• No Year of award Funding Agency Scheme Project Title PI Dept. Total Cost
    1     DST FIST   Dr. Papia Ray    
    2 2023-24 IIT Guwahati IIT Guwahati Sensor-based Health monitoring of large dam in hydro power plant with AI integral approach Dr. Santi Behera (PI)
    Dr. Prasanta Kumar Pradhan (Co-PI)
    EEE 15,00,000.00
    3 2023-24 DST SERB SURE Design and Green Synthesis of Novel Adamantane Derived Lipophilic for Biomedical Application Dr. Ramakrishna D. S. CHEM 26,79,180.00
    4 2023-24 DST SERB DST Development of Thiourea-based organic scaffold as a flourescenet chemosensor for the  selective detection of metal ions and theirr flourscence bio-imaging applications Dr. B.R. Jali CHEM 19,87,000.00
    5 2023-24 DST DST, Odisha Design and analysis of earthquake-resistant stuctures using Visco-elastic isolation system Dr. Madhusmita Pradhan(PI)
    Dr. Prasant Ku. Pradhan(Co-PI)
    MECH 10,00,000.00
    6 2023-24 DST DST, Odisha Green Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Liquid Crystals for Display Applications: Potential Method for Industrial Practice Dr. Ramakrishna D. S. (PI)
    Dr. P. Lakshmi Praveen (Co PI)
    CHEM 10,00,000.00
    7 2023-24 DST SERB DST Effect of Bottom flexibility on wave scattering and trapping problems in a fluid of finite depth Dr. Smrutiranjan Mohapatra MATH 19,98,832.00
    8 2023-24 DRDO DRDO Design and Development of Heuristic approach based ASEA Rader task scheduler for target searching and tracking by optimally integrating rader principle of importance, urgency & timeless Dr. B. Naik MCA 9,29,415.00
    9 2023-24 DST DST An Investigation on mechanical, Thermal and wear Characterstics of a Novel  Metal Metrix Composite for Automotive Application Dr. Sarojrani Pattanaik MECH 10,00,000.00
    10 2023-24 DRDO DRDO Development of Graphene coated carbon Fiber based Microwave Absorbing materials for stealth application Dr. G. Nath PHY 39,11,700.00
    11 2022-23 DST SERB Development of a Composite index to Evaluate the impact of renewable resource time series dynamics on power system  Dr. Manish Tripathy &
    Dr. Rajat Kanti Samal 
    EE 16,17,000.00
    12 2022-23 DST OURIIP Effect of Confinement with fiber-reinforced polymer(FRP) on fibre reinforced recycled aggregate Concrete Column Subjected to Elevated temperature. Dr. Ramakrishna. Dandapath  CIVIL 6,28,000.00
    13 2022-23 DST OURIIP Flexible Energy Control Scheme for Solar PV Powered SRM drives. Dr. Nutan. Saha  EE 5,92,000.00
    14 2022-23 DST OURIIP Design Modeling and Manufacturing of light weight and strong 3D printed honeycomb composite. Dr. Swagatika. Mishra  MECH 6,16,000.00
    15 2022-23 DST OURIIP Enhancing shape memory properties of Ti-Nb binary alloy through ECAE processing for bio-medical application.  Prof. S. K. Badjena  MME 6,30,000.00
    16 2022-23 DST OURIIP Molecular modeling on metallic Nanoclusters for Advanced Technological Applications.  Dr. Soumya  S. Sarangi  PHY 6,82,000.00
    17 2022-23 DST OURIIP Damage analysis of laminated composite plate ;subjected to various impact load in a viscous medium. Dr. Pankaj  C. Jena  PE 6,78,000.00
    18 2022-23 DST Govt. of Odisha   DST Govt. of Odisha   Development of Luminescent Materials for selective and sensitive recognition of biologically anions and their biomedical applications Dr. B.R. Jali CHEM 4,98,000.00
    19 2021-22 DST DST Application of convexity in optimization problems with a new approach  Dr. Saroj Ku Pradhan  MATH 2,24,000.00
    20 2021-22 DST DST Performance Evaluation of Composites with ferroelectric Ferrite approach for multi functional Device application  Dr.Sunanda Ku patri PHY 9,45,000.00
    21 2021-22 DST DST Smart Sensors Enabled optical wireless data acquisition for smart-Grid application  Dr.Gyan Ranjan Biswal  EEE 7,64,400.00
    22 2021-22 DST DST FPGA Based power quality estimator for smart grid application  Dr.Harish Ku Sahoo  ETC 5,02,000.00
