stage,†Iarjset, pp. 20–22, 2015, doi: 10.17148/iarjset.2015.2305.
- Sucheta Panda, K.K.Jena, “An Innovative Approach for Edge Detection of Images”, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering and Technology (ISSN:2348-7948), Vol.2, Issue.4, pp: 161-176, April, 2015.
- SK Majhi, G Shial, Challenges in Big Data Cloud Computing And Future Research Prospects, SmartCR 5 (4), page 340-345, 2015.
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- G Prusty, R Das and S K Swain* “Influence of functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes on morphology, conducting and oxygen barrier properties of poly (acrylonitrile-co-starch)†Composites Part B: Engineering (Elsevier), 62, 236-241 (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2014.03.006 (Impact Factor: 6.864)
- G C Pradhan, S Dash and S K Swain* “Effect of boron nitride nanopowder on thermal, chemical and gas barrier properties of starch†Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (Springer), 32(10), 1311-1318 (2014). DOI: 10.1007/s10118-014-1511-0 (Impact Factor: 2.016)
- A K Pradhan, G Prusty and S K Swain* “Characterization of polyacrylonitrile nanocomposite by reinforcement of functionalized single walled carbon nanotubesâ€, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering (Tylor & Francis), 53(8), 784-789 (2014). DOI: 10.1080/03602559.2014.886042 (Impact Factor: 1.655)
- S K Swain*, S K Kisku and G Sahoo “Preparation of thermal resistant gas barrier chitosan nanobiocomposites", Polymer Composites (Wiley), 35(12) 2324-2328 (2014). DOI 10.1002/pc.22897. (Impact Factor: 2.262)
- G C Pradhan, S Dash and S K Swain* “Effect of zirconium oxide nanopowder on the thermal, Chemical and gas barrier properties of starch†Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (Elsevier), 23, 115-121 (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2014.02.038 (Impact Factor: 2.593)
- J R Mohanty, S N Das, H C Das and S K Swain* “Effect of chemically modified date palm leaf fiber on mechanical, thermal and rheological properties of polyvinylpyrrolidone Fibers and Polymers†Fibers and Polymers (Springer), 15(5), 1062-1070 (2014). DOI 10.1007/s12221-014-1062-6 (Impact Factor: 1.353)
- A. Sarangi, G Nath* and S K Swain* “Compatibility study of binary mixtures for surface modification of natural fibers using ultrasonic technique at different frequencies†Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (NISCAIR), 52, 30-34 (2014). DOI: (Impact Factor: 0.582)
- S K Swain*, S Dash, S K Kisku, R K Singh “Thermal and oxygen barrier properties of chitosan bionanocomposites by reinforcement of calcium carbonate nanopowder†Journal of Materials Science & Technology (Elsevier), 30(8), 791-795 (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.jmst.2013.12.017 (Impact Factor: 5.040)
- S K Swain*, S Patra and S K Kisku, “Study of thermal, oxygen-barrier, fire-retardant and biodegradable properties of starch bionanocomposites†Polymer Composites (Wiley), 35, 1238-1243 (2014). DOI 10.1002/pc.22773 (Impact Factor: 2.262)
- S K Kisku, S Dash and S K Swain* “Dispersion of SiC Nanoparticles in Cellulose for Study of Tensile, Thermal and Oxygen Barrier Properties†Carbohydrate Polymers (Elsevier), 99, 306-310 (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2013.08.035 (Impact Factor: 6.044)
- S K Swain*, G Prustry, Ashis S Ray and L Behera “Dispersion of nanoplatelates of grahite on PMMA matrix by in situ polymerization technique†Journal of Experimental Nanoscience (Tylor & Francis), 9(03), 240-248 (2014). DOI: 10.1080/17458080.2012.654475 (Impact Factor: 1.362)
- A Sarangi, G Nath*, S K Swain* and R Paikray “Chemical modification of natural fibers with acetone blended alcohol†Advanced Science Letter (American Scientific Publishers) 20(3-4), 570-573 (2014). DOI: 10.1166/asl.2014.5367 (Impact Factor: ‎0.42).
- S K Kisku, N. Sarkar and S K Swain*, “preparation of starch/PVA/CaCO3 nanobiocomposites film: Study of fire retardant, thermal resistant, gas barrer and biodegradable properties†Polymer-Plastic Engineering and Technology, (Taylor & Francis) 53(16), 1664-1670 (2014). DOI:10.1080/03602559.2014.919650 (Impact Factor: 1.655)
- S Panda, D Mishra, BB Biswal, M Tripathy Revolute manipulator workspace optimization using a modified bacteria foraging algorithm: A comparative study Engineering Optimization 46 (2), 181-199
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- P. Patro and S. Dash, Two-fluid modeling of particulate two-phase flows in vertical pipes, Powder Technology, 264 (2014), 320–331.
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- Punyapriya Mishra, “Mechanical behavior of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composites at liquid nitrogen temperature”. Journal of Solid waste Technology and Management, Vol. 40, No.3, Page No.197-202
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- K. P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, Production and characterization of pyrolytic oil by catalytic pyrolysis of Niger seed. Fuel 126 (2014) 109-115.
- Padhi, P. K. “Thematic Concerns in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God†in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Volume 19, Issue 9, Ver. V, Sep. 2014, p-ISSN: 2279- 0845, e-ISSN: 2279- 0837, Page no- 48-52.
- K. P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, Comparison of yield and fuel properties of thermal and catalytic Mahua seed pyrolytic oil. Fuel 117 (2014) 372–380.
- Sahu, M., Samal, R., Biswal, T., & Sahoo, P. K*. (2014). Synthesis and characterization of poly (vinyl acetate)/MMT nanocomposite flame retardant. International Journal of Material Science, 4, 91-98.
- M. Patnaik, K.C. Patra, K.K. Khatua & L. Mohanty (2014) Modelling boundary shear stress in highly sinuous meandering channels, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 20:2, 161-168, DOI: 10.1080/09715010.2013.860733
- K. P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, Thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of Karanja seed to produce liquid fuel. Fuel 115 (2014) 434-442.
- Padhi, P. K. “The Rise of Feminism and the Growth of Black American Women†in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol-19, Issue-7, Version- IV, July 2014, p-ISSN: 2279- 0845, e-ISSN: 2279- 0837, Page 38-42.
- Padhi, P. K. “Black Woman: The Dehumanized and Objectified Self in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple†in Researchers World, an International refereed research journal, Vol- V, Issue- 3(I), July 2014, p-ISSN: 2231-4172, e-ISSN: 2229- 4686, Page no- 41.
- K. P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, Kinetic Study and Thermal Analysis of the Pyrolysis of Non-edible Oilseed Powders by Thermogravimetric and Differential Scanning Calorimetric Analysis. Renewable Energy 63 (2014) 337-344.
- L. Mohanty, K.C. Patra, K.K. Khatua & M. Patnaik (2014) Modelling the depth-averaged velocity in trapezoidal meandering channels, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 20:1, 111-118, DOI: 10.1080/09715010.2013.857472
- Padhi, P. K. “Soft Skills: Education beyond Academics†in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol-19,Issue-5, Version- VI, May 2014, p-ISSN: 2279-0845,e-ISSN: 2279- 0837, Page no- 01.
- Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Lingraj Dora “A study on fuzzy clustering for magnetic resonance brain image segmentation using soft computing approachesâ€, “Applied Soft Computing, vol. no.- 24†(page nos – 522-533, year 2014).
- Padhi, P. K. “Toni Morrison’s Projection of Black Womanhood through Pecola and Sethe in The Bluest Eye and Beloved†in Researchers World, an International refereed research journal, Vol- V, Issue- 2, April 2014, p-ISSN: 2231- 4172, e-ISSN: 2229- 4686, Page No-143.
- S K Swain, S K Kisku and S K Patra “Improving starch-based materials for packaging†SPE, Plastics Research Online, (2014) DOI: 10.2417/spepro.005285
- Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “Selection of materials using multi criteria decision making method by considering physical and mechanical properties of jute/Al2O3 compositesâ€, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 592, pp. 729-733, 2014, doi:
- Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “Physical and mechanical behavior of Al2O3 filled jute fiber reinforced epoxy compositesâ€, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, pp. 67-71, 2014, doi:
- G Prusty and S K Swain* “Dispersion of ZrO2 nanoparticles in polyacrylonitrile: Preparation of thermally-resistant electrically-conductive oxygen barrier nanocomposites†Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (Elsevier), 16, 2039-2043 (2013). DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2013.07.033 (Impact Factor: 2.593)
- S K Swain*, B. Shur and S K Patra “Poly(acrylamide-co-vinyl alcohol)–Superabsorbent Materials Reinforced by Modified Clay†Polymer Composites (Wiley), 34, 1794-1800 (2013). DOI 10.1002/pc.22583 (Impact Factor: 2.262)
- S Dash and S K Swain* “Synthesis of Thermal and Chemical Resistant Oxygen Barrier Starch with Reinforcement of Nano Silicon Carbide†Carbohydrate Polymers (Elsevier), 97, 758-763 (2013). DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2013.05.061 (Impact Factor: 6.044)
- S Dash and S K Swain* “Effect of nano boron nitride on the physical and chemical properties of soy protein†Composites Science and Technology (Elsevier), 84, 39-43 (2013). DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2013.05.004 (Impact Factor: 5.160)
- S K Swain*, S Dash, C Behera, S K Kisku and L Behera “Effect of nano BN on the thermal properties of Cellulose†Carbohydrate Polymers (Elsevier), 95, 728-732 (2013). DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2013.02.080 (Impact Factor: 6.044)
- A K Pradhan and S K Swain* “Synthesis and characterization of poly(acrylonitrile-co-methylmethacrylate) nanocomposites reinforced by functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes†Iranian Polymer Journal (Springer), 22(5) 369-376 (2013). DOI: 10.1007/s13726-013-0136-4 (Impact Factor: 1.278)
- S K Swain*, A K Pradhan and H S Sahu “Synthesis of gas barrier starch by dispersion of functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotube†Carbohydrate polymers (Elsevier), 94(1) 663-668 (2013). DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2013.01.056 (Impact Factor: 6.044)
- G Prusty and S K. Swain* “Dispersion of Multi walled carbon nanotubes in Polyacrylonitrile-co-Starch copolymer matrix for enhancement of Electrical, Thermal and Gas Barrier Properties†Polymer Composites (Wiley), 34(3), 330-334 (2013). DOI: 10.1002/pc.22418 (Impact Factor: 2.262)
- S K Swain*, G Prusty and I Jena “Conductive gas barrier and thermal resistant behavior of polymethylmethacrylate composites by dispersion of ZrO2 nanoparticles†International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials (Taylor & Francis), 62, 733-736 (2013). DOI: 10.1080/00914037.2013.769234 (Impact Factor: 2.263)
- S K Kisku and S K Swain* “Effect of SiC nanoparticles on thermal and oxygen barrier of abumin brovine protein†Polymer-Plastic Engineering and Technology (Taylor & Francis), 52, 940-945 (2013). DOI: 10.1080/03602559.2013.763375 (Impact Factor: 1.655)
- J R Mohanty, S N Das, H C Das and S K Swain* “Effective mechanical properties of PVA/DPL biocomposites†Polymer Composites (Wiley), 34, 959-966 (2013). DOI: 10.1002/pc.22502 (Impact Factor: 2.262).
- Jatin K Pradhan and Arun Ghosh, Design and implementation of decoupled compensation for a twin rotor MIMO system, IET Control Theory and Applications, vol. 7, pp. 282-289, 2013.
- Punyapriya Mishra, “Statistical analysis for the abrasive wear behavior of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite”. International Journal of Applied research in Mechanical Engineering (IJARME) Vol. 2, Issue 3, P. 154-158
- S. Jena and P. Patro, Computational Investigation of Suction in Taylor-Couette Pump, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technologies, 3(1) (2013) 21-24.
- Recognition of bromide ion by protonated form of 2-(1H-imidazol-2- ylthio)-3-methylnaphthalene-1,4-dione. B.R.Jali, J.B.Baruah, Chempluschem, (2013), 78, 589-597.
- S. Jena, P. Patro and S. S. Behera, Multi-Objective Optimization of Design Parameters of a Shell &Tube type Heat Exchanger using Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technologies, 3(4) (2013), 1379-1386.
- Panda S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., Revolute manipulator workspace optimization: A comparative study, J. Applied Soft Computing,2013 13,899-910.
- P. Patro, B. Patro, Kinetic theory based CFD modeling of particulate flows in horizontal pipes, International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 7(3) 2013, 451-457.
- Ghose, D.K., Panda, S.S. , Swain, P.C. (2013) “Prediction and optimization of runoff via ANFIS and GA”, Alexandria Engineering Journal (International Journal), 52, 209– ,
- Bhalla, S., Panigrahi, R. and Gupta, A. (2013), “Damage Assessment of Tensegrity Structures using Piezo-Transducers”, Meccanica, Vol 48.Issue 6, 1465-1478, bimonthly.
- Selectivity in changes of fluorescence emission of 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives by manganese and cadmium ions. B. R. Jali, K. Masud, J.B. Baruah, Polyhedron (2013), 51, 75-81.
- 2,4-Diamino-6-phenyl-1,3,5-triazine a systematic cocrystal former with dicarboxylic acids. B. R. Jali, J. B. Baruah, Journal of Chemical Crystallography (2013), 43, 531-537.
- K. P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, Characterization of non-conventional oil containing seeds towards the production of bio-fuel. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 5 (2013) 033111-13.
- Mishra, A., Panda, S., & Munjal, D. (2013). Dynamic Slicing of Aspect-Oriented UML Communication Diagram. International Journal of Computer Science and Informatics, 3(2), 58-63.
- Rutuparna Panda, Sanjay Agrawal, Sudipta Bhuyan “Edge magnitude based multilevel thresholding using Cuckoo search techniqueâ€, “Expert Systems with Applications, vol. no. - 40(18)†(page nos – 7617-7628, year 2013).
- Panda, S. , Mishra, A. , & Munjal, D. (2013). Aspect mining using UML communication diagram'. International Journal of Computer Science and Informatics (IJCSI), 3(2), 52-57.
- K. K. Sahu, S. PANIGRAHI, and H. S. Behera, “A novel chemical reaction optimization algorithm for higher order neural network training.,†Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, vol. 53, no. 3, 2013
- Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Sudipta Bhuyan, Bijaya K. Panigrahi, Tsallis entropy based optimal multilevel thresholding using cuckoo search algorithm, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol. no. - 11 (page nos 16-30, 2013).
