Computer Science and Engineering Projects

S.N. Name of the Project Sponsoring agency Status
1. Management Information System AICTE, New Delhi Completed
2. Modernization of Micro-computer Laboratory -do- Completed
3. Study and prediction of Fault tolerance of Supercomputing architectures -do- Completed

Research Activities

The department offers facilities for advanced research. The department is engaged in various research activities in advanced computer areas such as Parallel processing, Super computing , Fault-tolerance , Genetic Algorithm, Fuzzy computing, Software and Hardware Reliability. Two research scholars are at present doing research in the area of Soft Computing and Soft real time communication in network application for their Ph.D degree.

Academic Extension Activities

Recently the dept. has started a library with a good number of books, journals & magazines to help the students to upgrade their outlook in varied areas of Computer Science & Engg. & Application. Weekly Technical seminar is a regular feature of this department where experts are invited from time to time. In addition faculty members and senior students also deliver talks on recent topics of interest. The department conducts various training programmes in computer software/hardware subjects in collaboration with industries. Industry-Institute Interaction Programme is conducted annually by the department time to time.