Computer Science and Engineering

Name : Dr. Satyabrata Das
Designation : Associate Professor
Phone No. : +91 9437177717
Email Id :
Date of Joining : 02-06-2014

B.E(CSE), M.Tech(CSE), Ph.D(Information & Communication Technology), MBA(Systems)(First Class 1st)

Information & Communication Technology

26 years of teaching experience

Graduate Level : Programming in C, Operating Systems, DBMS, Real-Time Systems, DCCN
Post Graduate Level : Advance Operating Systems, Data Mining, Real-Time Systems, Bioinformatics

WSN, AdHoc Networks, IoT, Cloud computing, Mobile Computing & Networks, Network Security

Ph. D. Candidates : 06 Nos (Completed), 03 Nos ( Continuing)
  1. Mr.Chinmaya Ku.Nayak, Dept of CSE, Regd.No. 15060025, VSSUT Notification no. 190, 19-02-2021, Guided by Dr. Satyabrata Das(Awarded)
  2. Mr. Sohan Kumar Pande, Dept. of CSE, Regd.No. 1610040002, VSSUT Notification no. 835, 25-06-2021, Guided by Dr. Satyabrata Das & Dr. Sanjaya kumar Panda(Awarded)
  3. Mr. Kalyan Das, Dept. of CSE, Regd.No. 15060065, VSSUT Notification no. 923, 22-07-2021, Guided by Dr.Satyabrata Das(Awarded)
  4. Mr. Pradosh Ku. Gantayat Dept. of CSE, Regd.No. 14060032, VSSUT Notification no. 1368, 09-10-2021, Guided by Dr. Satyabrata Das (Awarded)
  5. Mr. Sanjib Ku. Nayak Dept.of IT, Regd.No. 1810080008,VSSUT Notification no. 217, 25-02-2022 Guided by Dr.Satyabrata Das, VSSUT & Co-Guided by Dr.Sanjaya Ku. Panda, NITW(Awarded)
  6. Mr. Biswaranjan Acharya, School of Comp. Sc, Regd.No. 1810150002,VSSUT Notification no. 1194, 31-07-2024, jointly supervised by Dr. Satyabrata Das & Dr. Sucheta Panda, VSSUT, Burla
M. Tech. Candidates : 21 Nos (Completed), 02 Nos ( Continuing)
  1. Best Teacher Award by ISTE-2014 (Odisha, BBSR Chapter)
  2. Sandeep Mohapatra Memorial Award- 2016. The Institution of Engineers(India), Odisha State Centre, Bhubaneswar
LMISTE : LM 35745 Senior Member IEEE : 96839286 Fellow Member IEI : F-1289272 CSI : F8002679 OITS
  1. Title : Encryption of a Colour Image using chaotic and non-chaotic System ( Intramural Project)
    PI : Dr.Satyabrata Das
    Funding Agency : TEQIP-III
    Amount : 1 lakh

