To work together for promotion of research, innovation and education in the 0areas of material science, Engineering, Science and other relevant interdisciplinary areas to benefit the industry and academic sector.
To have collaboration for joint Ph.D Programme.
To apply for joint research projects to different funding agencies for research grant and to do research projects jointly.
To organize jointly conference, Workshops, STPs, Seminars in the mutual areas of interest.
5 Years
OSOU, Sambalpur, Odisha
To collaborate in sharing educational materials and researches.
Jointly undertake research and project work.
Jointly associate for academic collaboration in ICT course ling and training for faculty member and students.
Jointly organize seminar , workshops, Conference etc.
Govt. ITI and Govt. Polytechnic Institute, Boudh, Odisha
Polytechnic Institutions in Boudh District for Robotics and Automobile Training.
To Support in Developing quality teaching learning process in undergraduate, Post- Graduate including doctoral teaching programmes in various Engineering and allied disciplines
Help to Development of faculty through training and professional in the areas of content updating and professional skill development.
Access to resource materials on electronic/print media jointly
Access to Campus Laboratory Facilities0.
3 Years
CIPET, Balasore, Odisha
To enrich Faculty exchange programmes/ Students internships & project/Research and Technical activities.
2 Years
To pursue Research & Development Activities, organizing technical conference, workshop and seminar, providing Consultancy, Technical Advisory Services and Project Management Consultancy in the field of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Conservation, Energy Management, Energy Audit and Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Power Trading, Regulatory and Commercial issues of Power Purchase and Power Policy related issues to Government, Industries, Organizations
To bridge the gap between academics and industry
To enhance the employability of the future emerging workforce
To help the students of VSSUT through competency development, skill development and industry exposure in the area of Power and Energy and IT / ITES
To organize programs relevant to the industry and create a differentiator for the students and prospective recruiters.
National Highway Authority of India
NHAI shall facilitate the faculty, researchers and students of the Institute to familiarize with the latest trends in the highway/transportation sector with a common objective of sharing the knowledge in their respective domain. This will, in one hand, facilitate to bridge the industry-institution gap and familiarize students with the latest trends in industry and on the other hand the research output could be suitably adopted in practice by NHAI.
The Institute shall adopt nearby stretches of NHs as specified in the Appendix-1 as a voluntary initiative under ambit of Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR). The list of stretches may be modified by deletion/addition by mutual consent of NHAI and the Technical Institute.
NHAI shall offer internship to 30 number of undergraduate/postgraduate students (15 undergraduate 15 post graduate students) of the Institute periodically and also extend stipend.
NHAI shall pay stipend @ Rs. 6000/- (Rupees Six thousand only) per month for undergraduate students and @ Rs. 12000/- (Rupees Twelve thousand only) per month to Postgraduate students. All other arrangements including stay shall be responsibility of the Institute. However, depending upon availability, NHAI may extend transportation facility to the interns within the project jurisdiction.
5 Years
Promote Communication and information exchange between the organizations, jointly host conferences, workshops, seminars, short-term programmes, promote the co-operation between GEM-ASSOCHAM technical committees and VSSUT faculty and students, jointly publish research papers in journals, periodicals, books and other medias.