No | Year of award | Funding Agency | Scheme | Project Title | PI | Dept. | Total Cost |
1 | DST FIST | Dr. Papia Ray | |||||
2 | 2023-24 | IIT Guwahati | IIT Guwahati | Sensor-based Health monitoring of large dam in hydro power plant with AI integral approach | Dr. Santi Behera (PI) Dr. Prasanta Kumar Pradhan (Co-PI) |
EEE | 15,00,000.00 |
3 | 2023-24 | DST | SERB SURE | Design and Green Synthesis of Novel Adamantane Derived Lipophilic for Biomedical Application | Dr. Ramakrishna D. S. | CHEM | 26,79,180.00 |
4 | 2023-24 | DST | SERB DST | Development of Thiourea-based organic scaffold as a flourescenet chemosensor for the selective detection of metal ions and theirr flourscence bio-imaging applications | Dr. B.R. Jali | CHEM | 19,87,000.00 |
5 | 2023-24 | DST | DST, Odisha | Design and analysis of earthquake-resistant stuctures using Visco-elastic isolation system | Dr. Madhusmita Pradhan(PI) Dr. Prasant Ku. Pradhan(Co-PI) |
MECH | 10,00,000.00 |
6 | 2023-24 | DST | DST, Odisha | Green Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Liquid Crystals for Display Applications: Potential Method for Industrial Practice | Dr. Ramakrishna D. S. (PI) Dr. P. Lakshmi Praveen (Co PI) |
CHEM | 10,00,000.00 |
7 | 2023-24 | DST | SERB DST | Effect of Bottom flexibility on wave scattering and trapping problems in a fluid of finite depth | Dr. Smrutiranjan Mohapatra | MATH | 19,98,832.00 |
8 | 2023-24 | DRDO | DRDO | Design and Development of Heuristic approach based ASEA Rader task scheduler for target searching and tracking by optimally integrating rader principle of importance, urgency & timeless | Dr. B. Naik | MCA | 9,29,415.00 |
9 | 2023-24 | DST | DST | An Investigation on mechanical, Thermal and wear Characterstics of a Novel Metal Metrix Composite for Automotive Application | Dr. Sarojrani Pattanaik | MECH | 10,00,000.00 |
10 | 2023-24 | DRDO | DRDO | Development of Graphene coated carbon Fiber based Microwave Absorbing materials for stealth application | Dr. G. Nath | PHY | 39,11,700.00 |
11 | 2022-23 | DST | SERB | Development of a Composite index to Evaluate the impact of renewable resource time series dynamics on power system | Dr. Manish Tripathy & Dr. Rajat Kanti Samal |
EE | 16,17,000.00 |
12 | 2022-23 | DST | OURIIP | Effect of Confinement with fiber-reinforced polymer(FRP) on fibre reinforced recycled aggregate Concrete Column Subjected to Elevated temperature. | Dr. Ramakrishna. Dandapath | CIVIL | 6,28,000.00 |
13 | 2022-23 | DST | OURIIP | Flexible Energy Control Scheme for Solar PV Powered SRM drives. | Dr. Nutan. Saha | EE | 5,92,000.00 |
14 | 2022-23 | DST | OURIIP | Design Modeling and Manufacturing of light weight and strong 3D printed honeycomb composite. | Dr. Swagatika. Mishra | MECH | 6,16,000.00 |
15 | 2022-23 | DST | OURIIP | Enhancing shape memory properties of Ti-Nb binary alloy through ECAE processing for bio-medical application. | Prof. S. K. Badjena | MME | 6,30,000.00 |
16 | 2022-23 | DST | OURIIP | Molecular modeling on metallic Nanoclusters for Advanced Technological Applications. | Dr. Soumya S. Sarangi | PHY | 6,82,000.00 |
17 | 2022-23 | DST | OURIIP | Damage analysis of laminated composite plate ;subjected to various impact load in a viscous medium. | Dr. Pankaj C. Jena | PE | 6,78,000.00 |
18 | 2022-23 | DST Govt. of Odisha | DST Govt. of Odisha | Development of Luminescent Materials for selective and sensitive recognition of biologically anions and their biomedical applications | Dr. B.R. Jali | CHEM | 4,98,000.00 |
19 | 2021-22 | DST | DST | Application of convexity in optimization problems with a new approach | Dr. Saroj Ku Pradhan | MATH | 2,24,000.00 |
20 | 2021-22 | DST | DST | Performance Evaluation of Composites with ferroelectric Ferrite approach for multi functional Device application | Dr.Sunanda Ku patri | PHY | 9,45,000.00 |
21 | 2021-22 | DST | DST | Smart Sensors Enabled optical wireless data acquisition for smart-Grid application | Dr.Gyan Ranjan Biswal | EEE | 7,64,400.00 |
22 | 2021-22 | DST | DST | FPGA Based power quality estimator for smart grid application | Dr.Harish Ku Sahoo | ETC | 5,02,000.00 |
