No. | Year of Award | Funding Agency | Scheme | Project Title | PI | Department | Amount (Lakhs) |
1 | 2021-22 | UGC-BSR Start up grant | UGC | Development of Nanoparticle/Nanotube Hybrid Nonofiller based Thermoplastic Polyurethance/Polyblend Nanocomposite for Multi functional application | Dr. A.K Barick | Chemistry | 6.00 |
2 | 2021-22 | DST | OURIIP | Desing and implementation of adaptive control to mitigate communication delay in an islanded micro-grid | Dr. Jatin Kumar Pradhan | Electrical Engineering | 2.3 |
3 | 2020-21 | DST | OURIIP | Reinforcement of mimosa-pudica fibers in PLA base green composite for biomedical and packaging application | Dr. S Pattnaik | Mechanical Engineering | 3.70 |
4 | 2020-21 | DST | OURIIP | Parametric Stability study of panel structures/structural components in verious seismic zones subjected to different types of loads | Dr. M Pradhan | Mechanical Engineering | 4.72 |
5 | 2019-20 | Planning convergence, Govt. of Odisha | Planning convergence | Synthesis and measurement of Hybrid acoustic shielding materials for environmental noise reduction | Dr. G. Nath | Physics | 9.79 |
6 | 2019-20 | DST | SERB | Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Nonlinear vibroacoustic response of Laminated Composite and Functiona;y Graded material Shell Panel under Hygrothermal Environment | Dr. T.R. Mohapatra | Production Engg. | 2.90 |
7 | 2018-19 | AICTE | RPS-NDF | Development of Fluidized Bed-Hot Abrasive Jet Machining (FB-HAJM) for Muicro Machining. | Prof. D. Dhupal | Production engineering | 24.08 |
8 | 2017-18 | AICTE | MODROB | Modernization of Communication Laborotary | Dr. Bikramaditya Das | Electronics & TCE Engineering | 7.97 |
9 | 2017-18 | CPIR | R & D | IEC 61850 Compliant SF Monitoring System for Gas Insulated Switchgear | Dr. Gyan Ranjan Biswal | EEE | 48.00 |
10 | 2017-18 | DST | SERB | Mining Socio-economic Factors Affecting Agricultural Productivity in Sambalpur District, Odisha State: Soft Computing based Machine Learning Approaches | Dr. Bighnaraj Naik | MCA | 19.06 |
11 | 2017-18 | UGC | UKIERI-III | FRP shear strengthening of damaged concrete beams subjected to fatigue loading | Prof. Amar Nath Nayak | Civil engineering | 12.18 |
12 | 2017-18 | AICTE | MODROB | Data mining Laboratory | Dr. Manas Ranjan Senapati | Electrical & Electronics engineering | 10.65 |
13 | 2017-18 | AICTE | MODROB | MODROBS of Microwave Laboratory | Dr. Debasis Mishra | Electrical & Electronics engineering | 6.032 |
14 | 2017-18 | AICTE | MODROB | Modernization of Electrical power System Laboratory | Dr. Ajit Barisal | Electrical Engineering | 18.00 |
15 | 2017-18 | AICTE | MODROB | Modernization Structural Engineering laboratory | Dr. Sanjaya Patro | Civil Engineering | 18.50 |
16 | 2017-18 | AICTE | MODROB | Modernization of Microcontroller and Embedded System Laboratory | Dr. Manoranjan Pradhan | Electronics & TCE Engineering | 8.50 |
17 | 2016-17 | AICTE | MODROB | Development of Advanced Concrete laboratory for Development of Sustainable Concrete incorporating Recycled Coarse Aggregators Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag | Prof. Amar Nath Nayak | Civil Engg | 19 |
18 | 2016-17 | DST | SERB | Fundamental investigation of biopolymers-bio surfactants interaction towards understanding tdeir physicochemical behaviour using fluorescent drug molecules | Dr. Monalisha Mohapatra | Chemistry | 37.62 |
19 | 2015-16 | DST Govt. of Odisha | DST | Acoustical Investigation of some Pharmaceutical Active Proteins of Biomedical Applications. | Prof. S.K. Swain | Chemistry | 5.00 |
20 | 2015-16 | UGC | MRP | Development of High vacuum brazing furnace for joining for joining metals to ceramics | Dr. S.K. Sarangi | Mechanical Engg. | 14.57 |
21 | 2015-16 | DST | SERB | Characterization of Lightweight Concrete Using Ash Ecospheres | Dr. A.N. Nayak | Civil Engineering | 13.25 |
22 | 2015-16 | AICTE | MODROB | Modernization of Material Research Laboratory | Dr. S.K. Sarangi | Mechanical Engineering | 7.56 |
23 | 2015-16 | DST | SERB | Assessment of Wide-Area measurement Signal by Computational intelligence Techniques | Dr. Papia Ray | Electrical Engineering | 15.46 |
24 | 2015-16 | ER&IPR | DRDO | Study of Propagation of Ultrasonic Waves in Solvent Mixture Used in Preparation of Natural Fiber from Agricultural Wastes | Dr. Ganeswar Nath | Physics | 8.26 |
25 | 2014-15 | CSIR | EMR | Preparation and Characterization of Grapheme nano composites by reinforcement of transition Metal based Quantum Dots | Prof. S.K.Swain | Chemistry | 6.17 |
26 | 2014-15 | ER&IPR | DRDO | Development of Ultrasonic Absorbent Composite Material Using Date Palm Leaf Fiber | Dr. J.R. Mohanty | Mechanical Engineering | 7.36 |
27 | 2014-15 | UGC | BSR Research Start-Up-Grant | Ultrasonic Characterization of Nano Fluid for various concentration at different temperature | Dr. Ganeswar Nath | Physics | 5.40 |
28 | 2013-14 | DST | SERB | Development of high temperature piezoelectric ceramic based on(1-x) Bi(M’, M’’) O3-x Pb TiO3 System |
Dr. A.K Pattnaik | Physics | 20.28 |
29 | 2013-14 | DST | SERB | Use of Integral equations on problems of scattering of waves by surface discontinuities in a two-layer fluid flowing through on ocean with bottom deformation | Dr. S. Mohapatra | Mathmatics Engineering | 12.12 |
30 | 2013-14 | CSIR | HRD | Development of NCD and UNCD diamond coatings and their characterization on cemented carbide inserts. | Dr. S.K. Sarangi | Mechanical Engineering | 15.14 |