Chemistry Projects


Name of Faculty Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration Amount (Rs.)
Prof. S. K. Swain Acoustical Investigation of Some Pharmaceutical Proteins Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of Odisha 2014-2017 9,66,000 
Prof. S. K. Swain/
Dr. P. Mohapatra
Preparation and Characterization of Graphene Nanocomposites by Reinforcement of Transition Metal based Quantum Dots EMR-II, CSIR, Govt. of India 2015-2018 6,90,000 
Dr. Ramakrishna D. S. Total Synthesis of Biologically Active Carbazole Alkaloids: Glybomines A-C and their analogues UGC-FRP Scheme, Govt. of India 2014-2017 6,00,000
Dr. A. K. Barick Development of Nanoparticle/Nanotube Hybrid Nanofiller based Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Polyaniline Blend Nanocomposites for Multi-functional Applications UGC-FRP Scheme, Govt. of India 2015-18 6,00,000
Dr. M. Mohapatra Fundamental Investigation of Biopolymers-Biosurfactants Interaction towards understanding Their Physicochemical Behaviour using Fluorescent Drug Molecules DST-SERB, Govt. of India 2016-19 37,62,000
                                                                      Total 66,18,000


The Department is well equipped with facilities to carry out research in the following fields:

  1. Corrosion Science
  2. Inorganic Synthesis
  3. Organic Synthesis
  4. Reaction Dynamics& Surfaces Science and Technology
  5. Environmental chemistry
  6. Optoelectronic Materials
  7. Graph theoretical Analysis
  8. Polymer based nano composite
  9. Hybrid material
  10. Solution chemistry


The department is engaged in testing of chemical and engineering materials supplied by many national, state-level and local industries such as Indian Railways, HINDALCO, Vedanta group of industries, Water Resource department, Hirakud Dam project, Department of National Highways, etc. 


The department is engaged in some doctoral programmes in the area of surface chemistry, corrosion science and environmental pollution. The following students are persuing their Ph. D. in the department.

  • Mr. Kumar Ranjan Pani
  • Mr. Rajendra Narayanr Sahoo
  • Mrs. S. tripathy
  • Mr. A.K.Panda
  • Mr. Suraj Prakash Bank
  • Mr. Partha Sarathi Guru