- S Dash, S K Kisku and S K Swain* “Effect of nano clay on morphological, thermal and barrier properties of albumin brovine†Polymer Composites (Wiley), 33, 2201-2206 (2012). DOI: 10.1002/pc.22363 (Impact Factor: 2.262)
- S K Swain*, S K Patra and P Priyadarshini, “Soy protein/clay nanobiocomposites for ideal packaging materials†Polymer-Plastic Technology and Engineering (Taylor & Francis), 51, 1282-1287 (2012). DOI: 10.1080/03602559.2012.700542 (Impact Factor: 1.655)
- G Prusty and S K Swain* “Dispersion of expanded graphite as nanoplatelates in a copolymer matrix and its effect on thermal stability, electrical conductivity and permeability†New Carbon Mater (Elsevier), 27(4) 271-277 (2012). DOI: 10.1016/S1872-5805(12)60017-1 (Impact Factor: 1.171) (Awarded as excellent paper of the year 2012)
- A K Pradhan and S K Swain* “Electrical conductivity and oxygen permeability of polyacrylonitrile/multiwalled carbon nanotubes composites†Polymer Composites (Wiley), 33(7), 1114-1119 (2012). DOI: 10.1002/pc.22239 (Impact Factor: 2.262)
- A K Pradhan and S K Swain* “Oxygen barrier multiwalled carbon nanotube/polymethyl methacrylate nanocomposites prepared by in situ method†Journal of Materials Science and Technology (Elsevier), 28(5), 391-395 (2012). DOI: 10.1016/S1005-0302(12)60073-5 (Impact Factor: 5.040)
- S K Patra and S K Swain* “Effect of organoclays on the thermal, mechanical, and oxygen barrier properties of poly(methyl methacrylate-co-acrylonitrile)/clay nanocomposites†Polymer Composites (Wiley), 35(5), 796-802 (2012). DOI: 10.1002/pc.22209 (Impact Factor: 2.262)
- S K Kisku and S K Swain* “Study of oxygen permeability and flame retardancy properties of biodegradable polymethylmethacrylate/starch composites†Polymer Composite (Wiley), 33, 79-84, (2012). DOI: 10.1002/pc.21240 (Impact Factor: 2.262)
- S K Kisku and S K Swain* “Synthesis and characterization of chitosan/boron nitride composites†Journal of the American Ceramic Society (Wiley), 95(9), 2753-2757 (2012). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2012.05140.x (Impact Factor: 2.956)
- S K Swain*, G Prusty and R Das “Sonochemical compatibility of PVA-PA blend in aqueous solution†Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics (Taylor & Francis), 51(3), 580-589 (2012). DOI: 10.1080/00222348.2011.609782 (Impact Factor: 1.005)
- S K Patra, G Prusty and S K Swain* “Ultrasound assisted synthesis of PMMA/clay nanocomposites: Study of oxygen permeation and flame retardant properties†Bulletin of Materials Science (Springer), 35(1), 27-32 (2012). DOI: 10.1007/s12034-011-0259-1 (Impact Factor: 0.925)
- S K Kisku and S K Swain* “Polymethyl methacrylate/soy protein green composites as gas barrier materials†Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (Springer), 30(3) 397-404 (2012). DOI: 10.1007/s10118-012-1148-9 (Impact Factor: 2.016)
- S Panda, D Mishra, BB Biswal, BB ChoudhuryRobot workspace optimization using a novel modified differential evolutionary technique International Journal of Computational Methods 9 (03), 1250034
- S Panda, D Mishra, BB Biswal Revolute manipulator workspace optimization: A comparative study Applied Soft Computing 13 (2), 899-910
- Gujjala Raghavendra, S.K.Acharya. C.R.Deo, P.Mishra “Fabrication-modelling and analysis on tribological performance of natural composites using taguchi approach.” Procedia Engineering, Volume 38, p.2635-2644
- Numerical solution for the flow and heat transfer of a third grade fluid past a porous vertical plate (I nayak A.K.Nayak S Padhy) J- Adv. Studies theo.Phy. Vol.6(no13), pg-615-624, ISSN No-1313-1311(2012)
- Unsteady MHD flow analysis of a third-grade fluid between two porous plates (I Nayak & S Padhy) j- Journal of Orissa Mathematical Society, Vol.31(1), pg-83-96, ISSN No.0975-2323(2012)
- B. Patro, S. Murugan and P. Patro, Numerical modeling of gas-solid flow in a horizontal pipe, Multiphase Science and Technology, 24(4) (2012), 299-322.
- Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., (2012) Robot workspace optimization using modified differential evolutionary technique, Int. J. Computational Methods, 2012 9, 1-21.
- Polymorphs and solvates of 2-(1,4-dihydro-1,4-dioxonaphthalen-3-ylthio)benzoic acid. B. R. Jali, J. B. Baruah, Crystal Growth and Design (2012), 12, 3114-3122.
- Biswal, T., Samal, R., & Sahoo, P. K*. (2012). Microwave?assisted preparation of poly (2?EHA?co?ST) copolymer and poly (2?EHA?co?ST)/MMT nanocomposite. Journal of applied polymer science, 125(2), 1467-1475. (Scopus, SCI, IF: 3.057)
- P. Patro, S. Jena and B. Patro, Numerical Modeling of Dilute Particulate Flows in Horizontal and Vertical Pipes, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technologies, 2(3) (2012) 300-304.
- P. Patro, B. Patro and A. Barik, CFD simulation of a Conjugate Heat Transfer Problem in a Rectangular Cavity , International Journal of Thermal Technologies, 2(2) (2012) 148-152.
- Iron(II) and manganese(II) complexes of 2-{2-(3-carboxypyridin-2-yl)disulfanyl} pyridine-3-carboxylic acid through C-S bond cleavage. W.M. Singh, B. R. Jali, J. B. Baruah, Journal of Chemical Crystallography (2012), 42, 775-782.
- K. P. Shadangi and R. K. Singh, Thermolysis of polanga seed cake to bio-oil using semi batch reactor. Fuel 97 (2012) 450-456.
- Padhi, P. K. “The Influence of Slave Narratives on the Black Women Writers†in Thematics, A peer reviewed international research journal of English studies, Vol – 3, Issue-1, Jan 2012, ISSN: 0975-8313.
- S K Swain* “Ultrasound assisted process of PA6/clay nanocomposites: mechanical, rheological and barrier Properties†Journal of Polymer Engineering (de Gruyter), 31, 185-189 (2011). DOI: 10.1515/polyeng.2011.040 (Impact Factor: 0.778)
- S K Patra, G Prusty and S K Swain* “Synthesis of PAN/clay nanocomposites: study of gas permeation properties†International Journal of Nanoscience (World Scientific), 10(4), 1101-1105 (2011). DOI: 10.1142/S0219581X11009210 (Impact Factor: ‎0.56)
- S K Swain* and S. K. Patra “Ultrasonic and viscometric study of synthesized pan/clay nanocomposites†International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials (Taylor & Francis) 60(12), 1-10 (2011). DOI: 10.1080/00914037.2010.551375 (Impact Factor: 2.263)
- S Panda, D Mishra, BB Biswal Determination of optimum parameters with multi-performance characteristics in laser drilling—a grey relational analysis approach The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 54 (9), 957-967
- G Prusty and S K Swain* “Synthesis and Characterization of Conducting Gas Barrier PAN/EG Nanocomposites†Polymer Composites (Wiley), 32(9), 1336-1342 (2011). DOI: 10.1002/pc.21155 (Impact Factor: 2.262)
- S K Patra and S K Swain*, “Swelling study of superabsorbent PAA-co-PAM/clay nanohydrogel†Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Wiley), 120(3), 1533-1538 (2011). DOI: 10.1002/app.33381 (Impact Factor: 1.919)
- Punyapriya Mishra and S.K.Acharya. “Study on dielectric properties of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composite.” Journal of Inventi. Volume 2, No.1
- Samir Kumar Acharya, Punyapriya Mishra and Suraj Kumar Mehar. “Effect of surface treatment on the mechanical properties of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite.” Journal of Bioresources. Volume 6, No. 3, pp. 3155-3165
- Polymorphs of aromatic thiolato 1, 2 or 1,4-naphthoquinones. B. R. Jali, W.M. Singh, J. B. Baruah, CrystEngComm (2011), 13, 763-767.
- Sucheta Panda, P.K.Nanda, “Constrained Compound Markov Random Field Model with Graduated Penalty Function for Color Image Segmentation â€,Advanced Materials research Vols. 403-408 (2012) pp 3438-3445 Online available since 2011/Nov/29 at © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/
- Panda S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B.,Determination of optimum parameters with multi-performance characteristics in laser drilling
- Ghose, D.K. and Swain, P.C. (2011) Erosion and sediment characteristics of peninsular river, India, A case study. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (ISSN : 0975-5462). Vol. 3 No. 5 . PP. 3716 – 3725.
- Ghose, D.K., Panda, S.S. and Swain, P.C. (2011) Sedimentation load analysis using ANN and GA. International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 110-116 pp 2693-2698. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. doi:10.4028/
- Sahoo, P. K*., Biswal, T., & Samal, R. (2011). Microwave-assisted preparation of biodegradable water absorbent polyacrylonitrile/montmorillonite clay nanocomposite. Journal of Nanotechnology, 2011, 10-21. (Scopus, SCI, IF: 4.2)
- Linear to spiral coordination polymers of 1,4-naphthalene di-(2-oxyacetate) of cobalt, manganese and copper. B. R. Jali, J. B. Baruah, Inorganic Chemistry Communications (2011), 14, 1440-1443.
- Deepak Kumar Lal, Bibhuti Bhusan Dash, and A. K. Akella, "Optimization of PV/Wind/Micro-Hydro/Diesel Hybrid Power System in HOMER for the Study Area", International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Volume 3, Number 3, 2011, pp. 307-325.https://doi: 10.15676/ijeei.2011.3.3.4
- S K Swain* and G Prusty “Characterizing Oxygen-Barrier Polyacrylonitrile/Graphite Nanocomposites†SPE, Plastics Research Online, (2011) DOI-10.1002/spepro.003851.
- Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity of zinc carboxylate complexes of 2,3-pyridine dicarboxylic acid and (3-oxo-2,3-dihydro-benzo[1,4]oxazin-4-yl)acetic acid. W. M. Singh, B. R. Jali, B. Das, J. B. Baruah, Inorganica Chimica Acta (2011), 372, 37-41.
- K. P. Shadangi and R. K. Singh, Liquid fuel from castor seeds by pyrolysis. Fuel 90 (2011) 2538-2544.
- Deepak Kumar Lal, and K. S. Swarup, "Modeling and Simulation of Chaotic Phenomena in Electrical Power Systems", Applied Soft Computing Journal (Elsevier Publication), Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2011, pp. 103-110.https://doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2009.11.001
- S Panda, D Mishra Test-Rigs for Dynamically Loaded Journal Bearing: A Study SAE Technical Paper
- S Panda, D Mishra Development of a tribological failure knowledge model International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining 1 (2), 99-114
- A concise enantioselective total synthesis of (+)-epi-muricatacin, using asymmetric hydrogenation/intramolecular iodoetherification as key stepsG. Kumaraswamy, Duggirala Ramakrishna and Kondapalli SanthakumaraTetrahedron: Asymmetry 21 (2010) 544–548
- S K Swain* and P. Priyadasrshini, “Ultrasonic and viscometric investigation of soya protein in aqueous solution†Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics (NISCAIR), 48(8), 539-542 (2010). DOI: (Impact Factor: 0.582)
- A Mohanty and S K Swain* “Study of solution properties of albumin protein by ultrasonic technique†Journal of Indian Chemical Society (NISCAIR), 87(4), 461-464 (2010). (Impact Factor: 0.10)
- S.K.Swain* and I Jena “Polymer/CNT nanocomposites: A novel material†Asian Journal Chemistry (Oxford), 22(1), 1-15 (2010). (Impact Factor: 0.14)
- Punyapriya Mishra and S.K.Acharya. “Effect of fiber loading on the abrasive wear behaviour of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composite.” Journal of Tribology Research, Volume 1, No. 2, pp. 59-64
- Punyapriya Mishra & S.K.Acharya. “Solid particle erosion of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composite.” International Journal of Physical Science, Volume 5, No.2, pp. 109-115
- Panigrahi, R., Bhalla, S., Gupta, A., Pande, H., and Prakash, A.,2010, “Experimental investigations on low cost foldable tensegrity structures”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering Technology and Sciences, Vol 3, Issue 1, 341-45.
- Punyapriya Mishra and S.K.Acharya. “Anisotropy abrasive wear behaviour of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite.” International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Volume 2, No. 11, pp. 104-112.
- Panigrahi, R., Bhalla, S. and Gupta, A., 2010, “Development and analysis of a prototype dismountable tensegrity structure for shelter purposes”, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, , Vol 3, Issue 4, 561-78.
- Panda, S., and Mishra, D.,(2010) Trobological Failure Knowledge Model for Steam Power Plant Equipment, (International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Datamining,2010,2,99-114)
- A. Dewan, P. Patro, I Khan, P Mahanta, Effect of Fin Spacing and Material on Performance of Circular Pin Fin Heat Sink, Proc. of IMechE, Part A, Journal of Power and Energy, 224 (2010) 35-46.
- Biswal, T., Samal, R., & Sahoo, P. K. (2010). Complex-mediated microwave-assisted synthesis of polyacrylonitrile nanoparticles. Nanotechnology, Science and Applications, 3, 77-83.
- Panda S., Mishra, D., A Study on Development of Fluid Film Bearings , Institution of Engineers, 2010, Vol.90, 3-7.Springer
- Ghose, D.K., Panda, S.S. and Swain, P.C. (2010) Prediction of water table depth in western region, Orissa using BPNN and RBFN Neural Networks. Journal of Hydrology (International Journal), No. 394, pp. 296-304, DOI information: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.09.003,
- Panigrahi, R., Gupta, A. and Bhalla, S., 2010, “A low cost variant of electro-mechanical impedance(EMI) technique for structural health monitoring”, Experimental Techniques, Vol 34, Issue 2, 25-29.
- Biswal, T., Samal, R., & Sahoo, P. K*. (2010). Co (III) complex mediated microwave?assisted synthesis of PAN. Journal of applied polymer science, 117(3), 1837-1842. (Scopus, SCI, IF: 3.057).