23 | 2021-22 | DST | DST | Study of parametric influences for improving the mecganical properties of graphen nanoplatelets reinforced functionally draded material for in vivo stomach biopsy application in health care | Dr. Mihir Ku Sutar | MECH | 3,38,000.00 |
24 | 2021-22 | DST | DST | Valorisation of waste plastics to aviation fuel using a novel catalyst kinetic study process optimization and product characterization | Dr. Achyut Ku Panda | CHEM | 4,74,000.00 |
25 | 2021-22 | DST | DST | Development of microwave absorbing composites with graphane coated based fibre for X-band frequency application | Dr. Ganeswar Nath | PHY | 5,42,000.00 |
26 | 2021-22 | DST | OURIIP | Inspection of wall using cooperative motion control of autonomous underwater vehicles under communication constraints inside the water tank/swimming pool | Dr. Bikramaditya Das | ETC | 4,38,000.00 |
27 | 2021-22 | DST | OURIIP | short-term forecast of photovoltaic power and islanding detection by intelligent techniques | Dr. Sasmiita Behera | EEE | 3,46,000.00 |
28 | 2021-22 | DST | OURIIP | Influence of inter-layer on material flow, microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welder AI-Mg joints. | Dr. Prangya Paramita Mohanty | MECH | 2,92,500.00 |
29 | 2021-22 | DST | OURIIP | Performance enhancement of a slotted fin heat sink An experimental and computational investigation | Dr. Aurovinda Mohanty | MECH | 4,08,000.00 |
30 | 2021-22 | DST | OURIIP | Enhancement in bone regeneration by hydroxyapatite-doped piezoelectric composite coating | Dr. Manila Mallik | MME | 3,12,500.00 |
31 | 2021-22 | IIT Guwahati | IIT Guwahati | Deveploment of hardware setup and real time implementation of cooperative motion control algorithm for autonomous underwater ve | Dr. B.Das | ETC | 10,00,000.00 |
32 | 2021-22 | DST Govt. of India | DST | Sustainable construction practics through preparation of preast concrete blocks using construction-demolition and plastic waste | Dr. S.K Panigrahi | CIVIL | 6,99,901.00 |
33 | 2021-22 | UGC-BSR Start up grant | UGC | Development of Nanoparticle/Nanotube Hybrid Nonofiller based Thermoplastic Polyurethance/Polyblend Nanocomposite for Multi functional application | Dr. A.K Barick | CHEM | 6,00,000.54 |
34 | 2021-22 | UGC-BSR Start up grant | UGC | Dynamical invariants for PT-symmetric Quantum integrable systems | Dr. JPS Virdi | PHY | 8,00,000.00 |
35 | 2021-22 | UGC-BSR Start up grant | UGC | Modeling design and analysis of Semiconductor switch (Pin diode) based reconfigurable antenna | Dr.A.K Sharma | ETC | 6,00,000.00 |
36 | 2021-22 | UGC-BSR Start up grant | UGC | Total synthesis of biologically active carbagole alkaloidsglybonines A-C and their analouges | Dr. R.K DS | CHEM | 6,00,000.00 |
37 | 2021-22 | UGC-BSR Start up grant | UGC | Dr. B.R. Jali | CHEM | ||
38 | 2019-20 | Planning convergence, Govt. of Odisha | Planning convergence | Synthesis and measurement of Hybrid acoustic shielding materials for environmental noise reduction | Dr. G. Nath | PHY | 70,45,000.00 |
39 | 2019-20 | DST Govt. of Odisha | DST | Development of cement Less Concrete | Dr. B. Nanda | CIVIL | 5,54,000.00 |
40 | 2019-20 | DST Govt. of India | DST | Development of Luminescent Materials for selective and sensitive recognition of biologically anions and their biomedical applications | Dr. B.R. Jali | CHEM | 20,50,000.00 |
41 | 2019-20 | UGC | Start up Grant | Development of Novel Magnenoelectric materials through compositional engineering for memory devices | Dr. M.P.K. Sahoo | PHY | 8,00,000.00 |
42 | 2019-20 | DST | SERB | Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Nonlinear vibroacoustic response of Laminated Composite and Functiona;y Graded material Shell Panel under Hygrothermal Environment | Dr. T.R. Mohapatra | PE | 29,00,000.00 |
43 | 2018-19 | AICTE | RPS-NDF | Assessment of the Potential for River Bank Filtration in the State of Odisha | Dr. R. R. Dash | CIVIL | 9,85,000.00 |
44 | 2015-16 | DST Govt. of Odisha | DST | Acoustical Investigation of some Pharmaceutical Active Proteins of Biomedical Applications. | Prof. S.K. Swain | CHEM | 5,00,000.00 |
45 | 2014-15 | DST | DST | Field trials of law Cost fluoride filter: Domestic ad Community Scale | Dr. C.R. Mohanty | CIVIL | 7,28,000.00 |
46 | 2007-08 | DST | SERC FIST | FIST Programme | Dr. S.K Sarangi | MECH | 70,00,000.00 |