International Publications

  1. "Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Sensor Cloud Through Time Series Forecasting of Sensor Data", Kalyan Das, Satyabrata Das & Monalisha Pattnaik, Instrumentation Mesure Metrologie, IIETA 2024, (Scopus),
  2. "Energy-Efficient Forecasting of Temperature Data in Sensor Cloud System Using a Hybrid SVM-ANN Method", Kalyan Das, Satyabrata Das & Sibarama Panigrahi , Wireless Personal Communications, 2023(Springer), (SCI), DOI:
  3. "Energy Competent Clustering Algorithm for Minimization of Holes in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks", Chinmaya Ku. Nayak & Satyabrata Das, Int. J. of System of Systems Engineering, (Scopus), Inderscience(2023),DOI: 10.1504/IJSSE.2024.10055955
  4. "Energy-efficient cloud integrated sensor based on clustering and multihop transmission", Kalyan Das & Satyabrata Das, Science, Engineering and Health Studies(Scopus), Volume 16, 2022, ISSN (Online): 2630-0087,
  5. "Constrained-Based Power Management Algorithm for Green Cloud Computing", Sanjib Kumar Nayak, Sanjaya Kumar Panda & Satyabrata Das, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering(Scopus), Inderscience, pp 657-667,
  6. "A Multi-Objective Renewable Energy-Based Algorithm for Geographically Distributed Datacenters", Sanjib Kumar Nayak, Sanjaya Kumar Panda, Satyabrata Das, Sohan Kumar Pande, International Journal of Embedded Systems(Scopus), Inderscience, 2022, 15(2), pp. 119-131,
  7. "Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Clouds", Sohan Kumar Pande, Sanjaya Kumar Panda, Satyabrata Das.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.3021075,
  8. A resource Management Algorithm for Vertual Machine Migration in Vehicular Cloud Computing, Sohan Kumar Pande, Sanjaya Kumar Panda,Satyabrata Das. CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua,(SCI)2021, 67(2), pp. 2647-2663, doi:10.32604/cmc.2021.015026
  9. "A Novel Energy-efficient Sensor Cloud Model using Data Prediction and Forecasting Techniques", Kalyan Das, Satyabrata Das & Aurobindo Mohapatra, Karbala International Journal of Modern Science(Scopus). Vol. 6 Issue 3 Article 5,
  10. "A Novel Communication Framework Between MANET and WSN in IoT Based Smart Environment", Bata Krishna Tripathy, Swagat Ku. Jena, Vineeth Reddy, Satyabrata Das & Sanjaya Ku. Panda, International Journal of Information Technology(Springer)(Scopus),2021, 13(3), pp. 921-931
  11. "Harris Hawks Jaya Algorithm-Based Routing Protocol in Delay Tolerant Network", Pradosh Kumar Gantayat & Satyabrata Das, International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking(IJBDCN), igi-global 2021,(ESCI) (Scopus), Volume 17, Issue 1, Article 3,
  12. Energy-Efficient Cloud integrated Sensor Network Model Based on Data Forecasting through ARIMA", Kalyan Das & Satyabrata Das, International Journal of e-Collaboration,igi-global 2021,(ESCI)(Scopus), Volume 18, Issue 1, Article 6, DOI: 10.4018/IJeC.290292
  13. "Energy Efficient Routes protocols to Minimize Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Probability Enhancement Algorithm", Chinmay Ku. Nayak & Satyabrata Das, International Journal of e-Collaboration (ESCI)(Scopus), Volume 17, Issue 4, Article2, DOI:10.4018/IJeC.2021100102
  14. "Minimization of Energy Holes with Lively Bonding and the Division of Coverage", Chinmaya Ku. Nayak & Satyabrata Das, International Journal of e-Collaboration, igi-global 2021, (ESCI) (Scopus), Volume 18, Issue 2, Article 5, DOI: 10.4018/IJeC.304031
  15. "Energy Competent Hierarchical Routing Protocol for detecting and minimizing holes in wireless sensor networks", Chinmaya Ku. Nayak & Satyabrata Das, Journal of the ACM (Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery)(Scopus) 2020(Accepted)
  16. "Data Prediction and Forecasting Techniques Based Energy Efficient Cloud-integrated Sensor Network", Kalyan Das & Satyabrata Das, Science & Technology Asia(Scopus), Vol. 25 No 4 Article 7 2020,
  17. "An Adaptive Secure and Efficient Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Bata Krishna Tripathy, Swagat Kumar Jena, Padma Lochan Bera & Satyabrata Das, Wireless Personal Communications,(SCI), DOI:
  18. "Dynamic service migration and resource management for vehicular clouds", Sohan Ku. Pandey, Sanjaya Ku. Panda & Satyabrata Das, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, (SCI), DOI:10.1007/s12652-020-02166-w
  19. "Energy efficient sensor series with irregular communication interval in wireless sensor networks to minimize holes", Chinmaya Kumar Nayak & Satyabrata Das, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, (Scopus) Vol. 29 ,No. 4s,PP.1962-1967(2020),(Scopus),
  20. "Distribution of sensor nodes for detection of energy holes using local sensor distribution algorithm in wireless sensor networks", Chinmaya Kumar Nayak & Satyabrata Das, Test Engineering and Management,(Scopus) Vol. 82(Jan/Feb 2020): 6177-6182 (Scopus),
  21. "A New Mobility Control Approach for Improved Route Availability in Mobile Ad hoc Networks", Bata Krishna Tripathy, Swagat Kumar Jena, Padma Lochan Bera & Satyabrata Das, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,(SCI),,DOI:
  22. "Award-Reward Protocol Based on Clustering and Trust Level for Routing in Delay Tolerant Network", Pradosh Kumar Gantayat & Satyabrata Das, Journal of Applied Security Research (Taylor & Francis 2019) Volume14, issue3, page270-287(Scopus),
  23. "Minimization of Energy Hole in Under Water Sensor Networks"(UWSNs)&(180717-115405), Niva Tripathy & Satyabrata Das, International Journal of Natural Computing Research (IJNCR) igi-global 2019, Vol 8 Issue 4, Article 1,,DOI:10.4018/IJNCR.2019100101
  24. "Minimization of Energy-Holes in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Using Hierarchical Routing Protocols", Chinmaya Kumar Nayak & Satyabrata Das, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci.(Scopus) Vol 16, Number 5-6,PP.2357-2361 (2019),,DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2019.7899
  25. "Secure Trust Level Routing in Delay Tolerant Network with Fuzzy Empowered Node Categorization Technique", Pradosh Kumar Gantayat & Satyabrata Das, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. (Scopus) 16, 2294-2298 (2019),DOI:
  26. "A Kerberos Based Secure Communication System in Smart (Internet of Things) Environment", Swagat Kumar Jena, Bata Krishna Tripathy, Prachi Gupta & Satyabrata Das, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci.(Scopus) 16, 2381-2388 (2019),,DOI:
  27. "A novel rough set based affinity propagation method for cholesterol prediction from ABC transporter", Ramamani Tripathy, Debahuti Mishra, Rudra Kalyan Nayak & Satyabrata Das, Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development (Scopus)9 (9), 1420-1426(2018), DOI:10.5958/0976-5506.2018.01190.7
  28. "Survey of Energy-Efficient Techniques for the Cloud-Integrated Sensor Network", Kalyan Das, Satyabrata Das, Rabi Kumar Darji & Ananya Mishra, Journal of Sensors, Hindawi,(SCIE) Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 1597089, pp 1-17,
  29. "Task Partitioning Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Multi-Cloud Environment:, Sanjaya Ku. Panda, Sohan Ku. Pandey & Satyabrata Das, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE) Springer 2017,(SCI) Vol 1 Issue 12, pp 1-21,,DOI:
  30. "An Efficient Intra-Server and Inter-Server Load Balancing Algorithm for Internet Distributed Systems", Swati Mishra, Sanjaya Ku. Panda & Satyabrata Das, International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis(IJRSDA) igi-global 2017, Vol 4 Issue 1,Article 1,,DOI:10.4018/IJRSDA.2017100102
  31. "A Customer-Oriented Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Multi-cloud Environment", Sohan Ku. Pande, Sanjaya Ku. Panda & Satyabrata Das, International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing(IJCAC) igi-global 2017, Vol 6 Issue 4, Article 1,,DOI: 10.4018/IJCAC.2016100101
  32. "An Efficient Clustering in MANETs With Minimum Communication and Reclustering Overhead", Mohd. Yaseen Mir & Satyabrata Das, International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis(IJRSDA) igi-global 2017, Vol 4 Issue 4, Article 7,,DOI: 10.4018/IJRSDA.2017100107
  33. "Design and Development of a Parallel Lexical Analyzer for C Language", Swagat Ku. Jena, Satyabrata Das & Satya Prakash Sahoo, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO) igi-global 2017,Vol 8 Issue 1, Article 5,,DOI: 10.4018/IJKBO.2018010105