- S Panda, D Mishra A multi-objective optimum design of dynamically loaded journal bearing for a prescribed π extent film SAE Technical Paper
- H S S Ramakrishna Matte, S K Swain, A Thirumurugan and C N R Rao* “Two- and three-dimensional hybrid compounds formed by 1,2-, 1,3- and 1,4-cyclo hexanedicarboxylates of zinc†Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry (ZAAC) ((Wiley), 635(12), 1840-1847 (2009). DOI: 10.1002/zaac.201490002 (Impact Factor: 1.179)
- S K Swain and A I Isayev “PA6/clay nanocomposites by continuous sonication process†Journal Applied Polymer Science (Wiley), 114(4), 2378-2387 (2009). DOI: 10.1002/app.30827 (Impact Factor: 1.919)
-  Sucheta Panda, P.K.Nanda, “An Unified Markov Random Field Model for Color Texture Image Segmentation”, International Journal of Intelligent  Information Processing, Vol.3, No.2, pp: 161-176, July-December, 2009.
- P.Mishra & Dr. S.K.Acharya, S.K.Mehar. “The influence of fiber treatment on the performance of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite.” International Journal of Reinforced plastics and Composites, Volume 28, No. 24, pp.3027-3036.
- Panigrahi, R., Gupta, A. and Bhalla, S., 2009, “ Dismountable steel tensegrity grids as light-weight roof structures ”, Steel and Composite Structures, Vol 9, Issue No 3, 239-253.
- Swain, P.C. and Umamahesh V. Nanduri (2009) “Neuro-fuzzy inference system for operation of a multi-purpose reservoir”, Hydroinformatics in Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Resources, International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publ. 331.
- Panda, S., and Mishra, D., A Multi-objective optimum Design of Dynamically Loaded Journal Bearing for a piâtilm, (SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE International, Document no. 2009-01-1679)
- A. Dewan, V. Bharti, V. Mathur, U.K. Saha, P. Patro, A Comparison of Tapered and Straight Circular Pin Fin Compact Heat Exchangers for Electronic Appliances, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 16(3) (2009) 301-314.
- Highly enantioselective carbon–carbon bond formation by Cu-catalyzed asymmetric [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement: application to the syntheses of seven-membered oxacycles and six-membered carbocyclesG. Kumaraswamy, K. Sadaiah, Duggirala Subrahmanya Ramakrishna N. Police,a B. Sridhar and J. Bharatam aChem. Commun., 2008, 5324–5326
- P K Sahoo, R Samal, S K Swain, and P K Rana, “Synthesis of poly(butylacrylate)/layer silicate nanocomposites fire retardant†European Polymer Journal (Elsevier), 44(9), 3522-3528 (2008). DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.08.033 (Impact Factor: 3.621)
- S Lapshine, S K Swain and A I Isayev, “Ultrasonic aided process for preparation of polyolefin-clay nanocomposites†Polymer Engineering & Science (Wiley), 48(8), 1584-1591 (2008). DOI: 10.1002/pen.21135 (Impact Factor: 1.551)
- R Samal, S K Swain, P K Rana and P K Sahoo, “Biodegradable flame retardant poly(butyl acrylate)/silicate nanocomposites by emulsifier-free emulsion technique†Journal of Polymer Materials (MD Publications) , 25(3), 397-406 (2008). (Impact Factor: 0.355)
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- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Some Korovkin-Type Approximation Theorems Associated with a Certain Deferred Weighted Statistical Riemann-Integrable Sequence of Functions, AXIOMS, 11 (2022), ISSN:, 2075-1680, pp. 1-11, Pub: MDPI,SwitzerlandI.F. 1.82 (12.3.22; SCI & SCOPUS)
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- Piyush R. Das, R. Padhee, B.N. Parida, R N P Choudhary: "Electrical properties of Na2Pb2R2W2Ti4V4O30 (R= Dy, Pr) ceramics" J. Adv. Ceram. 2 (2) (2013) 112-118
- P.K. Das, V.A. Diya, S. Meher, R. Panda, A. Abraham, “A Systematic Review on Recent Advancements in Deep and Machine Learning based Detection and Classification of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia,†IEEE Access, pp.1-23, August 2022. [Impact factor: 3.36 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q1, H index: 158]
- B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, On various new concepts of statistical convergence for sequences of random variables via deferred Cesaro mean, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 487 (2020), pp. 1-18, 123950, ISSN: 0022-247X / 1096-0813,Elsevier (SCI; SCOPUS)
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- M.K.Naik, M.Swain, R. Panda, A. Abraham, “Novel square error minimization based multilevel thresholding method for COVID-19 X-ray image analysis using fast cuckoo search,†International Journal of Image and Graphics, World Scientific, vol. 22(4), pp.1-26, July 2022. [Impact factor: 1.12 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q3, H index: 21]
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, Statistical probability convergence via deferred N"{o}rlund mean and its applications to approximation theorems, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, 114 (2020), pp. 1-14 (RACSAM), 114, (2020), ISSN: 1578-7303/ 1579-1505, Springer (SCI; SCOPUS)
- Sethy, S., Das, S. R., Rana, J., Behera, A. K., & Gupta, M. K. (2024). Performance evaluation and economic assessment in electrical discharge machining of SS316 using graphite powder dispersed in biodegradable palm oil dielectric. Surface Review and Letters, 2450120.
- Piyush R. Das, R. Padhee, B.N. Parida, R N P Choudhary: “Diffuse ferroelectric phase transition in Li2Pb2Dy2W2Ti4V4O30” Phase Transition 86 (12) (2013) 1267-1272.
- S. Pattanayak, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhary: "Effect of Gd-substitution on Phase transition and Conduction Mechanism of BiFeO3" J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (8) (2013) 2767-2771.
- P. K. Parida, L. Dora, M. Swain, S. Agrawal, R. Panda, “Data Science Methodologies in Smart Healthcare: A Reviewâ€, Health and Technology, Springer, pp. 1-14, February 2022. [Impact factor: 1.20 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q3, H index: 17]
- A. A. Das, S. K. Paikray, T. Pradhan and H. Dutta, Statistical (C, 1)(E,_)-summability and associated fuzzy approximation theorems with statistical fuzzy rates, Soft Computing, 24,2020,pp. 10883—10892, ISSN: 1433-7479, IF- , UGC Jr. No- , Springer (SCI & SCOPUS)
- Das, A., Kumar, A., Padhan, S., Das, S. R., Satpathy, M. P., & Patel, S. K. (2024). Hard turning of AISI H10 steel using AlTiN and AlTiSiN coated carbide tools: comparative machining performance evaluation and economic assessment. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 46(5), 277.
- S. Agrawal, R. Panda, P. Chaudhury, A. Abraham, “Dominant color component and adaptive whale optimization algorithm for multilevel thresholding of color images,†Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier, pp. 1-24, January 2022. [Impact factor: 8.20 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q1, H index: 121]
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, Statistical deferred Nörlund summability and Korovkin-type approximation theorem, Mathematics, 8 (2020), Article ID:636, pp. 1-11, Pub: MDPI, Switzerland, ISSN: 2227-7390 (SCI; SCOPUS)
- Samantaray, S. R., Pradhan, S., Dhupal, D., Padhan, S., & Das, S. R. (2024). Comparative performance investigation and sustainability evaluation between hot-AJM and AJM during machining of zirconia ceramic using Al2O3 abrasives. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 46(5), 263.
- B. Pati, R.N.P. Choudhury, Piyush R. Das, B. N. Parida, R.Pahee: “Dielectric and Impedance Spectroscopy of Barium Orthoniobate Ceramic” J. Electronic Materials 42 (6) (2013) 1225-1234.
- S. Pattanayak, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhary: “Ferroelectric and Ferromagnetic properties of Gd-modified BiFeO3” J. Magnetism Magnetic Mater. 341 (2013) 158-164.
- M.K. Naik, R. Panda, L. Samantaray, A. Abraham, “A novel threshold score based multiclass segmentation technique for brain MR images,†Imaging Systems and Technology, Wiley, pp. 1-17, January 2022. [Impact factor: 2.12 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q2, H index: 47]
- B. A. Kumar, S. K. Paikray and U. K. Misra, Two-storage fuzzy inventory model with time dependent demand and holding cost under acceptable delay in payment, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 25 (2020), 441-460, ISSN: 1392-6292 (SCI; SCOPUS)
- Panda, D., Sahu, S. K., & Das, S. R. (2024). Comparative performance evaluation and economic assessment between traditional and vibration assisted EDM during machining of Inconel 718. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 09544062241244949.
- Ramakoti, Ivaturi Siva, Panda, Achyut Kumar, Jal, Soumya and Gouda, Narayan. "Reinforcement of recycled polypropylene by nano lanthana with improved thermal, mechanical and antimicrobial properties" Journal of Polymer Engineering, 2024.
- Siva Ramakoti, I., Gouda, N. & Panda, A.K. Investigation on the thermal, mechanical, and antibacterial properties of polymer nanocomposites from waste polypropylene and cerium oxide nanoparticles. Polym. Bull. (2024).
- S. C. Panigrahi, Piyush R. Das, B. N. Parida, H. B. K. Sharma, R.N.P. Choudhary: "Effect of Gd on Dielectric and Transport Properties of Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramics." J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (2013) 3275-3283.
- G. Das, R. Panda, L. Samantaray, S. Agrawal, “A novel non-entropic objective function for multilevel optimal threshold selection using adaptive equilibrium optimizer,†Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, pp.1-16, January 2022. [Impact factor: 1.02 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q3, H index: 13]
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, A certain class of statistical probability convergence and its applications to approximation theorems, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math., vol. 14 (9), 2020, pp. 579-598, ISSN: 1452-8630, IF- 1.07, UGC Jr. No- 49/135, Pub: University of Belgrade, Serbia (SCI & SCOPUS)
- Sethy, S., Rana, J., Sharma, P., & Das, S. R. (2024). Comparative performance investigation and sustainability assessment in electrical discharge machining of SS316 using different dielectrics. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 238(7), 2718-2733.
- M. Swain, T.T. Tripathy, R. Panda, S. Agrawal, A. Abraham, “Differential exponential entropy-based multilevel threshold selection methodology for colour satellite images using equilibrium-cuckoo search optimizer,†Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, pp. 1-21, Dec. 2021. [Impact factor: 6.21 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q1, H index: 104]
- B. A. Kumar, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, Cost optimization model for items having fuzzy demand and deterioration with two-warehouse facility under the trade credit financing, AIMS Mathematics, 5 (2), 2020, pp. 1603–1620, ISSN: 2473-6988, Pub: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences(SCI & SCOPUS)
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- Pabitra Mohan Mahapatra, Narayan Gouda, Dipransu Pradhan, Prakash Chandra Mishra, Puspanjali Mishra, Achyut Kumar Panda, Isothermal co-pyrolytic kinetics investigation of polystyrene/polymethyl methacrylate blended Bakelite, Can. J. Chem. Eng. 2024, 1.,
- S. Dash, R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhary: "Enhancement of Dielectric and Electrical Properties of NaNbO3-Modified BiFeO3" J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (9) (2013) 3315-3323.
- S. Behera, Piyush R. Das,B. N. Parida, P. Nayak and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Structural and Electrical Properties of Li2Pb2Sm2W2Ti4Ta4O30 ceramics” Adv. Mater. Lett. 5 (3) (2014) 143-147.
- B. Meher, S. Agrawal, R. Panda, A. Abraham, “A region based remote sensing image fusion using anisotropic diffusion process,†International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, Taylor & Francis, pp. 1-18, Dec. 2021. [Impact factor: 1.92 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q2, H index: 27]
- P. Parida, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, On approximation of signals in $Lip (alpha, r) $-class using the product $(overline{N}, p_{n}, q_{n})(E, s)$- summability means of conjugate Fourier series}, Nonlinear Studies, 27 (2020), 447-455, ISSN: 1359-8678/ 2153-4373, Pub: Cambridge Scientific Publishers (SCOPUS)
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- Pabitra Mohan Mahapatra, Dipransu Pradhan, Sachin Kumar, Achyut Kumar Panda, Influence of polypropylene and high-density polyethylene on isothermal pyrolytic degradation of discarded bakelite: Kinetic analysis and batch pyrolysis studies, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 191, Part A, 2024, Pages 769-779, ISSN 0957-5820,
- Pabitra Mohan Mahapatra, Dipransu Pradhan, Sachin Kumar, Achyut Kumar Panda, Isothermal pyrolysis of discarded bakelite: Kinetics analysis and batch pyrolysis studies, Circular Economy, 2024,100102, ISSN 2773-1677,
- A. Mekap, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Dielectric and electrical properties of ZnSb2O4 ceramics” Adv. Mater. Lett. 5 (3) (2014) 152-156.
- G. Das, R. Panda, L. Samantaray, S. Agrawal, “A novel segmentation error minimization based method for multilevel optimal threshold selection using opposition equilibrium optimizerâ€, International Journal of Image and Graphics, World Scientific, pp. 1-23, Dec. 2021. [Impact factor: 1.47 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q3, H index: 21]
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- M.K. Naik, R. Panda, A. Abraham, “A novel multilevel color thresholding technique for analysis of breast thermograms using equilibrium slime mould algorithm,†Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, pp. 1-38, September 2021. [Impact factor: 6.72 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q1, H index: 143]
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ISSN:1097-4628 - B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, Product of Deferred Cesaro deferred weighted Statistical Probability Convergence and Its Applications to Korovkin-type Theorem, Universitas Scientiarum Journal of Faculty of Sciences, Pontificia Universidad, 25 (3), 2020, 409-433, ISSN: 0122-7483 / 2027-1352;UGC: 66/111(ESCI, SCOPUS)
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- Indra Mohan, Satya Prakash Pandey, Achyut K Panda, Sachin Kumar, Modeling of CI engine performance and emission parameters using artificial neural network powered by catalytic co-pyrolytic renewable fuel, Digital Chemical Engineering, Volume 12, 2024, 100171, ISSN 2772-5081,
- U.K. Rout, R.K. Sahu, S. Panda, Design and analysis of differential evolution algorithm based automatic generation control for interconnected power system, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, ELSEVIER, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 409-421, 2013.
- B.C. Sutar, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Sr(Bi0.5V0.5)O3 Electroceramic” Adv. Mater. Lett. 5 (3) (2014) 131-137.
- B. N. Parida, Piyush R. Das, R. Padhee and R.N.P. Choudhary: "Dielectric and Pyroelectric Properties of La and Pr modified-Tungsten-Bronze Ferroelectrics", J. Electronic Materials 42 (8) (2013) 2587-94.
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- L. Dora, S. Agrawal, R. Panda, A. Abraham, “An efficient multiclass classifier for classification of Alzheimer's disease/mild cognitive impairment/Normal subjects,†Imaging Systems and Technology, Wiley, pp. 1-13, September 2021. [Impact factor: 2.12 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q1, H index: 47]
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- S.K. Mohapatra, S. Panda, Stability improvement by SSSC and STATCOM based damping controllers employing differential evolution algorithm, ACTA Electrotehnica,Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 13-21, 2013.