    23 2021-22 DST DST Study of parametric influences for improving the mecganical properties of graphen nanoplatelets reinforced functionally draded material for in vivo stomach biopsy application in health care Dr. Mihir Ku Sutar  MECH 3,38,000.00
    24 2021-22 DST DST Valorisation of waste plastics to aviation fuel using a novel catalyst kinetic study process optimization and product characterization  Dr. Achyut Ku Panda  CHEM 4,74,000.00
    25 2021-22 DST DST Development of microwave absorbing composites with graphane coated based fibre for X-band frequency application  Dr. Ganeswar Nath  PHY 5,42,000.00
    26 2021-22 DST OURIIP Inspection of wall using cooperative motion control of autonomous underwater vehicles under communication constraints inside the water tank/swimming pool Dr. Bikramaditya Das  ETC 4,38,000.00
    27 2021-22 DST OURIIP short-term forecast of photovoltaic power and islanding detection by intelligent techniques Dr. Sasmiita Behera   EEE 3,46,000.00
    28 2021-22 DST OURIIP Influence of inter-layer on material flow, microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welder AI-Mg joints. Dr. Prangya Paramita Mohanty   MECH 2,92,500.00
    29 2021-22 DST OURIIP Performance enhancement of a slotted fin heat sink An experimental and computational investigation  Dr. Aurovinda Mohanty MECH 4,08,000.00
    30 2021-22 DST OURIIP Enhancement in bone regeneration by hydroxyapatite-doped piezoelectric composite coating  Dr. Manila Mallik  MME 3,12,500.00
    31 2021-22 IIT Guwahati IIT Guwahati Deveploment of hardware setup and real time implementation of cooperative motion control algorithm for autonomous underwater ve Dr. B.Das  ETC 10,00,000.00
    32 2021-22 DST Govt. of India   DST Sustainable construction practics through preparation of preast concrete blocks using construction-demolition and plastic waste Dr. S.K Panigrahi CIVIL 6,99,901.00
    33 2021-22 UGC-BSR Start up grant  UGC Development of Nanoparticle/Nanotube Hybrid Nonofiller based Thermoplastic Polyurethance/Polyblend Nanocomposite for Multi functional application  Dr. A.K Barick CHEM 6,00,000.54
    34 2021-22 UGC-BSR Start up grant  UGC Dynamical invariants for PT-symmetric Quantum integrable systems  Dr. JPS Virdi  PHY 8,00,000.00
    35 2021-22 UGC-BSR Start up grant  UGC Modeling design and analysis of Semiconductor switch (Pin diode) based reconfigurable antenna  Dr.A.K Sharma   ETC 6,00,000.00
    36 2021-22 UGC-BSR Start up grant  UGC Total synthesis of biologically active carbagole alkaloidsglybonines A-C and their analouges  Dr. R.K DS CHEM 6,00,000.00
    37 2021-22 UGC-BSR Start up grant  UGC   Dr. B.R. Jali CHEM  
    38 2019-20 Planning convergence, Govt. of Odisha Planning convergence Synthesis and measurement of Hybrid acoustic shielding materials for environmental noise reduction Dr. G. Nath PHY 70,45,000.00
    39 2019-20 DST Govt. of Odisha   DST Development of cement Less Concrete Dr. B. Nanda CIVIL 5,54,000.00
    40 2019-20 DST Govt. of India   DST Development of Luminescent Materials for selective and sensitive recognition of biologically anions and their biomedical applications Dr. B.R. Jali CHEM 20,50,000.00
    41 2019-20 UGC Start up Grant Development of Novel Magnenoelectric materials through compositional engineering for memory devices Dr. M.P.K. Sahoo PHY 8,00,000.00
    42 2019-20 DST SERB Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Nonlinear vibroacoustic response of Laminated Composite and Functiona;y Graded material Shell Panel under Hygrothermal Environment Dr. T.R. Mohapatra PE 29,00,000.00
    43 2018-19 AICTE RPS-NDF Assessment of the Potential for River Bank Filtration in the State of Odisha Dr. R. R. Dash    CIVIL 9,85,000.00
    44 2015-16 DST Govt. of Odisha   DST Acoustical Investigation of some Pharmaceutical Active Proteins of Biomedical Applications. Prof. S.K. Swain CHEM 5,00,000.00
    45 2014-15 DST DST Field trials of law Cost fluoride filter: Domestic ad Community Scale Dr. C.R. Mohanty CIVIL 7,28,000.00
    46 2007-08 DST SERC FIST FIST Programme  Dr. S.K Sarangi MECH 70,00,000.00
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