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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Academic Audit


Overview of Academic Audit of VSSUT

Purpose of Audit

-To promote self reflection among all departments/sections/student activity centres of the University being audited.
-To promote self improvement measures among all departments/sections/Student activity Centres of the University being audited
-To conduct quality checks on different activities undertaken in all departments/sections/Student activity Centres of the University to meet expected outcomes.
-To promote adoption of best practices.

Scope of Academic Audit

All departments of University: The departments are expected to have developed a strong outcome based approach in teaching-learning. The audit team will assess the activities involved in developing learning outcomes, design and development activities in curriculum, teaching-learning process, student learning assessment process and student engagement programs. The audit team will also assess the quality and quantity of research outcomes during last three years. The audit team will also assess the quality of resources and general ambience from perspective of meeting the learning outcome.

Examination Section: The audit team will assess the process of conduct and document archival in the examination section.

Student Activity Centre: The audit team will assess the process of conduct, document archival and promotion of student support activities and services.

Academic Audit Team

The Academic Audit Team will have following composition:
-Two for each department/section/centre (One with credibility in teaching and research; the other one with exposure to accreditation, program administration; preferably belonging to an accredited organization)
-The members may be nominated by Competent Authority of the University
The members must be of equivalent rank of Professor

Audit Process

-Each Department/Section/Centre will prepare a Self Evaluation Document(SED) and submit it electronically to IQAC cell.
-The Audit team will visit and conduct onsite evaluation through check of documents and interaction with stakeholders.
-The audit report will be prepared citing commendation, affirmation and recommendation for each school/unit.
-The report will be shared.