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- Pabitra Mohan Mahapatra, Sudesna Aech, Pijush Kanti Mandal, Achyut Kumar Panda, Pyrolysis of multilayered plastic packets to hydrocarbon fuel feedstock: Thermal degradation behaviour, kinetics and thermodynamic analysis, and semi-batch studies, Journal of the Energy Institute, Volume 115, 2024, 101690, ISSN 1743-9671,
- S. Panda, B.K. Sahu and P.K. Mohanty, Bacteria foraging optimisation algorithm for tuning of PSS and STATCOM–based controller parameters, Int. J. Data Mining, Modelling and Management, INDERSCIENCE, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 351-369, 2013.
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ISSN:0257-8050 - B.B. Jena, L. N. Mishra, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Approximation of Signals by General Matrix Summability with effects of Gibb’s Phenomenon applications to approximation theorems, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. (BSPM), Vol. 38, 2020, pp. 141–158,ISSN-2175-1188 (on line), ISSN-0037-8712, IF-0.39, UGC Jr. No- 15087 (UGC-251/339) Pub: Soc Paranaense Matematica, Brazil, (SCOPUS; ESCI)
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- Indra Mohan, Sandip Mandal, Achyut Kumar Panda, Ramakrishnan Prakash, Sachin Kumar, An experimental investigation in a CI engine for the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of liquid fuel produced through catalytic co-pyrolysis, Fuel, Volume 363, 1 May 2024 , 130909,
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ISSN: 0976-4534 - A.A. Das, S. K. Paikray, P.Parida, U. K. Misra, Degree of approximation in the generalized Lipschitz class via - product summability means of Fourier series of a signal belonging to - class, TWMS J. App. and Eng. Math. Vol. 10, Special Issue, 2020, pp. 53-62, ISSN: 2146-1147, E-ISSN: 2146-1147, IF- , UGC Jr. No- 155/159, Pub:Turkic World Mathematical Soc, Azerbaijan (ESCI & SCOPUS)
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- H. Swapnarekha, H. S. Behera, J. Nayak, and B. Naik, “Covid CT-net: A deep learning framework for COVID-19 prognosis using CT images,†J. Interdiscip. Math., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 327–352, Feb. 2021, doi: 10.1080/09720502.2020.1857905. [Taylor &Francis][SCOPUS][IMPACT FACTOR:0.64] [h-Index:14]
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- Pabitra Mohan Mahapatra, Prakash Chandra Mishra, Sachin Kumar, Puspanjali Mishra, Achyut Kumar Panda, Investigation of synergetic, kinetics, thermodynamics, and batch studies of polypropylene-bakelite co-pyrolysis, Results in Engineering, Volume 21, March 2024 , 101720.
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- B. Pati, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhury: “Studies of dielectric, pyroelectric and conduction mechanism of Sr3Ta2O8” Ceramic International 40 (1) (2013) 2201-2208.
- P.K. Mishro, S. Agrawal, R. Panda, A. Abraham, “A novel brightness preserving joint histogram equalization technique for contrast enhancement of brain MR imagesâ€, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Elsevier, vol.41, pp. 540-553, May 2021. [Impact factor: 4.31 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q2, H index: 29]
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- P. Das, S. Meher, R. Panda, A. Abraham, “An Efficient Blood-Cell Segmentation for the Detection of Hematological Disordersâ€, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE, pp.1-12, Feb. 2021. [Impact factor: 11.07 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q1, H index: 167]
- Ivaturi Siva Ramakoti, Achyut Kumar Panda, Narayan Gouda A brief review on polymer nanocomposites: current trends and prospects, Source, Journal of Polymer Engineering, Volume 43 Issue 8 Pages 651-679. Publisher De Gruyter. Publication date, 2023/9/26
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Effect of Substituent on UV-Visible Absorption and Photo Stability of Liquid Crystals: DFT Study - B. Meher, S. Agrawal, R. Panda, and A. Abraham, “A survey on region based image fusion methods,†Information Fusion, Elsevier, Aug. 2018. [Impact factor: 10.71 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q1, H index: 85]
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Thermodynamic Stability and Phase Behaviour of a Liquid Crystalline Material: A Theoretical Model at
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Theoretical Study on Liquid Crystal Cyanobiphenyls: Phase Stability and Phase Behaviour13. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 575, 77 (2013).
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Role of Molecular Interactions on Phase Stability and Phase Behaviour of a Model Nematogen - A
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Molecular Structure and Ordering in a Fluorinated Smectogenic Compound-A Statistical Thermodynamic
Approach. - Sarada Prasad Parida, Pankaj Charan Jena*, Sudhansu Ranjan Das , Ali Basem, Ajit Kumar Khatua and Ammar H Elsheikh, Transverse vibration of laminated composite-plates with fillers under moving mass rested on elastic foundation using higher order shear deformation theory, Proceedings of Institute Mechanical Engineering Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, 2024, 10.1177/09544062241256589
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Calculation of Spectral Shifts in UV-Visible Region and Photoresponsive Behaviour of Fluorinated Liquid
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Substituent and Solvent Effects on UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of Liquid Crystalline Disubstituted
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Theoretical Analysis on Phase Behaviour of a Liquid Crystalline Material – Effect of Molecular Motions - A.K. Behera, J. Bhoi, U.Laha and B. Kirali: ‘’Study on nucleon-nucleon and alpha-nucleon elastic scattering by Manning-Rosen potentialâ€, Communication in Theoretical Physics, 72(7), 075301 (2020).
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- Satyanarayan Patnaik, Sachin Kumar, and Achyut K. Panda Kinetics of Thermal Degradation of Non-Woven Plastics: Model-Free Kinetic Approach, Chemistry Select 2019, 4, 8054 –8060
- M. R. Jena, G. P. Mishra, A. B. Sahoo, and B. B. Mangaraj, “Fractal Geometry and Its Application to Antenna Designs” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume-9 Issue-1, pp. 3726-3743, October 2019, DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A9793.109119, ISSN: 2249 – 8958.
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- PK Sethy*, SK Behera (2021). Automatic Classification with Concatenation of Deep and Handcrafted Features of Histological Images for Breast Carcinoma Diagnosis. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Springer. (SCI Indexed) (Under Review)
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- Sreelekha Panda, Satyasis Mishra,Manas Ranjan Senapati, “Detection and Classification Methods for EEG Epileptic Seizuresâ€, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Vol-8, No-6, Nov-Dec 2019, ISSN:2278 -3091,
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- R.K. Sahu, G.T.C. Sekhar, S Panda, Automatic generation control of multi-area power systems with diverse energy sources using teaching learning based optimization algorithm, Engineering Science and Technology: an International Journal, ELSEVIER, doi:10.1016/j.jestch.2015.07.011
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Electronic Spectra and Ultraviolet Stability of Nematic Liquid Crystals: Effect of Solvent and Substituen - Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK. Prediction of fatigue life with interspersed mode-I and mixed mode (I & II) overloads by an exponential model: Extensions and Improvements. Engineering Fracture Mechanics; Elsevier; 2009;76:454–468.
- R.K.Sahu, S. Panda, A. Biswal and G.T. Chandra Sekhar (2016) “Design and analysis of tilt integral derivative controller with filter for load frequency control of multi - area interconnected power systems†ISA Transactions (Elsevier), Vol. 61, pp. 251 - 264. (Impact Factor: 3.394).
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- K. S. Simhadri, B. Mohanty, and S. K. Panda, “Comparative performance analysis of 2DOF state feedback controller for automatic generation control using whale optimization algorithm,” Optim Control Appl Methods, vol. 40, no. 1, 2019, doi: 10.1002/oca.2462
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- G. P. Mishra and B. B. Mangaraj, " Miniaturisedmicrostrip patch design based on highly capacitive defected ground structure with fractal boundary for X-band microwave communications" IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 13, Issue 10, Pages 1593-1601, August 2019, ISSN: 1751-8725. DOI: 10.1049/iet-map.2018.5778
- Janmenjoy Nayak, Bighnaraj Naik, and H. S. Behera. "A novel Chemical Reaction Optimization based higher order Neural Network (CRO-HONN) for nonlinear classification." Ain Shams Engineering Journal,Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2015, pp. 1069-1091, ISSN: 2090-4479, SNIP: 0.932, DOI:10.1016/j.asej.2014.12.013, 2015. [ELSEVIER, ScienceDirect] [ SCOPUS-SCIE][IMPACT FACTOR: 3.180] [h-Index:46]
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- B.N. Parida, Piyush R Das, R. Padhee, D. Suara, A. Mishra, J. Rout and, R. N. P. Choudhary: “Synthesis and characterization of (Bi0.5Ba0.5) (Fe0.5Ti0.5)O3 Ceramic” Mater. Res. Bull. 61 (2015) 544-550.
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- G. P. Mishra, A. B. Sahoo, SmeetaHota, B. B. Mangaraj, "Direct and electromagnetically coupled compact microstrip antenna design with modified fractal DGS" International Journal of RF and Microwave Computerâ€Aided Engineering, Vol. 29, Issue 10, e21887, pages. 1-10, June 2019, ISSN: 1099-047X, DOI: org/10.1002/mmce.21887
- "Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Clouds", Sohan Kumar Pande, Sanjaya Kumar Panda, Satyabrata Das.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.3021075,
- S. C., Nayak, B. B., Mishra, and H. S. Behera, “Artificial Chemical Reaction Optimization of Neural Networks for Efficient Prediction of Stock Market Indexâ€, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, ISSN: 2090-4479, 2015, DOI:10.1016/j.asej.2014.12.013,2015. [ELSEVIER, ScienceDirect] [ SCOPUS-SCIE][IMPACT FACTOR: 3.180] [h-Index:46]
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Influence of Dielectric Medium on Cyano Containing Mesogenic Compound-A Statistical Analysis Based
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- R.K.Sahu, S. Panda, U. K. Rout and D K Sahoo (2016) “Teaching learning based optimization algorithm for automatic generation control of power system using 2 - DOF PID controller†International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier), Vol. 77, pp. 287 - 301. (Impact Factor: 3.289).
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- J. Bhoi and U. Laha: “Potentials and phase shifts for nucleon-light nuclei systemsâ€, Pramana-Journal of Physics, 91(6), 1-11 (2018).
- Panda A, Das SR & Dhupal D (2020)Machinability investigation and sustainability assessment in FDHT with coated ceramic tool. Steel and Composite Structures 34 (5), 681-698.
- SK Behera, AK Rath, PK Sethy* (2021). Fruits Yield Estimation using Faster R-CNN with MIoU. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer. (SCI Indexed).
- Ramya Prakash Sahu, Mihir Kumar Sutar, Sarojrani Pattnaik (2021). "A Generalized Finite Element Approach towards the Free Vibration Analysis of Non-uniform Axially Functionally Graded Beam". Scientia Iranica, SCI, Impact Factor: 1.435, paper accepted for publication.
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- 6. P. R. Sahu, K.S Simhadri, B. Mohanty, P. K. Hota, A. Y Abdelaziz, F. Albalawi, S. SM Ghoneim, M. Elsisi, Effective load frequency control of power system with two-degree freedom tilt-integral-derivative based on whale optimization algorithm, Sustainability 15 (2), 1515
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- S. Sarangi, N. P. Rath and H. K. Sahoo, "A Comparative Study of Filters for Denoising Mammograms," 2021 International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), Hubli, India, 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/CONIT51480.2021.9498526.
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- R. N. Patro, H. K. Sahoo and P. K. Biswal, "Dual Histogram Based RVIN detector and Hybrid Gaussian Filter," 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/GUCON50781.2021.9573672
- P.K.Hota, B.Mohanty (2015), “Automatic Generation Control of Multi-Source Power Generation under Deregulated Environment”, Paper accepted for publication in International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier Science, SCI), Vol.75, pp.205-214.
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- AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, S. S. Das and G. C. Dash Finite difference analysis of hydromagnetic flow and heat transfer of an elastico-viscous fluid between two horizontal parallel porous plates Vol.73, No.2, pp.31-44, 2004 1259-5969
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- Acharya G.Sunpriya* and Panda R.B.(2015)´ Evaluation of water quality of Kuakhai river by water quality index analysis using C++ program´ IJLTEMAS, Vol- 4, Issue- 10,Pp 124-131
ISSN:2278-2540 - S. Agrawal, R. Panda, S. Bhuyan and B. K. Panigrahi, “Tsallis Entropy based Optimal Multilevel Thresholding using Cuckoo Search Algorithm,†Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Elsevier, Vol.11, pp.16-30, August 2013. [Impact factor: 6.33 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q1, H index: 43]
- A K Barisal, S. Mishra,“ Improved PSO based automatic generation control of multi-source nonlinear power systems interconnected by AC/DC links, International Journal of Cogent Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp 1-20, 2018.
- Achyut Kumar Panda,Thermo-catalytic degradation of different plastics to drop in liquid fuel using calcium bentonite catalyst, International Journal of Industrial Chemistry (2018), 9(2), 167-176
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- BighnarajNaik, JanmenjoyNayak and H. S. Behera, “A Global-best Harmony Search based Gradient Descent Learning FLANN (GbHS-GDL-FLANN) for Data Classificationâ€, Egyptian Informatics Journal, ISSN: 1110-8665, 2015. [ELSEVIER, ScienceDirect] [SCIE][IMPACT FACTOR: 3.943] [h-Index:34]
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- B. Meher, S. Agrawal, R. Panda, L. Dora, and A. Abraham, Visible and infrared image fusion using an efficient adaptive transition region extraction technique, Engineering Science and Technology an International Journal, 2021.
- M. Tripathy, S.Mishra “Coordinated tuning of PSS and TCSC to improve Hopf Bifurcation margin in multimachine power system by a Modified Bacteria Foraging Algorithm†Electric Power & Energy Systems, Vol.66, No.3, pp.97-109, Mar.2015.
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- Aurovinda Mohanty, Santosh Kumar Senapati and Manoj Kumar Dash, “Cooling Characteristic of an Infrared Suppression Device with Single Perforated Funnel: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Approachâ€, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications; 2023, Volume 15, issue1, Pages: 1-10.DOI:
- Dibyasha Mohapatra, Dibya Ranjana Behera, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra "Prospective of functionalized graphene as shape memory and self-healing polymer: A review" Materials Today: Proceedings (2023).