International Conferences

  1. "A Survey on IoT Empowered WSNs Including Energy Aware Routing Strategies, Security Challenges and Privacy Preservations", Abani Dash, Rakesh Kumar Godi, Chinmaya Kumar Nayak, Satyabrata Das, International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications, pp 591–601, Jun 2023, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-0769-4_51
  2. "An Efficient Renewable Energy-Based Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing", Sanjib Kumar Nayak, Sanjaya Kumar Panda, Satyabrata Das & Sohan Kumar Pandey,17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT-2021) Jan 7th to 10th (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-65621-8_5
  3. "A Revenue-Based Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Cloud Computing", Sohan Kumar Pandey ,Sanjaya Kumar Panda & Satyabrata Das,17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT-2021) Jan 7th to 10th (LNCS) Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-65621-8_6
  4. "Request Integration and Data Prediction Based Energy Efficient Cloud Integrated Wireless Sensor Network", Kalyan Das;Satyabrata Das, Rabi Kumar Darji, Jyoti Prakash Mohanta, 2021 International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT) IEEE Explore,
  5. "Energy-efficient cloud integrated sensor network using inter sensor owners based multi-hop routing", Kalyan Das & Satyabrata Das, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020, 2020, pp. 1359-1361,
  6. "Optimized trust and reputation-based routing protocol in delay tolerant networks", Pradosh Kumar Gantayat& Satyabrata Das, 4th International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics (SCI-2020) October 9th to 10th,(Springer),
  7. “A Secure and Efficient Color Image Encryption Scheme based on Two Chaotic Systems and Advanced Encryption Standard”, PragyanshreeNayak, Sanjeet Kumar Nayak& Satyabrata Das, 2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), IEEE Xplore, DOI:10.1109/ICACCI.2018.8554728
  8. "Energy Efficient Model For The Sensor Cloud Systems", Kalyan Das, Satyabrata Das, Rabi Kumar Darji & Ananya Mishra, 2017 , 2nd IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends in Electronics Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), May 19-20, 2017, India ISBN: 978-1-5090-3704-9,
  9. Energy-Hole Minimization in WSN using Active Bonding and Separating Coverage”, Chinmaya Kumar Nayak, S.Rath, M.Pradhan& Satyabrata Das ICTIS Springer, 28-29 November 2015, ISSN: 2190-3018, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-30933-0_31,
  10. “Efficient energy sensor arrays with uneven transport interval in WSN”, Chinmaya Kumar Nayak& Satyabrata Das, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2017), LNNS, Volume 40,pp293-301, Springer 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-0586-3_30,
  11. “An Efficient Virtual Machine Management Algorithm for Vehicular Clouds”, Sanjaya Kumar Panda, SanjuParida, Sourav Kumar Bhoi, Sanjib Kumar Nayak& Satyabrata Das, 5th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDGC-2018) from 20-22 December, 2018, IEEE Xplore: 27 June 2019,
  12. “Energy Efficient Data Prediction Model for the Sensor Cloud Environment”,Kalyan Das, Satyabrata Das, Ananya Mishra &AurobindoMohapatra IEEE-International Conference on IoT and its Applications (ICIOT-2017) 19-20 May 2017,,DOI: 10.1109/ICIOTA.2017.8073619, ISBN:978-93-84893-49-4
  13. “Hierarchical Agents Based Fault-Tolerant and Congestion-Aware Routing for NoC”, Chinmaya Kumar Nayak, Satyabrata Das &H.S.Behera International Conference on CIDM Springer, 20-21 December 2014 , pp 705-714, ISBN: 978-81-322-2201-9, 10.1007/978-81-322-2202-6_64
  14. “A Seamless Vertical Handoff Algorithm in 4G Networks”, C.K.Mallick, S.Mahapatra, R.K.Das& Satyabrata Das, IEEE explore, International Conference(IEEE) ACSAT-2012,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , pp 92-99, 26-28 Nov 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4673-5832-3,DOI: 10.1109/ACSAT.2012.96
  15. “Feature Reduction using Principal Component Analysis for Agricultural Data Set”, 3rd International Conference(IEEE), S.Mishra, D.Mishra, Satyabrata Das &A.K.Rath,  on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2011), Vol.2, pp 209-213,ISBN: 978-1-4244-8678-6. DOI: 10.1109/ICECTECH.2011.5941686
  16. “Clustering and Classifying Informative Attributes Using Rough Set Theory”, Satyabrata Das, D.Mishra, K.Jha&S.Mishra, ICACCI 2012, ACM Digital library, pp 118-124, ISBN: 978-1-4503-1196-0, DOI: 10.1145/2345396.2345416
  17. “Energy Efficient Congestion Control in Healthcare Sensor Networks”, ManasRanjanKabat, Satyabrata Das &PrabhudattaMohanty, International Conference on Recent Treands in Engineering and Material Sciences(ICEMS-2016), ISBN:978-93-5254-230 -7.
  18. “Optimal Placement of Sensors and Relay nodes in Wireless Body Area Network”, TusarkantaSamal, M.R.Kabat& Satyabrata Das, International Conference on Recent Treands in Engineering and Material Sciences(ICEMS-2016),ISBN:978-93-5254-230-7.
  19. “Self-assessement Model & Review Technique for software process Improvement and Capability Evaluation-SMART SPICE Creating Awareness and Promotion of SPICE Model”, S.Kar, Satyabrata Das, A.K.Rath&S.K.Kar Springer-Verlag CCIS 290, pp 222-232, March 2012, ISBN: 978-3-642-30438-5. DOI:
  20. “Error encoding and decoding model over communication channel for synthesis of proteins from DNA sequences”, PrajnaParamitaDebata, Satyabrata Das, Debahuti Mishra, Sashikala Mishra, Kailash Shaw &GayatriMahapatro, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics(ICACCI-12),August2012 Pages33-37,

National Conferences

  1. “Data Mining for IT/Business relationship. A new dimension of Marketing”,Satyabrata Das & G.Sahu,Proceedings of the National Conference (N C C I A -07),pp 160-169,2007.
  2. "Some studies of fuzzy multi criteria Analysis in power system",Satyabrata Das & R.N. Satpathy, Proceedings of the National Conference (A I I P E “ 08),pp 49-59,2008.
  3. "Complementarity and Variational- type Inequality problems in Banach Spaces",Satyabrata Das & G. Sahu, Proceedings of the National Conference (A I I P E “ 08),pp 19-26,2008.
  4. “Some studies of Energy optimization of indoor comfort: An application constrained fuzzy logic approximation”,Satyabrata Das & R.N. Satpathy, Proceedings of the National Conference (IAAES -08),pp 19-26,2008
  5. “Nonlinear Variation type in equalities problem on Reflective real Banach Spaces”,Satyabrata Das & G. Sahu, Proceedings of the National Conference (NCLT-08),pp 88-96,2008.
  6. “Deployment of Distributed Data Mining Techniques in Wireless sensor Networks”,Satyabrata Das & M. Sa, Proceedings of the National Conference (NSRTDWDM-10),pp-45-51,2010.
  7. “Distributed Image Processing Techniques in Wireless sensor Networks”,Satyabrata Das & M. Sa, Proceedings of the National Conference (NSRAST(IP & RA)-10),pp 27-32,2010.
  2. Patent ID: 201931014953 : INTELLIGENT MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT OF IRRIGATION IN AGRICULTURAL FIELDS.(Granted)(Co-inventor) DATE OF FILING : 13/04/2019 PUBLICATION DATE (U/S 11A) : 10/07/2020 GRANT DATE : 28/02/2024
  1. "Unconstrained Power Management Algorithm for Green Cloud Computing", Sanjib Kumar Nayak, Sanjaya Kumar Panda, Satyabrata Das, Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning ( ICADCML), Lecture Notes in Networks and System, 2022, 302, pp. 3-14,
  2. "An Energy-Aware Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Cloud Computing", Sohan Kumar Pande, Sanjaya Kumar Panda, Satyabrata Das, Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning ( ICADCML), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, 302, pp. 22-33,
  3. "A Hybrid Route Optimization Mechanism in Delay Tolerant Networks", Pradosh Kumar Gantayat, Satyabrata Das, Bata Krishna Tripathy, Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning ( ICADCML), Lecture Notes in Networks and System, 2022, 302, pp. 34-44,
  4. "Renewable Energy-Based Resource Management in Cloud Computing: A Review", Sanjib Kumar  Nayak,Sanjaya  Kumar Panda,Satyabrata  Das,Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2021, 127, pp. 45-56.
  5. Efficient Energy Sensor Arrays with Uneven Transport Interval in WSN (Scopus) Springer book series Nayak, C. K & Das, S. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-0586-3_30
  6. Advanced Computer Architecture, Publisher: KALYANI PUBLICATIONS, ISBN: 978-93-272-2703-1.
  7. Embedded System Development, Publisher: KALYANI PUBLICATIONS, ISBN: 978-93-272-3943-0 .
  1. AICTE sponsored One Week Online ATAL FDP on “Futuristic Trends in Intelligent and Distributed Computing”, 16th Jan to 22nd Jan 2025.