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- Mithun Das, Biswa Nath Ghosh, Antonio Bauzá, Kari Rissanen, Antonio Frontera and Shouvik Chattopadhyay, Observation of novel oxygen•••oxygen interaction in supramolecular assembly of cobalt(III) Schiff base complexes: A combined experimental and computational study, RSC Advances, 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5RA13960K. Impact Factor: 3.840
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- P. K. Mohanty, B. K. Sahu, S. Panda, Tuning and Assessment of Proportional–Integral–Derivative Controller for an Automatic Voltage Regulator System Employing Local Unimodal Sampling Algorithm, Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 42, Issue 9, pp. 959-969, 2014. (Impact factor: 0.664)
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- C. R. Mohanty, S. Adapala, B. C. Meikap, Removal of hazardous gaseous pollutants from industrial flue gases by a novel multistage fluidized bed desulfurizer, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 165(1-3) 427-434,2009.
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- P. Mohanty, M.R.Kabat “A Hierarchical Energy Efficient Reliable Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks†Ain Shams Engineering journal, vol 5(4), pp1141-1155, 2014.
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ISSN: 0970-7077 IF: 0.27Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
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- R.K. Sahu, S. Panda and Saroj Padhan (2014) “A novel hybrid DEPS optimized fuzzy PI/PID controller for load frequency control of multi area interconnected power systems†Journal of Process Control (Elsevier), Vol. 24, No. 10, pp.1596–1608. (Impact Factor: 2.700)..
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ISSN : 0257-8050 - Sanjaya Kumar Panda, Swati Mishra and Satyabrata Das, “An Efficient Intra-Server and Inter-Server Load Balancing Algorithm for Internet Distributed Systems”, Special Issue on Knowledge Discovery in Data using Intelligent Information Systems, International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis, IGI Global, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 1-18, 2017.
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- A. Praharaj, D. Behera, P. Rath, T.K. Bastia , A.K.Rout , “BisGMA-polyvinylpyrrolidone blend based nanocomposites reinforced with chitosan grafted f-multiwalled carbon nanotubesâ€, Results in Physics ,5 ,158-167 , 2015
- C. Panda, S.N. Patro, P. K. Das and P. K. Gantayat, “ Node reliability in WDM optical network†International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 315-320, 2012.
- P. Ray, G. Budumuru and B.K.Mohanty, “A comprehensive review on soft computing and signal processing techniques in feature extraction and classification of power quality problems”, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, vol.10, doi:10.1063/1.5006772, pp. 025102, 2018.
- Identification of Flood vulnerable zones in Mahanadi Delta based on post-Hirakud Historical data (Accepted for publication in International Journal of Water)
- Sushree Bibhuprada B. Priyadarshini, S. Panigrahi, “A Centralized cum Sub-Centralized Scheme for Multi-Event Coverage and Optimum Camera Activation in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networksâ€, Special Issue on Creating a Smarter Environment through Advancement of Communication Systems, Networks and Applications, IET Networks, IET, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 314–328, 2015, Online ISSN 2047-4962. Print ISSN 2047-4954, doi: 10.1049/iet-net.2015.0017 (Emerging SCI, Scopus, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) = 0.987).
- B. Mohanty, H.K.Sahoo, B.Patnaik, “Wireless channel estimation and beamforming by using block sparse adaptive filteringâ€, Springer Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2020,
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- B. B. Mangaraj, S. Hota, and S. K. Mohanty, “Comparative Study of Two Optimizing Techniques: Bacteria Forging Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm in Solving V-dipole Antenna Problem” International Journal of Research in Adv. Technology in Engineering Vol. 1, Issue 2, p 6-15, September 2013.
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- Santosh Kumar Sahu, SauravDatta,SarojKumar Patel, SibaSankarMahapatra, (2015) Appraisement and Benchmarking of Supply Chain Performance Extent: A Fuzzy Grey Relation Method, Grey Systems, Theory and Application, 5(1), 2-30, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, UK. DOI:10.1108/GS-10-2014-0036
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- Gyan Ranjan Biswal, P. Mohanty, K. J. Akram, N. P. Padhy, and T. Islam, “Design and Fabrication of an Inexpensive Capacitive Humidity Sensor for Smart Sub-station Automation,†IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 20, No. 12, pp. 6215 – 6223, Jun. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2974522 (IF: 3.073) {A Featured Article}
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- Y. Zhang, J Wang, MPK Sahoo, T Shimada, T Kitamura, Mechanical control of magnetism in oxygen deficient perovskite SrTiO3, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., ISSN: 1463-9076, (2015), 40, 27136, (Impact factor: 4.12)
- K.K.Sahu, SibaramaPanigrahi and H. S. Behera, “A novel Chemical Reaction Optimization Algorithm for Higher Order Neural Network Trainingâ€, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, E-ISSN 1817-3195 / ISSN 1992-8645, IF: 1.71, Vol. 53, issue 3, July 2013, pp 402-409.[ELSEVIER, ScienceDirect] [ SCOPUS][IMPACT FACTOR: 0.60] [h-Index:29]
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ISSN : 0257-8050 - Roshni Pradhan, Sanjaya Kumar Panda and Sujaya Kumar Sathua, “K-Means Min-Min Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Grids or Clouds”, International Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp. 89-99, 2015.
- R. Panda and M. Dash, “Fractional generalized splines and signal processingâ€, Signal Processing (An International Journal), Elsevier, vol. 86, No. 9, pp. 2340-2350, Sept 2006. [Impact factor: 4.08 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q1, H index: 115]
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- A. Praharaj, D. Behera, P. Rath, T.K. Bastia , A.K.Rout , “BisGMA/EPDM/amine functionalized MWCNTs based nanocomposites Pigment & Resin Technologyâ€, Emerald ,44(5) ,266-275 ,2015
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- Sushree Bibhuprada B. Priyadarshini, S. Panigrahi, “A Novel Approach Using Optimum Camera Actuation in Event Boundary Detection Method for Redundant Data Minimizationâ€, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Elsevier, 2016, ISSN: 2090-4479, doi:10.1016/j.asej.2016.04.013 (Scopus, SCI Expanded (SCI-E), IF=3.18).
- Ram Narayan Patro, Subhashree Subudhi, Pradyut Kumar Biswal, FabioDell’Acqua , Harish Kumar Sahoo, "Conditional nearest regularized subspace classifiers: a fast classification approach for HSI" International Journal of Remote Sensing(Taylor and Francis), vol. 40, issue 24,2019,
- C. Behera, R.N.P. Choudhary and Piyush R. Das: “Development of Multiferroism in PVDF with CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles",
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- Understanding the Inner-Self in Shashi Deshpande’s Small Remedies: A Transition from Dark to Light, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (ISSN: 2349-5138), Vol. 6, Iss.1, January 2019. Page 1144-46.
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- AnoopKumar Sahoo, Santosh Kumar Sahu, SauravDatta, SibaSankarMahapatra, (2015) Supply Chain flexibility assessment and decision-making: a fuzzyintelligentapproach, International Journal of Business Excellence, 8(6):675-699, IndersciencePublishers, Switzerland. DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2015.072305
- Nagender Kumar Suryadevara and Gyan Ranjan Biswal, “Smart Plugs: Paradigms and Applications in the Smart City-and-Smart Grid,†Energies, MDPI, Vol. 12, No. 10, Art. No. 1957, pp. 01 – 20, May 2019. (IF: 2.702) {Invited Paper}
- B. Meher, S. Agrawal, R. Panda, Lingraj Dora, and A. Abraham, A novel regionâ€based multimodal image fusion technique using improved dictionary learning. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 2019, Article in press.
- “Nano Gold Hybrid Polyvinyl Alcohol Films for Sensing of Cu2+ ions†Chemistry Select, (Wiley-VCH) 4, 001 –011 (2019). (Impact Factor: 1.716) DOI:
- "Secure Trust Level Routing in Delay Tolerant Network with Fuzzy Empowered Node Categorization Technique", Pradosh Kumar Gantayat & Satyabrata Das, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. (Scopus) 16, 2294-2298 (2019),DOI:
- Society, Ashok Kumar Sahoo and Jagannath Patel On Certain Subclasses of Analytic Functions InvolvingCarlson-Shaffer Operator and Related to Lemniscate ofBernoulli. Journal of Complex Analysis, Jagannath Patel and Ashok Kumar Sahoo.
- Y. Zhang, J Wang, MPK Sahoo, T Shimada, T Kitamura, Hybrid improper ferroelectricity in SrZrO3/BaZrO3 superlattices, Phys. Chem. Phys. Chem., ISSN: 1463-9076, (2016), 18, 24024, (Impact factor: 4.12)
- JosabantaKarali, SibaramaPanigrahi and H. S. Behera, “A Novel Differential Evolution Based Algorithm for Higher Order Neural Network Trainingâ€, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology E-ISSN 1817-3195 / ISSN 1992-8645, Vol. 56, Issue No. 2, pp 355-361, Oct 2013.[ELSEVIER, ScienceDirect] [ SCOPUS][IMPACT FACTOR: 0.60] [h-Index:29]
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- Achyut K. Panda, R.K.Singh, Experimental Optimization of Process for the Thermo-Catalytic Degradation of Waste Polypropylene to Liquid Fuel, Advances in energy engineering (AEE), Science and Engineering Publishing Company. 1 (3), July 2013.
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National Publications
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- Brick Kiln Induced Air Pollution: Assessment Through Apti of Plant Species, Poll Res. 42 (3) (2023)373-378
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- T. Ravinder, S.S Kaki, S. Kanjilal, B.V.S.K. Rao, S.K.Swain, R.B.N. Prasad “ Refining of castor and tapioca leaf fed eri silkworm oils†International Journal of Chemical Science and Technology, 5(2), 32-37 (2015). ISSN: 2249-8532 (Impact Factor: NA)
- A. Sarangi, G Nath* and S K Swain* “Compatibility study of binary mixtures for surface modification of natural fibers using ultrasonic technique at different frequencies†Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (NISCAIR), 52, 30-34 (2014). DOI: (Impact Factor: 0.822)
- B.D. Rout, P. Purnimasi, B. B. Pati, L. N.Tripathy ,“Wavelet Based Spectral Energy Differential Approach For Transmission Line Protection” ,RAIEE, 6th-7th April, EE Department , VSSUT, Burla
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- N Sarkar, G Sahoo, S K Kisku, G Prusty and S K Swain “Effect of Carbon Nanotubes on Electrical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites: A Review†Int. J Adv. Chem Sci Appl., 1, 42-50 (2013). ISSN # 2347-7601. (Impact Factor: NA)
- S K Patra, G Prusty and S K Swain* “Ultrasound assisted synthesis of PMMA/clay nanocomposites: Study of oxygen permeation and flame retardant properties†Bulletin of Materials Science (Springer), 35(1), 27-32 (2012). DOI: 10.1007/s12034-011-0259-1 (Impact Factor: 1.264)
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- S. Sahu, B. B. Pati and B. D. Rout ,“Support Vector Machine based Fault Classification and Location in Power” RAMPS, EE Department, VSSUT,Burla
- S K Swain* and P. Priyadasrshini, “Ultrasonic and viscometric investigation of soya protein in aqueous solution†Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics (NISCAIR), 48(8), 539-542 (2010). DOI: (Impact Factor: 0.822).
- A Mohanty and S K Swain* “Study of solution properties of albumin protein by ultrasonic technique†Journal of Indian Chemical Society (NISCAIR), 87(4), 461-464 (2010). (Impact Factor: 0.158)
- S. K. Swain* and I Jena “Polymer/CNT nanocomposites: A novel material†Asian Journal Chemistry (Oxford), 22(1), 1-15 (2010). (Impact Factor: NA)
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- S. K. Swain, N.L.Debsarkar and P.K.Sahoo, “Graft Co-polymerization of Acrylamide onto Jute Pulp Initiated by Cu(II)SO4/Glycine/KHSO5/H2OSystemâ€, J. Teach. & Research Chem., 7(1), 17-22 (2000). ISSN# 0971-6408 (India)
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- Sukalyan Dash, Bijay K. Mishra: Mn(VII) Oxidation using cetyltrimethylammonium permanganate-Self oxidation of CTAP and Oxidation of Benzylalcohol (Int. J. Chem. Kinet.,27(7), 1995,627).
- Sukalyan Dash, S. K. Parida, S. Patel, Bijay K. Mishra: Adsorption of organic compounds on silica surfaces (AdvColl Surf Sci, 121, 2006, 77) (18th Hottest article during Oct-Dec, 2006 in all Journals of Sci Dir., and 1st Hottest article in that Journal for two consecutive quarters).
- Sukalyan Dash, M. Panigrahi, S. Patel, P. K. Behera, B. K. Mishra: Reversal in solvatochromism in some novel styrylpyridinium dyes having a hydrophobic cleft (Spectrochim. Acta. Part A, 68, 2007, 757).
- Sukalyan Dash, S. Mishra, S. Patel, Bijay. K. Mishra: Organically Modified Silica: Synthesis and Applications due to its Surface Interaction with Organic Molecules (Adv. Coll. Interface Sci, 140, 2008, 77-94).
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- Sukayan Dash, S. Patel, Bijay. K. Mishra: Oxidation by permanganate: synthetic and mechanistic aspects (Tetrahedron, 69, 2009, 707-739). [Included in Chemistry Global Wikipedia]
- P.K.Hota, R.Chakrabarti, P.Guha (2002), ”Economic Load Scheduling applying Artificial   Neural Networks”, Journal of Electrical Division of Institution of Engineers (India), Vol.83, pp.8-12.
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- P.K.Hota, R.Chakrabarti, P.K.Chattopadhyay (1999), “Radial Basis Function Network   applied to Economic Generation Scheduling”, Journal of Institution of Engineers   (India), pt.EL, Vol.80, pp.31-35.
- A. Tripathy, G. Nath and R. Paikaray(2016), “Determination of compatible solvent concentration for dewaxing of crude oil using ultrasonic technique” Journal of Acoustical Society of India,Vol.43,No.3,pp-138-145.
- Sukalyan Dash, M. Panigrahi, S. Patel, B. K. Mishra: Preferential Solvation of Styryl Pyridinium Dyes in Binary Mixtures of Alcohols with Hexane, Dioxane and Dichloromethane (J Phys Chem B, 115, 2011, 99-108).
- P.K.Hota, R.Chakrabarti, P.K.Chattopadhyay (1999), “A Fuzzy-set based Optimization Technique for Economic Emission Load Dispatch”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), pt.EL, Vol.80, pp.99-103.
- G. Nath, B.K. Lotte, P.P. Tripathy, R. Giri and R. Paikaray(2016), “Study of physical and acoustical properties of silver nanofluid ” Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics, Vol.38,No.2,pp-35-39. ISSN 0256-4637.