  2. AICTE sponsored One Week Online ATAL FDP on "Emerging Techniques and Applications of IoT", 9th Aug to 13th Aug 2021.
  3. TEQIP-III Sponsored One Week On-Line Faculty Development Program (FDP) on *EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS* (ETTA-2020), 05th Sept to 10th Sept, 2020.
  4. TEQIP-III Sponsored Two weeks workshop on Cloud computing, 8th to 20th January 2018
  5. TEQIP-III Sponsored One week STC program on LaTex, 28th Aug to 2nd Sept 2017
  6. CSI Sponsored Workshop on Cloud computing, 31st Oct to 6th NOV 2016
  • HoD CA since 21-02-2023
  • PIC CIF 18th July 2022 to 2nd Dec 2022
  • Nodal Officer Inter-University Research Centre since 2021 to 2nd Dec 2022
  • PIC E-Abhijog since 2017 to 2nd Dec 2022
  • PIC Guest House, 2019-2020
  • Warden Pulastya Hall of Residence, VSSUT, Burla, 2016-2018
  • Nodal Officer TEQIP-II and TEQIP-III(Procurement), VSSUT, Burla, 2016-2020
  • RTI(Public Information Officer, VSSUT, Burla) , 2016-18
  • Member, Anti-Ragging committee, VSSUT, Burla, 2015-2016
  • Member, Departmental Purchase Committee, VSSUT, Burla, 2014-2016
  • Member, Departmental Board of Studies, VSSUT, Burla, 2014-2016
  • Member, Departmental Academic Committee , VSSUT, Burla, 2014-2016
  • Worked as Deputy Supdt. of OJEE-2017 Exam VSSUT Centre
  • Worked as Deputy Supdt. of OJEE-2016 Exam VSSUT Centre
  • Worked as Deputy Supdt. of OPSC-2015 Exam VSSUT Centre
  • NBA Co-ordinator CSE Department, (M.Tech ), 2015-2016
  • Time table incharge, CSE Department, VSSUT, 2015-2016
  • Member Exam Committee VSSUT, Burla, 2015-2016
  • Worked as member of technical committee for organizing technical events
  • Worked as member of team to carry out counseling and admission work for OJEE-2015-2016
  • Remain In charge of PIC CIF & CCF, 2015
  • VP Cultural, VSSUT, 2014-2015
  • PIC ED Cell, VSSUT, Burla, 2014-2015,15-16,16-17
  • Remain In charge of Registrar, VSSUT, Burla, 2014
  1. BOS Member of ICFAI Tech, Hyderabad(23-26), FM University, Balasore, NIST University, Berhampur, GEC Autonomous (24-27).
  2. Member SRC (ICT) FM University since 20.04.2021.
  3. Member Board of Studies of CST department of GITA( Autonomous) Engineering College, Bhubaneswar for the year 2020-21
  4. Member Academic Council DRIEMS (Autonomous) Engineering College,Cuttack since 2018
  5. Member DSC Biju Pattanaik University of Technology(BPUT), Rourkela, Odisha since 2018
  6. External Expert members for Ph.D, Department of CSE, School of Engineering and Technology, GIET University, Gunupur, 2021
  7. Appointed Proctor for VSSUT Student members in the IEEEXtreme 15.0 programming competition by the(IEEE) IEEEXtreme Team, 2021.
  8. Member of Board of Studies & Conducting Board for B.E & MCA in North Orissa University, Bpd. From 2000 to 2006
  9. Life member of Red Cross Society of India
Present Address : 
Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE & IT, Professor Coloney-I Qtr. No.F3R/43, VSSUT, Burla, Sambalpur, Odisha-768018
  Permanent Address : 
S/O- Late Mr. Kishori Kishore Das At- Meghadambaru, P.O- Kuruda Dist- Baleswar Odisha -756056