- Sukalyan Dash, P. Mukherjee, S. K. Padhan, S. Patel, P. K. Mohapatra, B. K. Mishra: Effect of temperature on pseudoternary system Tween-80–butanol–hexane–water (J Colloid Interface Sci, 355, 2011, 157-163).
- Barick, A.K.; Optimization of the Processing Parameters via Statistical Methods for the Thermoplastic Vulcanizate Nanocomposites; Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Applications of Chemistry in Pharmacology & Technology(IC-IACPT-2015), Page 55, Berhampur University, Bhanja Vihar, Berhampur, Odisha, India; February 06–08, 2015. (Poster)
- P.K.Hota, R.Chakrabarti, P.K.Chattopadhyay (2000), “Economic Emission Load     Dispatch with Line Flow Constraints using a Sequential Quadratic Programming     Technique”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), pt.EL, Vol.81, pp.21-25.
- R Giri and G Nath,(2015) “Ultrasonic analysis of acoustic properties of binary mixture for extraction of Cerium Oxide (CeO2 )” Ultrasonics, 86,pp-34697-34701.
- Sukalyan Dash, P. Mukherjee, S. K. Padhan, S. Patel, B. K. Mishra: Clouding behaviour in surfactant systems (Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 162, 2011, 59-79).
- Barick, A.K.; Recent Advances in Halloysite Nanotube Based Polymer Nanocomposites; Proceedings of the National Seminar on Recent Advancement in Material Science (RAIMS–2014), Page 69, VSSUT, Burla, Sambalpur, Odisha, India; August 23–24, 2014. (Poster)
- P.K.Hota, R.Chakrabarti, P.K.Chattopadhyay (2000), “Comparison of ANN models for Economic Load Dispatch”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), pt.EL, Vol. 81, pp.49-53.
- R Giri and G Nath, (2015), “Ultrasonic study of solvent extractant in nuclear technology”, Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics, Vol.37,No.2,44 – 47. ISSN 0256-4637.
- SukalyanDash,P. Mukherjee, S. Sahu, S. K. Padhan, S. Patel, P. Mohapatra, B. K. Mishra: Temperature induced emulsification and demulsification of pseudoternary mixtures of Tween80-butanol-kerosene-water system (Industrial & Engineering Chem. Res. ACS, 2011, Accepted).
- Barick, A.K., Tripathy, D.K.; Chang, Y.-W.; Optimization of Processing Parameters via Statistical Approaches for the Melt Blending of Thermoplastic Vulcanizate Nanocomposites; Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials (APM–2014), Page 89, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India; February 14–16, 2014. (Oral)
- P.K.Hota, R.Chakrabarti, P.K.Chattopadhyay (2001), “Multiobjective Generation Dispatch using Goal-attainment Method”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India),pt.EL, Vol. 82, pp.122-127.
- A.Sarangi, G. Nath , S.K.Swain, R.Paikaray, (2015)Â “Effect of Frequency on Physical Properties of Date Palm Fiber -PVA Composites” International Journal of Science and Research, 22(24),364-366 ISSN 2319-7064 DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x
- Sukalyan Dash, M. Panigrahi, S. Patel, P. K. Behera, B. K. Mishra: 'Synthesis of cyanines: A review (Tetrahedron, 68, 2012, 781-805).
- Barick, A.K., Jung, J.-Y., Chang, Y.-W., and Tripathy, D.K.; Preparation, Characterization, and Properties of Nanofillers Based Thermoplastic Polyurethane Nanocomposites; Proceedings of the 2012 Word Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, & Materials Research (ACEM’12), Pages 177–181, Seoul, South Korea; August 26–29, 2012. ISBN: 978-89-89639-34-5 98530, 9788989693345 8989693349 (Oral)
- S.Mishra, P.K.Hota, P.K.Mohanty (2003), “Design of an Intelligent UPFC for Improving Transient Stability Performance”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), pt.EL, Vol.84, pp.148-153.
- G Nath, A Tripathy, R Paikaray, (2015), “ Ultrasonic Study on Solvent Dewaxing Process of Crude Petroleum Oil ” International Journal of Science and Research, 22(24),275-277 ,ISSN 2319-7064 DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x
- R.Panda, L. Samantaray and D.K.Rout, “A Novel Modulation Technique for High Data Rate Body Area Networks,†IETE Journal of Research, vol.58, Issue 5, pp.418-424, October 2012. [Impact factor: 0.82 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q2, H index: 20]
- Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru: Eggshell particles (ESP) as potential adsorbent for styrylpyridinium dyes - A Kinetic and thermodynamic Study (J Dispersion Sci Tech, 33, 1012-1020, 2012).
- Barick, A.K. and Tripathy, D.K.; Preparation and Characterization of Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites; Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM18); Jeju Island, South Korea; August 21–26, 2011. (Oral)
- P.K.Hota, S.K.Dash (2007), “Economic Load Dispatching of Generating Units with Multiple Fuel Options”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), pt.EL, Vol.88, pp. 22-28.
- R Giri, G Nath, PK Kar, R Paikaray, (2015)Â “ Ultrasonic Analysis of Solvent Extrancts for Nuclear Reactor Materials , International Journal of Science and Research, 22(24),258-260,ISSN 2319-7064 DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x
- L. Samantaray, M. Dash and R. Panda, “A Review on Time-frequency, Time-scale and Scale-frequency domain signal analysisâ€, IETE Journal of Research, vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 287-293, July 2005[Impact factor: 0.829 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q2, H index: 20]
- Sukalyan Dash, P. Mukherjee, S. Patel, B. K. Mishra: Self Organized Assemblies of Surfactants Derived from Ethanolamines (J Dispersion Sci Tech, 33, 881-886, 2012).
- Mohanty, T., Acharya, P. K., Patro, S. K., Saha, P., Khan A. M. (2024). Chemical and mechanical resistance of concrete containing ferrochrome slag aggregates. Indian Concrete Journal, (Scopus), Vol. 98(9), pp. 1-12.
- Barick, A.K. and Tripathy, D.K.; Preparation and Characterization of Thermoplastic Polyurethane/ Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites: Morphology, Mechanical, Thermal, and Rheological Properties; Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Polymer Science and Rubber Technology (APSRT–2011), Page 114; Kharagpur, West Bengal, India; March 3–5, 2011. (Oral)
- P.K.Hota, S.K.Dash (2008), “Optimal Generation Dispatch of a Gas-fired Steam Plant with Take-or-Pay Fuel Contract”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), pt.EL, Vol.89, pp.17-21.
- G.R.Mishra,G.Nath and R.Paikaray, (2015) “Ultrasonic Study on Alkaline Treatment of Natural Fiber”, International Journal of Science and Research 22(24),415-417, ISSN 415-416, DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x
- Panda, R. B. and Sinha, B. K. and Sahu B. K. (1999) Investigation of water quality of river Brahmani, journal of Env. Health. 33 No. 1. PP 45 - 50. ISSN:0367 - 827X
- R. Panda, M. Dash and L. Samantaray, “Fast Eulerian Filters for Image Interpolation and Representationâ€, Journal of the CSI , vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 50-57, July 2004. [Impact factor: 0.787 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q4, H index: 14 ]
- Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru: Adsorption of some tailor-made styrylpyridinium dyes on sodium dodecylsulphate-treated eggshell particles (SDS-ESP): Impact of dye chain-length and substituent (J Dispersion Sci Tech, 34, 898-904, 2013)
- Acharya, P. K., & Patro, S. K. (2023). Structural characteristics of reinforced concrete beams made of waste materials from ferrochrome industry. Indian Concrete Journal, (Scopus), Vol. 97(7), pp. 31-40.
- Barick, A.K. and Tripathy, D.K.; Morphology, Mechanical, Thermal, and Rheological Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Multi–Walled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites; International Conference on Latests in Polymers (LaP–2010); Kochi, Kerala, India; August 12–13, 2010. (Oral)
- A.K.Barisal, P.K.Hota, R.Chakrabarti (2008), “Dynamic Search Space Squeezing Technique for Large Scale Optimal Load Dispatch”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), pt.EL, Vol.89, pp.1-6.
- G.Nath (2015)“ Effect of streaming and temperature anisotropy in Wiedemann-Franz law for collisional magnetoplasma ” Journal for Foundations and Applications of Physics,Vol.2,No.1,pp-1-6 ISSN 2394-3688.
- Pradhan, P. K. and Kar, R. K. (2009) “Use of fly ash as filler in bitumen paving mixes”, High Way Research Journal Vol. 2, No. 1, 49-58.
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- R. Panda and V. Sharma, “Signal processing using harmonic spline wave packetsâ€, Journal of IE (India), Electronics and Communication Engg. Division, vol. 85, pp. 24-27, July 2004.
- Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru: Amino Acid Modified Eggshell Powder (AA-ESP)—A Novel Bio-Solid Scaffold for Adsorption of Some Styrylpyridinium Dyes (J Dispersion Sci Tech, 34, 1099-1112, 2013).
- Mohanty, T., Kumar, A., Acharya, P. K., Patro, S. K., & Saha, P. (2022). Performance of structural geopolymer concrete utilising ferrochrome ash and fly ash as source material. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, Springer (Scopus), Vol. 103(4), pp. 1183-1194.
- Barick, A.K. and Tripathy, D.K.; Nanostructured Morphology and Thermal Properties of Carbon Nanofiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU/CNF) Nanocomposites; Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials (APM–2010), page 63; Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India; February 20–22, 2010. (Oral)
- A.K.Barisal, P.K.Hota, R.Chakrabarti (2009), “Large Scale Economic Load Dispatch by Clonal Selection Algorithm ”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), pt.EL, Vol.90, pp.26-32.
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- G.Nath,A.Sarangi and R.Paikaray,(2013), “Ultrasonic study of chemical mixture used for preparation of fiber from date palm leaves”, Journal of Acoustic Society of India, Vol-4,pp- 245-249, ISSN 0973-3302.
- Pradhan, P. K. (2007) “Horizontal impedance of rigid circular foundation resting on layered soil”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Civil Engng. Div., Vol. 88, 32-37. Recipient of The Brij Mohan Lal Memorial Prize (The Subject Prize).
- Panda, R. B., Sahu, B. K. and Sinha, B. K. (1991) Characterization of Brahmani river water. Indian Journal, Env. Health 33 (2) PP 252 - 256. ISSN:0367 - 827X
- R. Panda and V. Sharma, “Multichannel frequency representation of a signal using harmonic spline basis functionsâ€, IETE Journal of Research, vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 355-357, Nov 2003. [Impact factor: 0.82 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q2, H index: 20]
- Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, B Acharya: Tween 80-n-Butanol-Diesel-Water Microemulsion System – A Class of Alternative Diesel Fuel (J Dispersion Sci Tech, 35, 1492-1531, 2014).
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- Barick, A.K. and Tripathy, D.K.; Microphase Separation, Thermal Degradation Kinetics, Viscoelasticity, and Melt Rheology of Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Carbon Nanofiber (TPU/CNF) Nanocomposites by Melt Mixing; Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Polymer Technology (APT–2010), Page 75–78; Cochin, Kerala, India; February 26–27, 2010. (Oral)
- A.K.Barisal, P.K.Hota, S.K.Dash (2009), “Short-term Generation Scheduling with Take-or-Pay Fuel Contract using an Evolutionary Programming Technique”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), pt.EL, Vol.90, pp.46-51.
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- G.Nath, S.K.Swain,A.Sarangi and R.Paikaray,(2013) Sonochemical Analysis of Solvent Mixtures Used for Surface Treatment of Natural Fibers, Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics,Vol-35,pp-133, ISSN 0256-4637.SSN 0256-4637.
- Pradhan, P. K. (2007) “Dynamic response of surface foundations on non-homogeneous half-space”.  Technical Journal, Orissa Engineering Congress, C-28-33, January 2007. Recipient of Santok Singh Memorial Gold Medal.
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- R. Panda and B.K. Panigrahy, “Localisation of phase spectrum using modified continuous wavelet transformâ€, IETE Journal of Research, vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 235-237, July 2003. [Impact factor: 0.829 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q2, H index: 20]
- Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru: Sorption on Eggshell Waste – A review on ultrastructure, biomineralization and other applications (Adv Colloid Interface Sci, 209,49-67, 2014).
- Acharya P. K. and Patro S. K., “Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Cement Concrete Beams Made With Air-Cooled Ferrochrome Slag Coarse Aggregateâ€, Indian Concrete Journal, February, 2021
- P. Ray, D. Mishra, “ Signal Processing Technique based fault location of a distribution line”, in Proc. IEEE 2nd Int. Conf. on Recent Trends in Information Systems (RETIS), July 9-11, 2015, Jadavpur Univ, Kolkata, India.
- Barick, A.K. and Tripathy, D.K.; Dynamic Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Biomedical Thermoplastic Polyurethane Organoclay Nanocomposites; Second International Conference on Polymer Processing and Characterization (ICPPC–2010); Kottayam, Kerala, India; January 15–17, 2010. (Oral)
- P.K.Hota, A.K.Barisal, R.Chakrabarti (2009), “An Artificial Neural Network Method for Optimal Generation Dispatch with Multiple Fuel Options”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), pt.EL, Vol.90, pp.3-10.
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- S .Sahu, G. Nath and R.Paikaray,(2012) “Study on Molecular Interactions in binary mixture at variable  frequencies using Ultrasonic technique” Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 2,No-11,pp- 64-66, ISSN-2231-606X.
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- M. Dash, L. Samantaray and R. Panda, “Band limited signal interpolation using Eulerian filtersâ€, Journal of IE (India), Electronics and communication Engg. Division, vol. 84, pp. 22-24, July 2003. (Impact Factor: 0.175 (Thomson Reuters))[SCImago journal and country rank: subject category: Q4, H index: 14 ]
- Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, SaritaTripathy: Solvatochromic behavior of some ï¡-Styrylpyridinium dyes (Spectochem. Acta, 125, 422-430, 2014).
- K. P. Shadangi and R. K. Singh, “A Suitable Process for Production of Fuel Oil from Polanga seed†Twenty fifth National Convention of Chemical Engineers 9-10 October 2009, Organized by The Institute of Engineers (India) Cochin Local centre, Cochin pp. 17-24.
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- S. K Patra, SK Paikray, B. Anil Kumar, A Retailer’s Deteriorating Inventory Model with Amelioration and Permissible Backlogging Under Power Pattern Demand, Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, 2024, pp. 1-23, Doi: (In Press; May 2024,ISSN: 2364-9569; Pub: Springer India, I.F-0.8 (SCOPUS, ESCI)
- P. Ray, S. Sen, “Hybrid methodology for short-term load forecasting”, in Proc. IEEE conf. Power electronics, Drives and Energy systems (PEDES- 2014), pp. 1-6.
- Barick, A.K. and Tripathy, D.K.; Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties of Biomedical Thermoplastic Polyurethane Nanocomposites; International Congress on Polymer Science and Technology: Vision and Scenario (APA–2009); New Delhi, India; December 17–20, 2009. (Poster)
- A.K.Barisal, P.K.Hota, P.K.Modi (2009), “Environmental/ Economic Power Dispatch using Intelligent Algorithm”, Water and Energy Abstracts, Vol.19, No.1, p.56.
- C. R. Mohanty, A. K. Swar, B. C. Meikap, J. N. Sahu, Studies on factors influencing fly ash resistivity from electrostatic precipitator - with reference to India, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 70(9),795-803, 2011.
- Das P. K. , Mishra S. C.(1992),“Data Base Management System in Water Resources Engineering” , Technical Journal, Institute of Engineers(India),Orissa State Centre, Vol 33, pp 70-79.
- Swain, P.C. (2002) “Flow Prediction with Neural Networks”, In Orissa Engineering Congress Souvenir, Vol.47, The Institution of Engineers (India), Bhubaneswar, EECS-84 - 93 (Awarded).
- G.Nath,(2012) “Ultrasonic study of binary mixture of acetone with bromobenzene and chlorobenzene at different frequencies”,Chemical Science Transactions,Vol-1,No-3,pp-516-521,ISSN-2278-3458/2278-3318, DOI:10.7598/cst2012.171
- Pradhan, P. K., Baidya, D. K. and Ghosh D. P. (2004) “Vertical dynamic response of foundation resting on a soil layer over rigid rock using cone model”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Civil Engng. Div., Vol. 85, 179-185. Recipient of The Sir Arthur Cotton Memorial Prize (Best journal paper award in Civil Engg. Div.).
- Panda, R.B. and etal (1991) Change of water quality index at different monitoring station on the river Brahmani due to discharge of effluent of Talcher Industrial complex of Orissa at Nandira Jour. of S. University - Sc & Tech x pp 19 - 23.
- R. Panda, and B.N. Chatterji, “Wavelet decomposition using fast recursive generalised IIR filtersâ€, IETE Journal of Research, vol.47, No. 3 & 4, pp. 137-139, May-Aug 2001. [Impact factor: 0.829 (Thomson Reuters)] [SCImago journal and country rank, subject category: Q2, H index: 20]
- Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, SP Bank: β-CD assisted dissolution of quaternary ammonium permanganatesin aqueous medium (Carbohydrate Polymers, 111, 806-812, 2014).
- Paper Presented in the Conferences: (Abstract published)
K. P. Shadangi and R. K. Singh, “Production of Fuel oil By Slow Pyrolysis of Polanga Seed†All India Seminar on “ Development of Green Fuel for Energy Security & Environmental Protection†, Sept. 4-5,2009, Organized byThe Institution of Engineers (India), Indore Local Centre, Indore. - Pattanaik S. C., Gopalkrishnan E., Ahmad M. and Patro S. K., “Petrographic investigation to assess condition of concrete exposed to fire, Indian Concrete Journal, August, 2019, pp 57-66
- A. A. Das, S. K. Paikray,T. Pradhan and H. K. Dutta, Approximation of signals in the weighted Zygmundclass via Euler-Hausdorff product summability mean ofFourier series, Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, vol. 87 (1-2), pp. 22-36, 2020, ISSN- 0019-5839, IF- 0.13UGC Jr. No- 317/430, (SCOPUS)
- P. Ray, D. Mishra, “Artificial Intelligence based fault location in a distribution system”, in IEEE conf. 13th International Conf. Information Technology (ICIT 2014), 23-24th Dec 2014, Bhubaneswar, pp. 18-23.
- Barick, A.K. and Tripathy, D.K.; Preparation and Properties of Polyurethane/Organoclay Nanocomposites by Melt Blending: Effect of Nanoclay on Mechanical, Thermal, Morphological and Dynamic Mechanical Properties; Proceedings of the 5th International Conference India Rubber Expo 2009 (IRE–2009), Page 61–65; Kolkata, West Bengal, India; January 28–31, 2009. (Oral)
- P.K.Hota, B.Mohanty (2012), “Congestion management through differential evolution based optimal rescheduling of generators”, Technical Annual Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Odisha State Centre, 53rd Annual Technical Session, pp.339-346.
- Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Dash, R. R. “Use of ecotoxicology for municipal solid waste and leachate from sanitary landfillâ€, Standards India, 2012, 26 (5), 5-10.
- C. R. Mohanty, B. B. Pani, S. K. Khuntia, Environmental management In DRI steel plants In Orissa, e-planet, 8 (2) ,14-19, 2011.
- Das P. K.(1993), “ Frequency Study of Design Flood For the River Brahamani”, Technical Journal, Institute of Engineers(India),Orissa State Centre.
- Nath P.K., Swain, P.C. and Sahu, C. S. (2001)
- G.Nath and S.Barik, (2010)“The Cross field diffusion and transport in a collisional magneto plasma in presence of  Neutrals”, International Journal of Physics, Vol.1,pp-57, ISSN-0975-7155.
- Pradhan, P. K., Khandit, K. P. and Acharya, S. N. (1998) “Effect of geotextile reinforcement on load carrying and settlement behaviour of soil”.  Technical Journal, Orissa Engineering Congress - 1998, 23-29.  Recipient of Madhav Chandra Jena Memorial Running shield.
- Panda, R, B, and etal (1991) A comparative study of ground water vs surface water in the basin of the river Brahmani at Rourkela Industrial complex, J. Eco Toxicol. Env Monitoring 1 (3) PP 206 - .217.
- R. Panda and B.N. Chatterji, “The polynomial spline wavelet transforms: A signal and image processing perspective’’, IETE Technical Review, vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 153-164, May 1998. (Impact Factor: 1.33 (Thomson Reuters))[SCImago journal and country rank: subject category: Q2, H index: 20]
- Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, SP Bank: UV–Vis spectrophotometric studies of self-oxidation/dissociation of quaternary ammonium permanganates (QAP) – impact of solvent polarity (Spectochem. Acta, 142, 34-42, 2015).
- K. P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, “Study the effect of catalyst on pyrolysis of Mahua seed†National Conference on Recent Developments in Health, Hygiene and Environment. Defense Research Laboratory, Tezpur, Assam, 06- 08 November, 2012.
- Banerjee S., Patro S. K. , “Inelastic Seismic Response of Building with Friction Damper â€, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, DOI 10.1007/s40030-016-0184-9, 2016, (Springer)
- Panda S., Mishra, D., (2010), A Study on Development of Fluid Film Bearings, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Vol. 90, pp. 3-7.
- B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Approximation of periodic functions via statistical B-summability and its applications to approximation theorems, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 10 (2019), 71-86, ISSN: 0973-4317, Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICI)
- A. K. Barisal, P. K. Hota and R. Chakrabarti, “Dynamic search space squeezing technique for large scale optimal load dispatch,” Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), EL-PS, vol. 89, pp. 8-13, December 2008.
- P. Ray“Fast and accurate fault location by extreme learning machine in a series compensated transmission line”, in IEEE conf. Power and Energy Systems-Towards sustainable energy systems (PESTSE 2014), 13-15 March, Bangalore, 2014, pp.1-6.
- Barick, A.K. and Tripathy, D.K.; Preparation and Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Nanocomposite by Melt Blending: Effect of Organoclay on Mechanical, Thermal, Morphological and Dynamic Mechanical Properties; Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Polymer Technology (APT–2008), Page 31; Cochin, Kerala, India; September 25–27, 2008. (Oral)
- P.K.Hota, B.Mohanty (2013), “An Auction-based Dispatch Algorithm for Deregulated Power Systems”, Technical Annual Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Odisha State Centre, 54th Annual Technical Session, pp.181-188.
- Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Kumar, P., Mehrotra, I., Uniyal, H. P. “Bed Filtration: Water Quality Evaluation at Kalsiâ€, Journal of Indian Water Resources Society, 2005, 25 (2), 31-38.
- S. Sahoo, K. Dash, M. Mohanty, A. Bhoi, C.R. Mohapatra, C. R. Mohanty, Particulate Levels in Ambient Air in a Residential Complex at Burla, Orissa, The Indian Journal of Air Pollution Control, Vol. X, No.2, 78-83 2010.
- Das P. K.(1991), “Determination of Optimal Size and Operation Policy for a Hypothetical Reservoir”, Technical Journal, Institute of Engineers(India),Orissa State Centre.
- Development of Distress Models for Flexible Pavements”, Technical Journal of the XVII Annual Convention of Civil Engineers, Institution of Engineers (India), Nov. 24-25, 2001, Bhubaneswar, pp-125-131.
- G.Nath and R.Paikaray,(2010) “Effect of frequency on thermo acoustics and nonlinearity parameter(B/A)of binary mixture”, International Journal of Physics, Vol.2,pp- 95, ISSN-0975-7155.
- Pradhan, P. K. (1998) “Behaviour of plate anchors in marine clay”. Technical Journal, Institution of Engineers (I), OrissaStateCenter, 32-36.
- Panda, R, B, and etal (2005) Multiple Uses of Fly Ash in Biological Reclamation of Waste Dump of Mines, Anvesa, Vol.1, No.1, pp134 - 140. ISSN: 0974 - 715X
- R. Panda and B.N. Chatterji, “Gabor function : An efficient tool for digital image processing’’, IETE Technical Review, vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 225-231, July 1996. (Impact Factor: 1.33 (Thomson Reuters)) [SCImago journal and country rank: subject category: Q2, H index: 20]
- Sukalyan Dash, SaritaTripathy: Solvation studies of some tailor made α-N,N-dimethylaminostyryl-N-alkyl pyridinium dyes in binary solvent mixtures containing alcohols, hexane, 1,4-dioxane, DCM and acetone (J Molecular Liquids, 206, 29-38, 2015).
- K. P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, “Pyrolysis: The possible root for Solid waste management†National Symposium on Solid Waste Management at IIT Guwahati, 6th. April, 2013.
- Acharya P. K., Patro S. K. And Moharana N. C. “Effect of Lime on Mechanical and Durability Properties of Blended Cement Based Concreteâ€, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, Vol. 97(2), 2016, pp 71–79. (Springer).
- Satpathy, A., Sahu, S.P., Mishra, D., and Patnaik, A., (2009), Plasma sprayed fly ash coating on metal substrates, Material Science: An Indian Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 01-07.
- Tripathy, P. K., Nayak, A. N. (2013), "Importance of building form and architectural design concepts for eliminating torsional effects due to earthquake forces. Annual Technical, 2013, Institution of Engineers (India) Odisha State Centre, Bhubaneswar.
- T. Pradhan, S. K. Paikray,U. K. Misra,Onapproximation of signals in the generalisedZygmund class via summability means of Fourier series, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 10 (2019), 152-164, ISSN: 0973-4317, Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICI)
- A. K. Barisal, P. K. Hota and S. K. Dash, “Short-term generation scheduling with take-or-pay fuel contract using an evolutionary programming technique,” Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), EL-PS, Vol. 90, pp. 46-51, September 2009.
- P. Ray, B. K. Panigrahi and N. Senroy “Extreme learning machine based fault classification in a series compensated transmission line”, in IEEE conf. Power electronics, Drives and Energy systems (PEDES- 2012), Dec. 16-19, 2012, pp.1-6.
- Barick, A.K., Mohanty, S., and Nayak, S.K.; Thermoplastic Starch–filled Polypropylene Nanocomposite: Structure, Interaction and Properties; International Conference on Advances in Polymer Science and Technology (POLY–2008); New Delhi, India; January 28–31, 2008. (Oral)
- P.K.Hota, B.Mohanty (2013), “Bacterialforagingoptimizationalgorithmbasedinterconnectedhydro-thermalAGCsystemwithGRCand TCPS” Vertex-13, Odisha Engineers’ Forum, India, pp.26-32.
- P.K.Hota, B.Mohanty, Congestion management through differential evolution based optimal rescheduling of generators, The institute of engineers (India), 2012, 53, pp-339-346.
- Dash, R., Dash, Rakesh Roshan “Bank Filtration: An Indirect Method of Artificial Rechargeâ€, Standards India, 2012, 25 (12), 10-16 .
- C. R. Mohanty, A.K.Swar, B.C. Meikap, Waste heat recovery from the exhaust gases of sponge iron kilns, Process and Plant Engineering, 27 (1), 71-74, 2009.
- Das P. K.(1992), “Computational Methods in Flood Routing”, Technical Journal, Institute of Engineers(India),Orissa State Center, Vol 33.
- Swain, P.C. (1999). “Fuzzy Dynamic Programming for Reservoir Operation.” Technical Annual, Institution of Engineers (India), Vol. 41, 49-59 (Awarded).
- Acharya P. K. and Patro S. K. “Flexural behaviour of ferrochrome ash concrete beamsâ€, Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 90, July 2016. (Special issue-sustainability).
- G.Nath and R.Paikaray,(2009) “Role of frequency in studying intermolecular interactions in a binary mixture of industrial importance liquid”, Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Vol-1,pp- 99 ISSN-0975-7155.
- Pradhan, G. K., Pradhan, P. K. and Rajasekhar, S. (1994) “Stability of fluid flows through a porous medium”. Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 28, No. 4, 149-167.
- Panda, R. B, Pradhan, D, Panda,L.K., (2009) Water quality of THE Brahmin river an analytical study, off stream and mid stream and downstream at different discharge point of Talcher Industrial complex. Jr.Ind.Poll.Cont 25(1) pp 37 - 42.    ISSN:0970 - 2083
- R. Panda and G.S. Rath, “Historical notes on splines, spline transform and their applications’’, IETE Technical Review, vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 375-382, September 1995. (Impact Factor: 1.33 (Thomson Reuters)) [SCImago journal and country rank: subject category: Q2, H index: 20 ]
- Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, SP Bank: Green and Efficient: In situ Oxidation kinetics of some tailor-made ï§-styrylpyridinium dyes in aqueous medium using β-CD-CTAP complex(Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 54, 9142-9149, 2015).
- D. K. Sahu, A.Patra,, S.N.Mishra,M.R.Senapati, “Techniques for Time Series Prediction: - A Reviewâ€, International Journal of Research Science and Management, vol: 2, issue 3: March, 2015, ISSN: 2349-5197; pp-6-13
- S. K. Paikray, B. Majhi, P. N. Samanta,U. K. Misra, On double Absolute Factorable Matrix Summability, Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics, Indore. Vol. 39, No.2 (2017), p.p. 175-202, ISSN 0970-5120, (UGC Approved), UGC Jr. No- 28597.
- K. P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, “Biomass production in India (sources and application) Special reference to Assam†Seminar on Empowering Assam from deficiency to abundance - Tapping Small Hydro, Biomass & Solar Potential. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM). Assam Administrative Staff College - Guwahati – Assam 12th September 2013.
- D.Mundari, M.Panda, "Application of A* and GA for path planning of mobile robots: A comparative study", IJLRET, Jan-2017.
- Mishra, D., Mishra, T., and Mohanty, R.P., (2008), An exploratory study of quality management practices and product quality outcome: A case study of Indian manufacturing industry, Quality Management Practices, Excel books, pp. 655-662.
- Tripathy, P. K., Nayak, A. N. (2014). Computer aided earthquake resistant design and detailing of multi-storeyed RC framed building. Annual Technical, 2014, Institution of Engineers (India) Odisha State Centre, Bhubaneswar.
- A. K. Barisal, P. K. Hota and R. Chakrabarti, “Large scale economic load dispatch by clonal selection algorithm,” Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), EL-PS, Vol. 90, pp. 26-32, September 2009.
- P. Ray, B. K. Panigrahi and N. Senroy “An AI approach for fault distance estimation in series compensated transmission line”, in Proc. IEEE conf. Energy, Automation and Signal (ICEAS-2011), Dec. 28-30, pp. 1-6, 2011.
- Barick, A.K., Samal, S.K., Mohanty, S., and Nayak, S.K.; Biodegradable and Functionally Superior Polypropylene Thermoplastic Starch Nanocomposites from Melt Blending; Proceedings of the International Conference on Rubber and Rubber Like Materials (ICRRM–2008), Pages 359–364; Kharagpur, West Bengal, India; January 8–10, 2008. (Oral)
- P.K.Hota, G.Nayak, (2014) “Energy Conservation through losses minimization using UPFC”, Technical Annual Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Odisha State Centre, 55th Annual Technical Session, pp.145-152.
- P.K.Hota, B.Mohanty, An auction based dispatch algorithm for deregulated power system, The institute of Engineers(India), 2013, 54, pp-181-188.
- Sahoo, S., Mohanty C. R., Panda, H., Dash, Rakesh R. “Industrial wastes for filling materialsâ€, Recent Research in Science and Technology, 2014, 6(1): 101-105.
- C. R. Mohanty, A.K.Swar, B.C. Meikap, Low-velocity pneumatic conveying of pollution control equipments dust in sponge iron plants, Process and Plant Engineering, 27 (2), 38-42, 2009.
- Maitra, B., Padwal , R., Boltze, M.and Das, S. S. (2012) ‘Role of Fare Model in Design of Rural Feeder Service With Fixed-Route Fixed-Schedule Form of Operation.” ’ Indian Highway, IRC, June, pp. 83-91.
- Das P. K., Mishra S. C.,(1993)“The Finite Element Method in Ground Water Hydrology-A Review” , Technical Journal, ,Orissa Engineering Congress,Vol 35, PP 52-57.
- Swain P.C. and Mahapatra, S.K. (1998) “Prediction of Flood Flow into the Hirakud Reservoir on Mahanadi.” Technical Annual, Institution of Engineers (India), Vol.39, pp. 94-100.
- Pattanaik S. C., Gopalkrishnan E., and Patro S. K., “A Study of deterioration of Reinforced Cement Concrete Structures in Mumbaiâ€, Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 89(5), 2015, pp 51-58.
- G.Nath and R.Paikaray, (2009),“Frequency dependent studies of acoustic parameters in binary mixture of non-polar and polar liquid”, Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences,Vol-2,pp- 333 ISSN-0975-7155.
- S. Misra, U. K. Misra, S. Barik, S. K. Paikray, Optimal control of an inventory system for weibull ameliorating, deteriorating items under the influence of inflation, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Vol: 30-E (Math and Stat) Issue (1), 2011, PP-85-94, ISSN: 0970-4639, (UGC Approved), UGC Jr. No. 9850, IF: 0.011.
- Pradhan, P. K.(1994) “Failure of foundation soil due to liquifaction under earthquake”. Technical Journal, Orissa Engineering Congress - 1994, 21-26. Recipient of 2nd Prize in Civil Engg. Division.
- Panda, R.B., Behera, N. and etal (2011) Physico - Chemical Changes of Ground Water Due to Mining Activities in Joda - Barbil Sector, Odisha (India), Anvesa, Vol.6, Issue (1 & 2) , pp 22 - 25. ISSN: 0974 - 715X
- R. Panda and G.S. Rath, “Computation and effectiveness of discrete spline transform’’, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India ), Part ET 2, vol. 2, pp. 76-82, March 1994. (Impact Factor: 0.175 (Thomson Reuters)) [SCImago journal and country rank: subject category: Q4, H index: 14]
- Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, B Acharya: Tween-80–n-butanol/isobutanol–(Diesel + Kerosene)–Water microemulsions – Phase behavior and fuel applications (Fuel, 171, 87-93, 2016).
- K. P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty, “Thermo chemical conversion of non-edible oil seeds into liquid transportation fuelâ€. Organized by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers. Chemcon 2013 held on 27-30 December 2013.
- M. Panda, B. Das, B. Subudhi, B. B. Pati, “A Comprehensive Review of Path Planning Algorithms for Autonomous Underwater Vehiclesâ€, IJAC-2019 (In press)
- Mishra, D., Biswal, B.B., and Mohanty, R.P., (2007), A comparative study of production outsourcing models with emphasis on theory of constraints based approach, Vilakshan XIMB Journal of Management, Vol. IV, No. 1, pp. 31-60.
- Nayak, A. N., Tripathy, P. K. (2017). Free Vibration Analysis of Grid Slabs using FEM. Annual Technical, 2017, Institution of Engineers (India) Odisha State Centre, Bhubaneswar.
- Prusty, S. R., Jena, S. and Panigrahi, R., 2023. Assessment of acid and chloride resistance of ferrochrome slag-based geopolymer concrete. Indian concrete Journal.
- M.R Senapati,S. P Das, P.K.Champati, P.K.Routray, “Local Linear Radial Basis Function Neural networks for Classification of Breast Cancer data”, Progress In Science and Engineering Research Journal, November-December 2014, PISER 16, vol-02, Issue: 06, pp 033-042,ISSN 2347-6680,.
- Monalisa Mohapatra and Ashok K. Mishra, Location of Plant Flavonoids Fisetin and 3-Hydroxyflavone in Dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) Lipid Bilayer Membranes: A Brief Review. Indian Photobiology Society News Letter 2013, 51–52, 17–21.
- P. K. Hota, A. K. Barisal and S. K. Dash, “An artificial neural network method for optimal generation dispatch with multiple fuel options,” Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), EL-PS, Vol. 90, pp. 3-10, December 2009.
- S. Sahoo, P. Ray, B. K. Panigrahi and N. Senroy “A computational intelligence approach for fault location in transmission lines”, in Proc., IEEE conf. Power electronics, Drives and Energy systems (PEDES-2010), Dec. 21-23, pp. 1-6, 2010.
- Barick, A.K., Samal, S.K., Mohanty, S., and Nayak, S.K.; Processing and Characterization of Polypropylene/Thermoplastic Starch Blend Nanocomposite; Proceedings of the International and INCCOM–6 Conference on Future Trends in Composite Materials and Processing, Pages 206–211; Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India; December 12–14, 2007. (Oral)
- P.K.Hota, N.C.sahu (2015), “Loss Minimization in Combined Economic Emission Load Dispatch through Fuzzy based Gravitational Search Algorithm”, Technical Annual Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Odisha State Centre, 56th Annual Technical Session, pp.204-212.
- A Small SCADA of Energy Management System Using WBEM. RAMPS -2012, VSSUT, India.
- M.Panda, R.K.Das“Wireless OFDM systems and Cross layer optimization ”IJIPVS,vol.2, ,pp 90-94, July 2013
- P.K.Hota, B.Mohanty, Overload alleviation and determination of cost of rescheduling in an open acess power system, international journal of power system operation and energy management, 2012, 1(3), pp. 25-29.
- Panda, H., Sahoo S., Mohanty C. R., Dash Rakesh Roshan “Removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution by using industrial wasteâ€, Recent Research in Science and Technology, 2014, 6(1): 106-110.
- C. R. Mohanty, A.K.Swar, B.C. Meikap, Interlocking system for air pollution monitoring and control in steel making industries by DRI route, Process and Plant Engineering, 27 (3), 26-31, 2009.
- Patro S. K., Selvam R. P. and Bosch H., "Bridge Flutter Modeling using h-adaptive FEM", Journal of Wind and Engineering,Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2010, pp 39-48.
- Panigrahi, S.K. and Sahoo, A.K. (2003). “Possible use of T-section columns in RC frame”, The Indian Concrete Journal, Vol.77, No.12, 1518-1522.
- Das, S. S. and Maitra, B. (2007) ‘A Covariance Heterogeneity Nested Logit Model for Choice of Rural Feeder Service to Bus Stop’ Indian Highway, IRC, December, pp. 31-39.
- Das P. K., Mishra S. C.,(1993) “Design Procedure to Prevent Scouring Across a Bridge Pier by Horse-Shoe Vortex - A New Concept” , Technical Journal Orissa Engineering Congress ,Vol 28, PP 37-40.
- Swain, P.C. (1996) “Satellite Monitoring of Reservoir sedimentation.” Orissa Engineering Congress Souvenir, Vol.41, pp. 10-13.
- Patro S. K., Selvam R. P. and Bosch H., “Bridge Flutter Modeling using h-adaptive FEMâ€, Journal of Wind and Engineering,Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2010, pp 39-48.
- G.Nath and K.C.Baral,(2008),Wiedemann – Franz ratio for a thermally anisotropic, collisional magnetoplasma stream,Buuletin of Pure and Applied Physics,Vol- 1,pp- 65, ISSN-0970-6569.
- U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, S. K. Paikray, A Note on
-Summability, Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics, Indore. Vol.30, No.2 (2008), p.481-487, ISSN 0970-5120, (UGC Approved), UGC Jr. No- 28597.
- Mahakul, B. and Pradhan, P. K. (1993) “A case study of feasibility of ground water potential in Bhawanipatna block of Kalahandi district”. Technical Journal, Institution of Engineers (I),Orissa State Center, 88-92. Recipient of BanabihariMohanty Memorial Award for the best paper in irrigation and water management.
- Panda, R.B., Behera, N., Rout, S.P. and Dash, M.K. (2012) Monitoring of Ground Water Quality in Balasore Area, India, ANVESA, Vol.7, Issue.1, Pp.33 - 40. ISSN: 0974 - 715X
- R. Panda and N. Das, “Microprocessor based process control for Aluminium Pot-Lines’’, IETE Technical Review, vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 601-604, November 1993. (Impact Factor: 1.33 (Thomson Reuters)) [SCImago journal and country rank: subject category: Q2, H index: 20]
- A Woman’s World in Shashi Deshpande’s The Dark Holds No Terrors: A Feminist Study, LITERARY ORACLE (ISSN: 2348-4772), Vol. I, Iss. I, Jan-June 2014. Page 67-81.
- Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, S Priyadarshini: ˇβ-CD assisted aqueous dissolution of cetylpicolinium dichromates (CPDC)—Evolution of a class of green water compatible lipopathic Cr(VI) oxidants (Carbohydrate Polymers, 171, 122-128, 2017).
- K. P. Shadangi and K. Mohanty. “Thermal and Catalytic Cracking of Non-Edible Oil Seeds to Liquid Fuel†3rd National Conference on Recent Advances in Bio-energy research, held on Nov. 22-24, 2013 at SSS-NIRE, Kapurthala.
- Mishra, D., Pattanayak, S.K. and Biswal, B.B., (2004), An improved method for outsourcing with maximum throughput in a manufacturing organization, The ICFAI Journal of Operations Management, Vol. III, No. 4, pp. 39-54.
- Tripathy, P. K. and Nayak, A. N. (2018). Seismic analysis and design of multi-storeyed unsymmetrical RC framed building. Annual Technical, 2018, Institution of Engineers (India) Odisha State Centre, Bhubaneswar.
- fd
- Prusty, S. R., Jena, S. and Panigrahi, R., 2022. Fresh and hardened properties of Geopolymer concrete: A review. Indian concrete Journal.
- Tapaswini Nayak, M.R.Senapati, S.Prasad “A Text Mining Approach For Information Retrieval Used In Product Rating”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Research India Publication, January 2015, vol-10, Issue-10, pp: 27137-27146,ISSN: 0973- 4562,
- Monalisa Mohapatra and Ashok K. Mishra, Fluorescence of ESPT molecular probes in lipid bilayer membrane. Indian Photobiology Society News Letter 2011, 48–50, 22–31.
- S. K. Khandualo & A. K. Barisal, “Commitment of hydro thermal generation scheduling of a large power system with cooling –banking constraint using Gravitational Search Algorithm” Indian Journal of Applied Research,  Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 186-188, 2013.
- D. P. Mishra and P. Ray, “Calculation of power quality factor of supply system using lab view”, accepted for presentation in Michael Faraday IET Int. Summit: MFIIS-2015, September 21-23, 2015, Kolkata, India.
- Barick, A.K., Samal, S.K., Mohanty, S., and Nayak, S.K.; Dispersion and Distribution of Organomodified Montmorillonite in Polypropylene (PP) and Ethylene–Octene Copolymer (EOC) Matrix; Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology (ACET–2007); Sangrur, Punjab, India; March 26–27, 2007. (Oral)
- S.Samal, P.K.Hota, P.K.Barik (2017), “Harmonics Mitigation of a Microgrid System using Modified SRF-UPQC Method”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology (WoS), Vol.10, No.16, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i16/109990.
- System resource accounting in a Heterogeneous and Distributed Computing environment. International conference IEEE High performance Computing conference 1997, Bangalore, INDIA.
- M.Panda ,“Review of synchronization techniques for OFDM” IJECEE,vol-4,pp 91-95, July-Dec 2013
- Applied Science Periodical, India
J.P. Panda, S.S.Das and G.C.Dash Unsteady free convection MHD flow and mass transfer in a rotating porous medium Vol. VI, No.3,pp.165-178,2004 - Namita Das and Pabitra Kumar Jena, Hankel operators on the Bergman space for the disk, Journal of Orissa Mathematical Society ,Volume 29, No. 1 and 2(2010), 17-25.
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